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Fra : Scott Pass

Dato : 21-06-02 08:50

This might seem a little weird, but I have a question for you
about web pages. I thought considering you are designers you might be able
to help me out. I am new to the web and I want to start making my own web
page. I see all these designed pages that look amazing with cool wavy lines
and pictures blending into them nicely. I just wnat to know how do you do
that? Do you use photoshop draw the whole page and then bring it into image
ready and slice it up???

any help would be greatly appreciated thank you

itgrafen (21-06-2002)
Fra : itgrafen

Dato : 21-06-02 15:58

"Scott Pass" skrev d. 21-06-02 08:50 dette indlæg :
> This might seem a little weird, but I have a question for you
> about web pages. I thought considering you are designers you might be
> to help me out. I am new to the web and I want to start making my own
> page. I see all these designed pages that look amazing with cool wavy
> and pictures blending into them nicely. I just wnat to know how do you
> that? Do you use photoshop draw the whole page and then bring it into
> ready and slice it up???
> any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
Hi Scott

you'r in the right newsgroup
it can be done in many ways, one way of doing it is using Flash
different drawingfunctions and tweening
You will get a better answer if you take a look at macromedia.com - and
the flash pages
specialy if you find the section called: flash getting started.
- there is a lot of help there
while your at the macromedia.com
take a look at dreamweaver, and you will find that it can also do
the line thing using dhtml, but that is another newsgroup.

hope this will help you a litle bit along the way

kind regards/venlig hilsen

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