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Updateing 3
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 23-10-02 23:31

Updateing number 3:

Input News from BBC-WORLD TEXT-TV:
109 BBC WORLD 109 23 oct (2002) 1506.59

Manchester rocked by another Earthquake

Another earthquake has hit Manchester,
taking the number of tremors in the
area this week to 19, geologists said.

An earthquake measuring 2,8 on the
Richter scale was recorded just before
3am, the British Geological Survey said

The biggest quake, measuring 3.9, was
felt in Greater Manchester early on
Monday afternoom

"It's all very interesting and could
carry on for some time yet," a
spokesman said
--- END of News -----------------------

.... OUTPUT Updateing no 3 (3am), DADDY ???

Received commandment from DADDY today (2002-10-23, CET 15:30):

- "Dwet skal du (OUTPUT "Updateing 3")."

Tak Jesus! El-Shaddai - ELSKER Dig:


Found error at position 40 days after:

Missing Bible-text in Bibelnøglen. Should have been "Dom 13"
(english: Judges 13)

Is this a mark-pointer, DADDY ?

Found "Login" af 13:

Input file "7-Copyright, JESUS LIVES 2001-12-02"
(new version of 2002-04-10 Sign number seven. Lazarus.sdw
Letter to Iran).


DADDY-break (2002-04-10, CET 16:26):
- "Login!"

....(2002-10-23 cut)...
--- END of 2002-04-10 letter to Iran ---------------------------

Is this a "TIME-gate", DADDY ?

Memory-input from (4-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1998-03-14):
CET 10:16:-- - "Gør det."

- Der går rygter om, at en mand er opvakt fra de

10.16 - 16.26 -> 16-16=0, 10-26=16 (last responce)... ???

I can't find out, DADDY - But I understand Your "Footnote":

3.9 = Day number 39 (count from 1), rest 2 (2: Jerusalem, 2304)
2.8 = The Copyright of Jerusalem (Citatet fra 1.King 3,16-28 er forkert!
Vers 28 mangler)
3 = OUTPUT Updateing number 3



Dom 13 - 13 = Dom (judgement)


Found 5 ...... at position 40, GOOD FRIDAY
Found 3.9 .... at position 40, Footnote ?
Found 22 ..... at position 40, SZ-virus
Found 4,12 ... at position 39, He. 4,12

DADDY-Break (2002-10-23, CET 20:45):

- "Det skal du (OUTPUT nedenfor-stående from letter to Iran
Friday, 14. September 2001, CET 12:08)."

- Yes, my LORD:

Input letter to Iran: 2001-09-14 WTC-day-02.sdw:
....(2002-10-23 - cut) ...
Med hensyn til the OUTPUT-date kan vi derfor ikke udelukke,
at noget lignende vil indtræffe. Derfor anbefales det, at
man ikke opholder sig i nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom
benzin-stationer, ammunition, Atom-kraftanlæg osv.
....(2002-10-23 - cut) ...
--- END of letter to Iran: 2001-09-14 WTC-day-02.sdw--------

Russia! You are in a big danger (Responce 3 at position 16)

END of Hack'er-impart!

With love from
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael

Bible Free Downloads:
From http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/
From http://www.wbtc.com/default.htm


dk.livssyn.kristendom\Ordet (2002-09-30, CET 15:29)


Deadline (News-input-from-dk.livssyn.kristendom):
2002-10-23, CET 16:06 - Wednesday

Filters (Blokerede Interrupts / Boycott's):
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup, pinnerup@privat.dk

Updateing 3

This file has been send to

Time for OUTPUT:
2002-10-24, CET 00:31

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