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Reflections on the Triune God
Fra : Richard Franing

Dato : 07-12-02 22:09

(Dedicated to the Honor and the Glory of God)


God is the ultimate reality. He has spun the universes into existence
and has created all other beings. As humans, we too had our beginning
from God. Like Plato and Socrates, I believe that we pre-existed in a
spiritual realm prior to being born into this world. Unfortunately the
church fathers, with the exceptions of Origen and Augustine, rejected
this view as an overreaction to the heresies of gnosticism and
neoplatonism that threatened to subvert the Gospel. How do I know of
this pre-existence? I have very faint memories of a spiritual
existence before being born into this world. My children spoke of this
of this existence when they were small. I have heard of other 2-4 year
old children being able to talk of their own pre-existence in the
spiritual realm prior to their earthly birth, when carefully
questioned about it. One couple I know of had three boys who each
spoke of having been with God and the angels prior to birth without
any prompting from their parents when they were small. Evidently as
people age and develop, these memories are overlaid with countless
earthly memories and are largely forgotten.
One may ask why are we here and forced to leave that spiritual
realm. I believe that the answer lies in the fall of Lucifer from
Heaven along with a third of the angels. It is my own belief that
human spirits were originally intended to be part of Lucifer's cadre
in the spiritual realm. Once Lucifer fell, there was no further need
for our existence in the spiritual realm, since we had been created to
serve Lucifer in carrying out his heavenly responsibilities. Lucifer's
disobedience led to our own eventual banishment from Heaven, even
though we were not involved in his revolt against God. God in His
infinite mercy has brought us to this world to perfect our redemption.
He is bound by His own spiritual laws in the eternal realm, but at the
temporal level, He can rewrite our destiny through His plan for our
redemption. Had not Adam and Eve disobeyed God, this plan would have
been much simpler and salvation would have been universal for all
mankind. When that couple listened to Lucifer rather than obey God,
suddenly salvation became much more difficult. Man had chosen sides
and was no longer just an innocent bystander thus bringing
condemnation on all mankind who was to be born on earth from that time
Man himself had sinned against God and lost his opportunity for an
easier salvation. To put it in the vernacular, man really blew it. Now
man's disobedience had to dealt with in a manner satisfying God,
fulfilling the new parameters now required for our salvation and
permit our return to the spiritual realm (Heaven) after leaving this
earthly sojourn. Christ, the second person of the Godhead, came to
earth in the form of a man to die a sacrificial death for our
redemption so that by believing in Him and on His death, we can be
redeemed and made new spiritual beings fit for His kingdom. Through
Christ, the Holy Spirit creates us anew and we are reshaped into His
image, no longer designed to follow after Lucifer and his entourage.
Praise be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for their gift of
salvation through the Son's loving sacrifice of Himself on the cross,
the Father's willingness to send Him and the Spirit's perseverance in
causing us to believe.
Some have a difficult time grasping the concept of the Trinity. The
Trinity is the three distinct, separate, yet simultaneously occurring
dynamic states in which God exists and through which He expresses
Himself. It may be easier to understand the Trinity by the functions
they perform. The Father is the Creator of His creation. The Son
controls the interface relationship between the Creator and His
creation. The Holy Spirit permeates the creation carrying out the will
of the Father and the Son.
Others may ask how does God create worlds and universes, i.e. this
temporal existence. I believe the new physics gives us an insight into
God's methods. The big bang which began our universe was caused by a
large quantum fluctuation. These fluctuations are believed by some
cosmologists to be power spikes in a tremendous quantum field of
incredible intensity. Since there are undoubtedly many of these power
spikes, and at the top of each powerful enough spike is a created
universe, there are probably many overlapping sister universes to our
universe in existence at this very moment. They are separated from
each other only by the different quantum time value that each universe
possesses. Thus we can not see or sense them nor can they see or sense
us. You may ask how does God fit into the overall scheme of these
things. I truly believe that the energy that creates and drives this
quantum field issues forth from the mind of God even as He speaks the
Word. The beauty of God and His methods is that while we may seem far
removed from where God is, He is only a prayer away. He loves us and
cares for us, who believe on His dear Son, and longs that all mankind
will come to a saving faith in His beloved Son; but God wants our love
freely given and not given through coercion. He gives us His Holy
Spirit to guide us and lead us into paths of righteousness for His
namesake. All that is required of us is simple faith in our living
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I look forward to the day that I return to the spiritual realm from
which we have come and can worship, adore, praise and glorify Him
forever. Our Lord made a way back where there was no way, so that we
may dwell with Him and enjoy Him forever. Praise be to God that He has
not left us nor forsaken us, but through His death established His
plan for our salvation when we come to believe on His shed blood.
Hallelujah, God is truly great and greatly to be worshiped in spirit
and truth.

