"Peter" <t_h_o_r42{remove_this}@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > Jeg er overbevidst om at dekodningen foregår i GPUen og ikke via en
> ekstern
> > tv-chip. Det gælder dog kun for GF4 MX serien, alle andre har en ekstern
> > tv-chip.
> Okay har du et link, der har mere information om det?
Tjaa, nu havde jeg jo håbet på at jeg slap for at lede, men det har jeg vel.
'All three cards are equipped with a TV-out >>(which is realized via the
GPU)<<, but only the SUMA's card has an S-Video-to-RCA adapter. By the way,
let's take a look at the sets of accessories'
http://www.digit-life.com/articles/gf4mx/index4.html (findes ca midt på
Desuden er mere på
www.nvidia.com under GF4 MX kortene, nvidia kalder det
for VPU (Video Processing Unit)
> Noget kunne jo tyde på at Nvidia er ved at tage tv-out lidt mere seriøst,
> hvilket jo er en god ting.
> Spørgsmålet er så om den interne tv-encoding er noget værd ifht andre
> tv-chips. Synes ikke det er til at finde nogen sider der specifikt har
> testet det.
Se om du kan gætte mit favorit tech site men du læser disse 2d og video
kommentarer vedrørende GF4 MX440 kort.
Det bliver som regl blot nævnt som en sidebemærkning, som f.eks her
'What the NV17 lacks in DirectX 8 frame rates it makes up in great video
signal quality, smooth DVD playback'
og mere her
'Video signal quality
Frame rates are great, but for those of us that use their computers for more
than just gaming, video signal quality is as much, if not more important.
We've all come to expect great 3D image quality from NVIDIA, and the
e-GeForce4 MX 440 doesn't disappoint. However, it's in 2D that the
e-GeForce4 MX 440 really surprises.
The e-GeForce4 MX 440 sports a 350MHz RAMDAC, and to my eye, its video
output is almost indistinguishable from Matrox's latest offerings-it's just
that good. I spend far too many hours a day in front of a G550, so I know
what great signal quality looks like. Subjectively, the only place the
e-GeForce4 MX 440 lags behind the Matrox is in text sharpness, and that's
being really picky.'
'Video signal quality
Using a Matrox card has made me a bit of a video signal quality snob when it
comes to graphics cards. I spend hours a day staring at text and graphics on
a screen, and I want that experience to be as easy on my eyes as possible.
ATI's graphics offerings have always had great video quality, but then ATI
has always made the cards themselves. In letting third party manufacturers
produce cards, there's a danger that manufacturers will use sub-par parts
that could sacrifice signal quality. Fortunately, the 3D Prophet FDX
8500LE's video signal quality is among the best I've seen. To my eye, the 3D
Prophet FDX 8500LE's picture quality is almost as good as the latest
GeForce4 MX 440 offering from eVGA.com, and that's saying a lot since I'd
rank the GeForce4 MX 440 right behind Matrox in terms of subjective visual
goodness. Unfortunately, no one has been able to match Matrox's text
quality, especially after extended viewing periods.'
> Af egen erfaring kan jeg ihvertfald sige at asus geforce4 mx440 tvudgangen
> er mindst lige så god som mit tidligere asus tnt2 kort, hvor der også var
> tv-udgang, men her var det en chrontel 7005 chip der styrede
> :)
> mvh Peter