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Fwd: Bush nominee for Antitrust Soft on Mi~
Fra : Per Erik Ronne

Dato : 17-02-01 05:12

Mon ikke det kunne være af interesse for dk.edb.mac, at Bush-administrationen
synes at /elske/ Microsofts monopol?

------- Begin Forwarded Message -------

Subject: Bush nominee for Antitrust Soft on Microsoft
From: "Dr. Eric D. Roush" <eroush@vet.upenn.edu>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 19:25:30 GMT

I wish to direct your attention to the following URL:

In this article, George Bush's nominee to lead the
Antitrust Division of the Justice Department, Charles James,
is quoted as saying:

"The one thing that is very clear is that consumers have benefited by
there being a common platform," James said in an interview with CNBC
last April. "If Microsoft were to be broken up, you would see divergence
of the common platform and it's unclear that you would have as vigorous
a competitive market."

This statement makes a mockery of a primary principle of
the free market system; that competition in the marketplace
is a positive good. The US computer hardware and software
market would be more vigorous and competitive, not less
vigorous, if divergence of the common platform occurred.

It is well-known that Macintosh users have the ability to win
any internet poll due to our ability to mobilize voters.

What may be less well known in our community is that
politicans can be swayed by the same sort of efforts.

Now is the time for the ultimate e-mail campaign.
Let the President and your Senators know that
YOU will not stand for an anti-competitive
Microsoft sympathizer heading the antitrust
division of the Justice Department.

The relavent e-mail addresses are:

In addition, the e-mail addresses for your
Senators can be found at

(For North Carolina, they are

http://www.senate.gov/~edwards/contact.html and

jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov )

The very minimum that we should ask for is that the
nominee vow to vigorously enforce antitrust law
against Microsoft. Remember that there is a 50-50
split in the Senate as well as significant anti-Microsoft
sentiment amont Republican Senators such as Orrin Hatch
of Utah (senator_hatch@hatch.senate.gov).

We can *win* this battle!

Eric Roush ericroush@mac.com

"Everybody's got a water buffalo
Yours is fast, but mine is slow
Where do you get them?
I don't know,
but everybody's got a water buffalo"

-------- End Forwarded Message --------

Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.
Homepage http://www.diku.dk/students/xerxes

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