In awe of the Living God,
Richard E. Franing


I've decided to take a shot at this one, so you folks need to get
the stake ready along with the rope, wood and matches because I'm
about to reveal my pet theory concerning the first chapter of Genesis.
In second Peter 3:8, we find the following in the RSV version: "But do
not ignore this fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a
thousand years and a thousand years is as one day." This is a way of
saying that God is the creator and ruler of time as well as every
thing else in this universe and beyond. So even a million or a billion
years can be as one day or one nanosecond to Him as He chooses it to
be, since He is beyond time. With that in mind, lets move into
Genesis. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. I
think that this represents the start of our universe. The heavens
representing space and the earth representing matter. The earth being
without form and void and the Spirit of God hovered above the waters.
The matter had not coalesced together sufficiently to form large
physical bodies in space, but had coalesced enough that internal heat
within the matter was driving off water vapor that may have condensed
on the surface of that matter. Then God said let there be light. This
was beginning of nuclear fusion in our universe, along with planet
building. Where the light hit these protoplanets, there was day and on
the backside of these bodies was night just as God had commanded.
Obviously it took billions of our years for our universe to reach this
stage, but to God that is little more than a blink of the eye.
God called this time the first day. The morning and the evening
being whatever time that God wishes it to be or when He wishes it to
be. I think it highly unlikely He is saying an Earthday at this point
because our solar system had not been created yet, that did not occur
until the fourth day. On the second day God separated the waters into
the seas and the sky. Evidently certain planets in scattered solar
systems had cooled enough for their atmospheres to start clearing
instead of one big shroud of clouds enveloping these planets from
their surfaces upward. This probably took millions of years to occur.
During this day God formed the land surfaces upon these planets. Again
in God's time there could have been another blink of His spiritual
eyes. Evening could be when He closes His eyes and the morning when He
opens them again. So ended the second day. (I can see that you folks
have erected the stake and gathered the firewood. You're having a
cookout! Right?). On the third day, God brought forth vegetation.
There have probably been many planets within our universe in times
past and yet today that have some forms of life upon them. This is
God's universe, along with any others, and He can do with them
whatever He so desires. Who are we to limit Him to only caring about
what happens on our dinky little planet, as important as it is to us?
Don't get me wrong, God does care about us and this Earth, but We are
not His only responsibility. Again God blinks His eyes and another day
is over in His book, even though more millions of Earth type years may
have elapsed.
On the fourth day God created our sun, the moon and obviously the
planets in our solar system. From this point on, I think that God is
referring to our planet when He speaks of the earth, although He is
not yet talking in Earthdays when He speaks. We tend to limit God into
our way of thinking, not realizing that He is far greater than we
could ever imagine. God also created the land and plants on our Earth
in this time frame. This "day" must have been several billion Earth
years long. It is wonderful that God never gets tired doing all this
creating, because if He did He would probably get worn out just trying
to keep up with all the petitions I offer up to His throne, let alone
those that everyone else bring to Him in prayer.
On the fifth day, God created the animals. Plants were already in
existence on the Earth, being part of his previous day's work. This
time frame probably lasted hundreds of millions of Earth years. As you
can tell by now, I think that God used an evolutionary process to
bring this to past. Not a random type of evolution, but a God inspired
and God driven evolutionary process that only He is capable of doing.
Truly we have a great and awe inspiring God.
On the sixth day, we arrive at the place where the rubber meets the
road so to speak. Did God create man? You bet He did. Did God use an
evolutionary process to create man from the higher mammal animals? You
