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To al-Qaeda
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 25-10-02 02:16

DADDY-Break (2002-10-25, CET 01:20:38):

- "Det skal du (OUTPUT to al-Qaeda).

You phoned me:

2002-10-11, CET 19:31 (my telephone-clock)
the day before the Bali-terror.

2002-10-20, CET 14:08 (my telephone-clock)
the day before the israel-terror.

2002-10-22, CET 15:32 (my telephone-clock)
the day before the Moskva-hostage-taking.

1:34:00 (my telephone-clock)
1:34:52 (my clock, real time: Delay around -66 second)

I understood 19:31 immediately
I understand 14:08 now, today (Copyright 7 ...

DADDY-Break (2002-10-25, CET 01:49):

- "Den skal med (you phonenumber)."

Yes, my Lord:

You phone-number is:
22 73 06 83

I understand 14:08 (Copyright 7 letter to Iran: "DADDY-break (2002-04-10.
CET 14:08)
I DON'T understand 15:32

First, I thought, the attack was at position 55,938 East (Oman to Russia
[Sterlitamak, Ufa, Perm'])
....so why Moskva (21 local time)?

Searchstring 15:32:
Found none.

Then - I thought - are you try'ing to call Heaven (2304)?


15:32-2:04= 13:28

Searchstring 13:28
Found none

15:32+2:04= 17:36

Searchstring 17:36
- Jesus loves Muslims (10. oktober 2002 18:28) \
- - The MERCY of the Lord (15. oktober 2002 21:40)

>DADDY-Break (2002-10-15, CET 17:36):
>- "Den skal med (John 3,16)."

I think, this is the correct understanding, because every 114 (-1, ?) Sûra
starts with:

"I Allahs den Nådiges den Barmhjertiges navn"
(..."I the name of the MERCY óne"...)

and there is a little mercy irt. Moskva. They are not dead, yet.

You want JUSTICE, of course!


First of all I must tell you, that I'm NOT God (JHVJ, 2304)!
I am just a servant, a human being.
So, therefore, if you are try'ing call DADDY (2304),
then you got the wrong number.
Jesus says (John 4,23-24...

DADDY-Break (2002-10-25, CET 02:28:xx):

- "Login - YOU CAN BE 100 % SURE ABOUT THAT."

Jesus says (John 4,23-24):

.... God is...

DADDY-Break (2002-10-25, CET 02:30:33):

- "Det hele skal med!"

Yes, my Lord:

"But the time is coming and is already here,
when by the power of God's Spirit
people will worship the Father
as He really is,
offering Him true worship
that He wants.

God is Spirit, and only by the power of His Spirit
can people worship Him
as He really is."

Jesus also says (Matt 6,33):

Instead, be concerned above everything else
with the Kingdom of God
and with what He requires of you,
and He will provide you
with all these other things.

You want JUSTICE. Me too!
but first you must seek the Kingdom-of-God.

You think, you already have found God. I'm NOT sure about that!

Jesus says (Matt 7,15-20):

Be on your guard against false prophets;
they come to you looking like sheep on the outside,
but on the inside they are really like wild wolves.
You will know them by what they do.
Thorn bushes do not bear grapes,
and briers do not bear figs.
A healthy tree bears good fruit,
but a poor tree bears bad fruit.
A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit,
and a poor tree cannot bear good fruit.
And any tree that does not bear good fruit
is cut down and thrown in the fire.
So then, you will know the false prophets
by what they do.

What is your fruit? I tell you: Killing innocent people (WTC, Bali and so
Is that a good fruit? - No, It's evil (a "god" without MERCY)!
You have absolutely NOT found God, yet!

As I told you earlier (Letter to Iran, 2001-09-14, CET 12:08):

(The-evil-one takes life; but we are try'ing - if possible - to save life,
because ...
8 Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.

You can find the words in the Bible, 1.John 4,8


Can you do me a service (1.John 4,8)?

I received a commandment from DADDY today:

DADDY-Break (2002-10-24, CET 20:21:36):

- "Det skal du (udsende Earthquake-ALARM til Iran:
Please stay OUT of houses 2002-11-09)."

Many innocent people can die! Please, help them!

I'm tired, Jesus - is this goog enought?

DADDY-Break (2002-10-25, CET 03:09:3x):

- "Ja."

Thank You, Jesus - El-Shaddai, ELSKER Dig.
Love You, DAD!

Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Bible Free Downloads:
From http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/
From http://www.wbtc.com/default.htm


dk.livssyn.kristendom\Ordet (2002-09-30, CET 15:29)


Deadline (News-input-from-dk.livssyn.kristendom):
2002-10-23, CET 16:06 - Wednesday

Filters (Blokerede Interrupts / Boycott's):
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup, pinnerup@privat.dk

To al-Qaeda

This file has been send to

Time for OUTPUT:
2002-10-25, CET 03:15

Kall, Mogens (30-10-2002)
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 30-10-02 16:13

I got it wrong!

You didn't call me by phone 22 73 06 83. It was an old-well-known (I just
forgot his number).

So therefore we do not have any Bali-Israel-Moskva-terror connection in
regard to 22730683.

But why did the man called me 3. times precisely óne day before a
He does not usually calls me (more tham 1 year ago since last phone-call).

Ateists will - to this - says, that it was a chance (coincidence,
fortuitousness). But you and I know better:

Input an example from the Word-of-God (2.King 6,11-12)

The Syrian king became greatly upset over this;
he called in his officers and asked them,
"Which one of you is one the side of the king of Israel?"
One of them answered,
"No one is, Your Majesty. The prophet Elisha tells the king of Israel
what you say even in the privacy of your own room."

How to understand this:
DADDY knows everything.
He knows, what the Syrian king was doing, and He knows, what ...

DADDY-Break (2002-10-30, CET 15:06:57):

- "Exactly!"

- Thank You, DAD

He knows, what the Syrian king was doing, and He knows, what you are doing!

He (DADDY) used the prophet Elisha as a servant to bring informations.
He (DADDY) used the man (with the phonenumber 22730683) as a servant to
bring informations (to us)!

This sunday, 2002-10-27, the man (22730683) phoned me again at CET 12:41
I was not at home. I first received the message at around CET 14

I understood - at that time - that the message was given between
the-devotion-text and TITANIC (input file:The Bride-virgin - Brudejomfruen,
Sendt to dk.livssyn.kristendom, 2002-10-27 Sunday, CET 17:35).

If this is true...

(2002-10-30, CET 15:28 CD-Player broke down)

If this is true, your plan was to do a terror-action on Monday, 2002-10-28.

I phoned the police on Monday around CET 08:15.

But "something" went wrong. You chanced your mind ...

DADDY-Break (2002-10-30, CET 15:31:38):

- "Exactly."

....You chanced your mind, because you understood the risk (TITANIC-syntax).

If this is the true; it tells us, that you still have a little bit of
"free-will" (Matt 12,43-45).

Untill now you have NOT been able to see the difference between
mankind-works and Gods-works.

You terror-action at World-Trade-Center shows us that. Let me show you:

You decided 9.11, because of the US-ALARM number 911.
But you also decided that day, because you thought, that we would
"understand" the message as a "sign from God". Input the devotion-text from
Bibelnøglen 2001-09-11 (we always use this one):

Bibelnøglen (www.blr.dk)

2001-09-11 (Tuesday)

Headline: The First wave-of-plague - Den første plagebølge.

Text: Exodus (2.Mos) 7,14-8,15 (Dk-version)

Keyword: This is the finger-of-God! (8,15) - Det er Guds finger!


You are indeed very religious and use it, as a weapon, and thinks,
that we also are. But NO
We are not religious. You see: We have already MET God (Good Friday, 5)!
And found peace-in-Him! We know Him and His will. And we know, that He loves
us, every one of us.

Today you know better! You are in able to understand le-difference (you are
also a witness on this program: That is reality?).

You understand the DADDY-contact 2002-10-27 (input memory: To the Vatican,
send to dk.kristendom, 2002-10-28, CET 12:18)

Today it's time to go home to DADDY, our LIVING God.


DADDY-Break (2002-10-30, CET 16:07:0x ):

- "I will."

- Thank Yopu, DAD!

I was asking (praying) Jesus, to send a man, a servant-of-God, to you. Then
the Voice 16:07 came.

Hope this letter can help you a little on your way back-to-DADDY.

Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Bible Free Downloads:
From http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/
From http://www.wbtc.com/default.htm


dk.livssyn.kristendom\Ordet (2002-09-30, CET 15:29)


Deadline (News-input-from-dk.livssyn.kristendom):
2002-10-23, CET 16:06 - Wednesday

Filters (Blokerede Interrupts / Boycott's):
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup, pinnerup@privat.dk

Sv: To al-Qaeda

This file has been send to

Time for OUTPUT:
2002-10-30, CET 16:13

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