Til rette vedkommende.
"Culpa Mea" <ishallreign@adoption.com
- overtræder fundsatsen i nyhedsgruppen dk.snak.seksualitet,
bevidst og gentagende gange. Han vælger at overhøre enhver
henstilling om at bruge nyhedsgruppen på en bedre måde,
og er direkte grov i tonen overfor andre skribenter.
Det er meget frustrerende som daglig bruger af nyhedsgrupper,
at være vidne til denne opførsel, som er ødelæggende for
gruppernes ellers høje standard og brugervenlighed.
Jeg vil meget henstille til, at vedkommende får en advarsel,
samt en vejledning i brugen af usenet - da I som organisation
ikke kan være tjent med at jeres brugere tegner en så
lident flatterende profil af jer i nyhedsgrupperne.
Nederst i denne mail er referencer til kritisable indlæg.
Eftersom jeg ikke har prøvet at klage over nogen før,
sætter jeg også samtlig oplysninger fra et indlæg ind
nederst, og håber I derved har oplysninger nok.
De venligste hilsner
Søs Pedersen
To whom it may concern.
The person:
"Culpa Mea" <ishallreign@adoption.com
- is repeatedly and wittingly violating the "rules" regarding
the newsgroup dk.snak.seksualitet. He chooses not to respect
any appeals as to a more constructive use of the newsgroup
and are furthermore very abusive towards other newsgroup
It is very frustrating, as a daily user of the usenet, to be
wittnes to this kind of behaviour that has such a destructive
outcome as to the otherwise high standard and user
friendliness in the various newsgroups.
I will like to strongly recommend that the person in mention
receive a warning as well as guidance on the use of the
usenet - more so since your organisation can not be served
with customers leaving other potential customers with such
a low esteemed view of your organisation in the newsgroups.
At the end of this mail there is references to contributions
which is open to criticism.
Since I have never complaint about anyone before I will
place all information from one contribution at the end of
this mail as well and trust that you with that have received
what is needed.
Best regards
Søs Pedersen
From: "Culpa Mea" <ishallreign@adoption.com>
Newsgroups: dk.snak.seksualitet
Subject: Re: 123 ignore
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 14:59:42 +0000 (UTC)
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