bet He did. (GASP!) You say what about Adam? I think He came along
later. This day probably lasted several million years. God looked at
all of this creation and declared it good. Who are we to argue with
God about something like that. If He says it is good, then it must be
good. Anyway God decided He needed a little vacation after all that
work of creating. I'll bet my bottom dollar that the seventh day did
not last even two Earth seconds, because God loves what He is doing so
much that He won't ever give it up and keeps on keeping on.
Getting back to Adam, I believe that Adam was the first human with a
spirit bearing soul. God created him from the dust of the Earth and
breathed life into Him because God had created him for a special
purpose. Adam was a perfect man. He could not say that bad genes had
caused him to sin. Likewise Eve whom God created from Adam was
perfect. These two were to be the first of mankind to enter into this
world with a God created spirit. All men existing before Adam had a
soul, but no spirit indwelling that soul. This leads me to think that
the fall of Lucifer from Heaven occurred sometime after the sixth day.
This I have reason to believe: that spirits of men are leftover
remnants from the old order that existed in Heaven before Lucifer
launched his revolt against God. As beings who did not take part in
that revolt, but nevertheless of suspect loyalty to God, we could not
remain in Heaven in our old form. We have to be transformed into new
creatures before we are acceptable to God again. This is the purpose
of our earthly existence. God knew that Lucifer and a third of the
angels were going to revolt against him. He also had originally
created us as subangelic beings to assist Lucifer in carrying out his
heavenly responsibilities, before Lucifer got the big head and decided
to try to take over God's position. I wonder if that happened while
God was on vacation during the seventh day. It would be just like old
Lucifer to try something like that.
Anyway, once God decided that we subangelic spiritual beings (see
Hebrews 2:7) could no longer dwell in His heavenly kingdom in our then
spiritual form and He began thinking of ways to change us. He could
not do this at the eternal level because He is constrained by His own
eternal laws at that level. He had to bring us to a temporal level to
accomplish that. Since a suitable vehicle (man) was already in place
to accomplish this objective, God decided to piggyback these spirits
into men's souls. This is why our soul also contains a God created
spirit (see Hebrews 4:12). Adam was the first of these spirit souled
men. Had he not disobeyed God, he would have been permitted to
eventually eat of the tree of life and been transformed into an
eternal creature, with rights to dwell with God forever. Adam and Eve
were a special test case. God knew that if they failed the test, then
all men from that point on would fail this test. They were cast out of
the Garden and forced to live among the other existing humans. From
that time on all human beings have had a spirit bearing soul. How long
will this go on? Probably until heaven is emptied of its condemned
subangelic spirits or until the church on Earth becomes so decadent
that so few are getting saved and transformed thru faith in the shed
blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, that there is no purpose in continuing
the process. This why spirit bearing souls should not be aborted and
the Gospel must be preached with great fervor everywhere on Earth.
This is our one and only chance to be able to dwell with God forever.
We pass this way but once and each spirit bearing soul gets only one
chance. There is no reincarnation. We must not rob ourselves or future
generations of this sole opportunity for salvation. Once Adam failed,
only the new Adam (Jesus Christ) could salvage the situation for us.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He who has Christ has eternal
life and this life is in God's only begotten Son.
I have presented this theory, not as an absolute truth, but as an
attempt to bridge the difference between fact and faith. Many people
choose to ignore the physical facts around us or to twist them to
agree with their particular interpretation of God's Word. Likewise too
many people ignore the Scriptures in a vain attempt to arrive at the
facts. God does not lie nor do the facts lie, and ultimately they are
saying the same thing. (So why are you folks grabbing me, not the
stake. Oh well, let the flames begin. (Arrrgh!!!)

