Received commandment from DADDY today Sunday:
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 10:23, DK-new winthertime)
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 11:23, DK-old summertime):
- "Det skal du (OUTPUT today 'The Bride-virgin')."
Yes, my Lord:
DADD-Break (2002-10-27, CET 17:13):
- "Den skal med (means: Put it ON. I was thinking about Matt.25):
Jesus says:
At that time the Kingdom-of-Heaven will be like this.
Once there were ten girls who took their oil lamps and
went out to meet the Bridegroom.
The Bridegroom was late in coming, so ...
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 17:17):
- "Nu skal det komme (E-mail input ON)."
- Yes, my Lord:
Input E-mail sendt ...
(original: eml-file)
From: The servant of Michael
date: 7. October 2001, CET 14:43
Subject: DADDY-break
From Mogens Kall Sunday, 7. October 2001
UDN, Denmark CET 14:55
Counter Date Colour code
(1)T+1706, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran
(2) 1682, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran
(3) 1611, 10. May 1997, Iran
(4) 1303, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran
(5) 1276, 10. Apr . 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY ©
(6) 891, 30. Apr. 1999, Serbia
For Muslims green (5) is the colour-symbol of HOPE
Dear Mr. David Brickner,
Received commandment from DADDY yesterday (2001-10-06 CET 10:15):
- "Det skal du (Contact David Brickner) - Jeg pålægger dig det."
- "Det skal Jeg nok vise dig (spurgte: Hvad skal jeg sige til ham?)."
Input memories:
Isaiah ....... 42,11-16
Isaiah ....... 45,14-15
Isaiah ....... 21,10-14
Habakkuk ..... 03,02-08
Isaiah ....... 60,06-08
Isaiah ....... 60,09-10
Isaiah ....... 59,19-20
Isaiah ....... 19
Jeremiah ..... 48,47
Jeremiah ..... 49,06
Jeremiah ..... 49,39
Psalms ....... 72,09-10
Psalms ....... 72,15
Solomon's Song 03,06 (Water came 2001-10-07 CET 13:32 at this position)
---(Break 2002-10-27, Sunday, CET 15:46 - Winthertime)---
1332 copyright number 7: JESUS LIVES
---(END of Break 2002-10-27)-------------------------------
When the towers fall (WTC - ?):
Input Isaiah 30,25 DK-version
---(Break 2002-10-27, Sunday, CET 15:48 - Winthertime)---
Picture send (from the Danish Bible version 16.dec.1931)
Start: side708. Text-string: "renset med kasteskovl og fork."
25. Es. 41,18. Åb.19,17f
26. Own-Extra "Åb 16,8" (means: Rev. 16,8)
27. Hebr. 12,29. Own-Extra "Guds Ord 4,12" (means:
The-Word-of-God, He. 4,12)
---(END of Break 2002-10-27)-------------------------------
The DK-version have a cross-reference to Rev 19,17: The Second Coming of
Jesus Christ.
Input local Danish devotion-text (Bibelnøglen, Oktober kvartal, 4, 2001 -
Date Text
2001-10-15 Monday ..... Solomon's Song 1,01-02,07
2001-10-16 Tuesday .... Solomon's Song 2,08-03,05
2001-10-17 Wednesday ..Solomon's Song 3,06-05,01 . The opening of the secret
2001-10-18 Thursday ... Solomon's Song 5,02-06,02
2001-10-19 Friday ..... Solomon's Song 6,03-08,04
2001-10-20 Saturday ... Solomon's Song 8,05-08,14
2001-10-21 Sunday ..... Preachtxt:Mark 2,01-02,12 +
Isaiah ...... 44,22-44,28 .
God recover the lost
Sir! - I think, we got DADDY on-line!
- "Ja, Jeg er lige her, Mit barn."
Var det dét, ...
- "Præcist."
.... jeg skulle skrive.
- "Forbered dem."
Tak, Herre. El Shaddai - ELSKER Dig!
God's Peace!
--- END of E-mail 2002-10-07, CET14:43----------------
I was dreaming this morning 2002-10-27, around 8 (Dk-old summertime)
I was dreaming this morning 2002-10-27, around 7 (Dk-new winthertime):
In the dream I saw a big harvest-machine. It was working! It was a big
I woke up and understood, that it was DADDY-talk'ing.
