 | eDonkey2000 Fra : [5000] Per Madsen |
Dato : 17-05-02 21:52 |
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hansler • (28-06-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : hansler • |
Dato : 28-06-02 14:24 |
Agreeing with me, that cannabis should be legalized, "[5000] Per Madsen"
<permandREMOVETHIS@cool.dk> wrote on 170502 22:52 :
> Er der nogen der kan få det til at køre under MacOS X,- hvordan gør
> jeg???
you have to run it from within the terminal, so u best put it directly into
your home-folder (so u don't have to navigate to far...), and then, in the
terminal, u navigate into the right folder (for example 'cd
somewhere/anydirectory') and then just type edonkey2000 or whatever the
actual file is called - voilá!
Dope·ler ef·fect, or
Dope·ler shift n
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
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Artemis McAldon (29-06-2002)
 | Kommentar Fra : Artemis McAldon |
Dato : 29-06-02 08:13 |
Jeg kan godt få det til at køre; men "den" vil ikke forbinde til nogen
In article <B942301F.695C%hansler@mac.com>, hansler • <hansler@mac.com>
> Agreeing with me, that cannabis should be legalized, "[5000] Per Madsen"
> <permandREMOVETHIS@cool.dk> wrote on 170502 22:52 :
> > Er der nogen der kan få det til at køre under MacOS X,- hvordan gør
> > jeg???
> you have to run it from within the terminal, so u best put it directly into
> your home-folder (so u don't have to navigate to far...), and then, in the
> terminal, u navigate into the right folder (for example 'cd
> somewhere/anydirectory') and then just type edonkey2000 or whatever the
> actual file is called - voilá!
> hansler
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