Thoughtfully yours in Christ Jesus,
Dick Franing


The Lord God took man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it
and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "You may
freely eat of every tree of the garden; but of the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you
eat of it you shall die."
But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die. For God knows
that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God, knowing good and evil." .....she took of its fruit and ate; and
she also gave some to her husband, and he ate. Then the eyes of both
were opened, and they knew that they were naked. .....
Then the Lord God said, "Behold the man has become like one of us,
knowing good and evil; and now lest he put forth his hand and take
also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever"---therefore the
Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground
from which he was taken. He drove out the man: and at the east of the
garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which
turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.
(excerpts from the Book of Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3)

How often has man pondered these words throughout the ensuing
centuries and speculated as to their exact meaning. Some say that it
was an actual fruit such as an apple, some look at it as being an
abstract historical event, some think of it as a crisis of the spirit
that man experienced, while others think that these verses represent a
supernatural experience that Adam and Eve had. Some people think that
it represents some form or type of superior knowledge. Still others
think of it as a mythical story told to explain how sin began. None of
these concepts are comprehensive enough to adequately explain the true
nature of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
I fear that I now know the meaning of these verses. The tree of this
knowledge lies deep within the soul of man. It is what the Christian
teacher Watchman Nee refers to as "the latent power of the soul". So
what is this latent power that lies hidden deep within the inner
recesses of man's soul? I believe that it is a type of angelic power,
which might be better thought of as Adamic power.
Man is a sub-angelic being who is endowed with a certain degree of
latent angelic capability. Man is not an angel, but man may be
distantly related to the angels in some manner. Under certain
circumstances, the latent angelic capability of a relatively few
number of people can become momentarily activated for short periods of
time. Probably at least 99% of the human race never experiences any of
this activation and thus are totally oblivious to the existence of the
latent angelic capability within themselves.
Activation of this capability primarily occurs during spiritual
dreams while asleep. The person begins a troubled dream while in a
deep sleep, then slips into a state of spiritual dreaming through
which the person can temporarily enter into the angelic mode. While in
this temporary angelic mode, the person is able to direct the course
of future events, depending what the subject of spiritual dream is. If
the person exercises his angelic powers in concert with the direction
of the Holy Spirit of God, the results will be good and beneficial. If
the person exercises his angelic powers in a unilateral manner, then
the results will inevitably be evil. The person acting in a unilateral
way is trying to play God by usurping God's authority in total
disregard to God's will. This is the reason why Adam and Eve fell in
the garden. As a result, they were stripped of their innocence and
left naked before the Lord. It appears that the ability to be
activated runs in certain families. It may also be that this ability
may skip generations within a family, as well as individuals within an
active generation. My father's mother was an angelically active
person, but my father never experienced activation as I have.
In honesty, I must admit that I have exercised this angelic power
both ways in the past, for the good of mankind when exercised in
concert with the Holy Spirit and to the detriment of man when I
exercised it unilaterally. This was largely done in ignorance before I
realized what the exact nature of this power was and how capricious
this Adamic power can be. It has a Jekyll and Hyde quality about it
and must be exercised with extreme caution and then only under the
guidance of the Holy Spirit. Adam was warned about this danger, but he
chose to disregard God's warning. When God told Adam not to eat of
that tree, He was telling him not to exercise his angelic capability
because it would cause him fail the test and all future mankind with
him. After man's fall in the Garden, this capability became latent.
Because Adam sinned, he was not permitted to eat of the tree of life.
The way of the tree of life would have to be personified in the Way,
the Truth and the Life in order for man to have that opportunity again
to gain eternal life and that life is in God's only begotten son, our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
My experience with this phenomenon is that it begins in earnest
during the early teen years, reaches its peak about 30-35 years of age
and then slowly declines until it reaches a point of near cessation
during one's lower fifties. The time of greatest power during a
person's early thirties is also the time of greatest danger because it
when the greatest extremes of good and evil are possible. Momentary
angelity can a potent stealth weapon if used unwisely. Following one's
spiritual instincts can indeed be dangerous, thus the person must stay
close to God and be clothed in His righteousness. The old testament
and book of Acts states that the young men shall see visions and the
old men shall dream dreams. In those days, an old man could be any man
past the age of thirty because life expectancy was not very long in
those days. I have experienced these visions and dreams in the past.
The visions are basically learning experiences while the dreams are
basically doing experiences.
Adam lost any chance to gain access to the tree of life in the
garden when he disobeyed God, thereby losing the opportunity for
eternal life with God in heaven. As children of Adam, we also share
that lost opportunity, but God in his great mercy has created another
way for us to obtain eternal life with Him. God sent his Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ, to die and shed his blood to free us from the first
Adam's curse and our own sin. Through faith in the Lord Jesus we are
born anew into God's family and receive the promise of the Father that
we will stand faultless before the throne at the day of judgement. We
are no longer children of disobedience, but we are now children of God
fit for His kingdom. All that is required of us is simple faith in the
Lord Jesus and His sacrificial death on the cross, and to open our
hearts and minds to the working of the Holy Spirit of God.
Man tries his own methods of attempting to tap into this latent
angelic capability that some are vaguely aware of within themselves.
Some gnostics, certain psychics, many new agers, kundalini yogis,
certain mediums and supernaturalists of various kinds are trying in
their own way to regain the power that Adam and Eve possessed, abused
and subsequently lost during the fall. Little do they realize that
they are playing with spiritual dynamite. A few people may try to
regain this Adamic power with an intent of somehow attaining angelic
status which they think might give them access to the tree of life.
God has blocked this route with his cherubim and flaming sword. They
would be far better off to seek the Lord Jesus Christ and His
righteousness as the path to eternal life. Having experienced this
Adamic power first hand, I am well acquainted with good and evil even
as Adam was. I thank God that Christ is my refuge, that in Him I find
forgiveness through faith in His shed blood and that He sets my feet
on the path of righteousness for His name's sake. Truly He is the Way,
the Truth and the Life. Praise be to God for His everlasting grace,
love and mercy.

Under the Blood of Jesus,

Richard E. Franing

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