Gør høsttmaskinerne klar!
(Prepare the harvest-machines)
Then - later - around 11 (2002-10-27, Winthertime) I received an
cross-reference (local-family-devotiontext):
---Input the devotion-text-----------------------
Løsensbogen 2001, 27.oktober lørdag side 157:
Ezekiels Bog 8,14-18
Salmernes Bog 66,8-9
(The Book of David, Psalms)
.... (cut 2002-10-27
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 16:26):
- "Den skal med!"
Yes, my Lord:
Pris vor Gud, I folkeslag, lad lovsangen til Ham lyde!
Han holder os i live og lader ikke vore fødder vakle.
16:28 - "Translate it!"
Yes, my Lord:
Praise our God, all nations; let your praise be heard.
He has kept us alive and has not allowed us to fall.
Johannes skriver (Åb 14,6+7a):
(It's still from the Løsensbogen 2001-10-27):
Jeg så en engel flyve midt oppe under himlen;
den havde et evigt evangelium at forkynde for dem,
der bor på jorden, og for alle folkeslag og stammer;
tungemål og folk, og englen sagde med høj røst:
Frygt Gud og giv Ham ære.
16:33 - "det skal du (means: translate it)."
Sankt John writes (Rev 14,6+7a):
Then I saw another angel flying high in the air,
with an eternal message of Good News to announce
to the peoples of the earth, to every race, tribe,
language, and nation. He said in a loud voice,
"Honor God and praise His greatness!..."
--- END of Løsensbogen ----------------------------
When I heard these words, I understood, that my
dream this moring, was from God, our Father in Heaven.
Own Break 2002-10-27, CET 16:42:
I heard your voice, Bonnke: welcome on board, Sir!
Input memory:
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 12:57:37):
- "Passer (means: pass by. I was asking DADDY for Green-light i.r.t.
Then I went home, but on my way home, I got a
"Interrupt" from some people. It was just a mobil-telephone.
It was playing: "TITANIC"
The time was around CET 13:10-12...
Phone-interrupt 17:13 ... TITANIC-NMI-control: WAIT!
I remembered immediately the-last-day of the Luis-Palau-campaign (1987):
Luis Palau was speaking (it-was-cold-war-time) about TITANIC.
He said: "TITANIC ... it's sinking."
So...therefore, when I heard the mobil-telephone, I understood,
that DADDY was talk'ing through this.
I ask the people, 2 men and 1 woman, about the music, and they told me,
that it was the TITANIC-music, but the continuation was a new one!
Then I understood, that we (the mankind) are going to sink (global nuclear
unless DADDY makes this Interrupt (the duty of the Harvest-machines).
I said to our Heavenly Father:
Kom min Elskede! Lad os gå på plyndringstogt og røve det tilbage, som Iblîs
Later - still on my way home - the 2 men and the woman came close to me,
and therefore I looked at their clothes:
The woman had red (2) trousers and a black (0) coat. Number 20 (T), DAD?
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 17:01:31):
- "Nemlig!"
The 2 men was in brown-blue (16) and in brown-grey (18).
JUMP 10 (18+10=28)
The woman stood-off at the hospital at CET 13:27
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 17:23:39):
- "Login."
The 2 men stood-off at "The Castle of Peace" at CET 13:38
At CET 13:40:
DADDY-Break (2002-10-27, CET 13:40):
- "Login numbers."
END of "The Bride-virgin - Brudejomfruen"
Father! Thank You for Your MERCYFUL salvation! May Your Kingdom come!
May Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Love You, DAD!
Guds fred
The Peace-of-God to you.
With love from
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael
Bible Free Downloads:
dk.livssyn.kristendom\Ordet (2002-09-30, CET 15:29)
Deadline (News-input-from-dk.livssyn.kristendom):
2002-10-23, CET 16:06 - Wednesday
Filters (Blokerede Interrupts / Boycott's):
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup,
The Bride-virgin - Brudejomfruen
This file has been send to
Time for OUTPUT:
2002-10-27, CET 17:35