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Fra : Søren Lindholt

Dato : 20-04-02 10:38

Hvis nogen skal igang med at renovere forgaffel er her en slags vejledning
jeg fandt på rec.motorcycles.dirt
Den er på engelsk, og måske skal jeg oversætte et enkelt ord. Skunk=
Stinkdyr. God fornøjelse.
mvh Søren

This is WAY better than a ride report...

Well, I needed to replace the blown seals in my RM 250 forks. I have done
this a couple of times already, so I thought, I'll get home around 6 pm,
should be finished by no later than 9 pm including cleanup. That's when it
began to go downhill. (the thinking part)

By the way, all you Suzuki guys out there, use Honda parts when you can.
They are cheaper for basically the same part. My local shop has a cross
reference guide for just that purpose. They sell both Hondas and Suzukis
and dont mind helping me save a few bucks. (The Honda seals are actually

Anyway, I dont get home until 7 pm. I then realize that the kids need to
eat. Well, might as well do that first. 8:15 pm. Get the tools out.
Can't find the fork/rod holding tool thingy to unscrew the bottom valve.
Several calls later, loaned to riding buddy who cant bring it over
tonight... Two trips to parts store and Lowes, made my own. 9:30 pm I
finally get the fork tubes off. Broke both plastic pieces that protect the
forks. One of the bolt heads broke off trying to loosen the front wheel. I
still have three more holding it on, so... forgot to take off the number
plate and the brake line took it off for me, another broken piece of
plastic. While still fuming about that, bike falls over and breaks the
kill switch and knocks over "all" of the tools.

Did I quit at this point? No. Hell, no. Not now. Let me regress slightly.
I thought, beautiful afternoon, I'll just do this on the back porch.
STUPID! It's now dark, two flood lights bring out about 1 million mosquitos
and the local skunk. (another long story) Got the first fork tube apart
and forgot to catch the piston when I turn it upside down when I'm draining
it into the pan. I later spent almost an hour looking for it. Things go
smoothly until I begin to assemble it and cant find it. After locating it,
assemble, pour in fluid. Spill it. Damn. Break time.

11:30 p.m. Two beers. Sandwich. Another beer. Wake girlfriend from the
couch, tell her to go to bed, I'm gonna be a while. She wants to know why I
need to drink a beer or twelve before I finish. "I might be able to handle
the stress if I have a beer."

Remove first fork (I had put it back on the bike to fill it), drain
remaining fluid, reinstall fork, fill it up again. Whew! finished first
fork tube rebuild at 12:05 a.m. Finished the next one flawlessly before
1:00 a.m. Putting it back on and need another beer. Come back outside and
the skunk thinks he's in love with my toolbox. Spend 15 minutes trying to
shoo it away. DO NOT SPRAY A SKUNK WITH A WATER HOSE. Lose my cool and let
the dog out. Skunk gone, dog sleeps outside for next week. Finish topping
of the fluid with my daughter's swimming nose plug on. Thought, what the
hell I'm here, let's grease the steering bearings. What?! Am I crazy? It's
2 a.m.! Put the bars back on and quit. Strip out a bolt on the clamp.
Swap the clamp from the old CR. (make note not to forget to put new clevis
pins in the bolts, probably will forget) Put up the bikes, tools, trash,
hose of the dog again, and turn out the lights.

Shower and crawl into bed at 3:15 a.m. New record? Anyone need a pit man?
Well, the bike's back together and still needs rear brake pads. Maybe
Saturday morning when I have twelve hours. Not gonna consider a top end
anytime this year.


Claus Rittig (20-04-2002)
Fra : Claus Rittig

Dato : 20-04-02 11:40

"Søren Lindholt" <lindholt@person.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> This is WAY better than a ride report...

Yep, god underholdning!

> By the way, all you Suzuki guys out there, use Honda parts when you can.
> They are cheaper for basically the same part. My local shop has a cross
> reference guide for just that purpose. They sell both Hondas and Suzukis
> and dont mind helping me save a few bucks. (The Honda seals are actually
> better)

Det er efterhånden et gammelt råd. Dur også til Husky og visse andre mærker.
Min lokale Cross-shop bruger pr. default altid Honda dele når de passer,
uanset cykel.


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