In article <fzGW8.157$>, Nikolaj Borg
<> wrote...
> > Brug http// i stedet. Meget bedre database
> Free? Sådan noget kommunistisk-stalinistisk piratpjat. Det er meget mere
> usikkert end ægte kapitalistiske lukkede systemer, og de har garanteret
> stjålet det hele.
Hæ. Det er nok det sidste de har. Man kan netop argumentere for at "stjal" deres database fra brugerne, som frivilligt havde
hjulpet til at opbygge den i troen om at den ville forblive fri, for så
at sælge den til Escient. Dernæst satte visse licenskrav til den
software, der bruger den.
"As Escient has changed the terms of licence for accessing CDDB, some
programmers complained that the new licence includes certain terms that
threatens them in a way they cannot accept: If you want to access CDDB,
you are not allowed to access any other CDDB-like database (this one, for
example) and - while accessing the database - the programmer has to
ensure, that a CDDB-logo is displayed (Funny sidenote: One programmer
told me, that his cd-player will be banned if he is refusing to display
the CDDB-logo. His software is a console-based program (it does not
produce any graphical output) for blind people...).
Update (March 2001): Gracenote (which is the new name of CDDB) has now
banned all unlicensed applications from accessing their database. New
licenses for CDDB1 are not available anymore, as they obviously want to
force programmers to switch to CDDB2.
Always being able to choose is one of the advantages of the internet. If
Escient forbids the use of other sources now, you can easily think of
things coming next...
Furthermore, many people submitted the information without charging
anybody and they thought their help would remain free, because the
initital license was GPL (see: for more information on GPL).
[Citat slut] er bare bedre :)
M.v.h. / Kind regards, Peter.
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