Denne er fra hentet fra Pannakayas forside, så den er på engelsk, men
artiklen, som bygger på en anden fra Internettet, har et interessant
perspektiv, hvis man er nærvøs for at rejse til Thailand.
Double Standard: No travel alerts after 9/11
Straits Times wrote: 'Double Standard: No travel alerts after 9/11,
but there are after Bali incident. [...] After the Bali bombing last
month, when the Bush administration was considering a travel warning
affecting not just Indonesia but much of Southeast Asia as well, at
least three American ambassadors in the region objected, arguing that
there was not much risk of terrorism in these countries.'
After the 911 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, no
European government advised its citizens not to travel to USA. And
several of the Sept 11 hijackers lived and plotted in Hamburg but
there was no travel warning against Germany.
The Thai politics says that the decisions are made in the capitals,
not in the field, often over the objections of those on the spot. And
this troubles many ambassadors, who fear that the warnings play into
the hands of the terrorists.
The Muslim al-Qaeda does have a network in Southeast Asia. A veteran
European ambassador in the Southeast Asia said, however, that there
are cells in USA, there are cells in Europe, and there are cells in
Southeast Asia. But the travel warning was only for the Southeast
Asian countries.
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Robert Nimla-or Kronberg
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