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VPC opgradering til 5.02
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 14-03-02 07:47

Ja, der er netop kommet en VirtualPC 5.02 til downloading, som især får
VPC til at køre hurtigere under X:

Connectix Virtual PC For Mac Version 5.0.2 Update Application Read Me

This is the Virtual PC 5.0.2 Read Me. It is divided into the following

- Changes in Virtual PC 5.0.2
- What This Will Update
- Using the Virtual PC 5.0.2 Update Application
- Updating the Virtual PC Additions
- Troubleshooting Virtual PC
- Virtual PC Help and Online Resources
- How to Contact Connectix Corporation

Please see the "Virtual PC Vital Information" document included with
this update for additional important information regarding Virtual PC.




+ Added significant performance enhancements for Virtual PC running in
Mac OS X.
+ Improved performance of Virtual PC in Mac OS X with background
applications. Virtual PC will receive more time when it's the
foreground application.
+ Virtual PC now yields processor time when a guest OS is in the
foreground but idle. (Requires the new Virtual PC Additions.)
+ Increased throttle time in Mac OS X to give more time to video.
+ Faster overall boot time for most OSes (when no other applications are
running) in Mac OS X.
+ Greatly improved performance of 16-bit applications running in Windows
2000 in Mac OS X.
+ Improved speed of installing 32-bit operating systems (i.e. Windows
2000) in Mac OS X.
+ Fixed an issue between Virtual PC and sound initialization that caused
Virtual PC to crash at launch.
+ Added fix for rare crash when saved states were restored on beige


+ Added fix to allow PPTP VPN over Shared Networking in Mac OS 9. VPN
using Shared Networking in Mac OS X requires the user to be logged in as
root. See the "Virtual PC Vital Information" document for more
+ Improved diagnostics added to gather more informative troubleshooting


+ Fix for printing using Virtual PC emulation to Canon printers in Mac


+ Added fixes and improvements for serial port emulation including full
9-pin support. This should allow greater compatibility with various
serial devices (Mac OS X only).
+ Made serial port preferences window completely interactive. Also
detects the attachment of any USB serial adapter while the "Settings..."
window is open in Mac OS X. Virtual PC now detects the removal of
serial port(s) and defaults back to "none" when this occurs.
+ Serial port will no longer disappear from the COM Settings panel when
the window is opened and USB is enabled.


+ Automatically resume a USB device if packets are detected being sent
to a suspended device. Allows the LinkSys WAP11 USB configuration
utility to work.
+ Fixed USB connection issues in both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X that caused
crashes on plug-in and un-plug of a device.


+ Added scripting support to allow debugging of blue-screen events in
Windows XP.
+ Fix for MatLab 6 (max [1 2] calculation) so it returns the correct
+ Fix for rounding results in CallAtlanta program.
+ Fixed an issue in Mac OS 9 that caused a crash when the hard drive and
CD drive were spun down (slept) and a call was made to the drive from
Virtual PC.
+ Fixed an issue with reading Joliet CD formats under Mac OS 9.
+ Changed behavior of incompatible or corrupted saved states so that the
user is asked before the state is deleted.
+ Fixed an issue with Folder Sharing - the Mac's free drive space is now
correctly reported by Windows 9x OSes.
+ Allow multiple users in Mac OS X to run Virtual PC and share
preferences and drive images. This will also allow the drive image and
preferences to be moved into the Virtual PC application folder and
placed on a removable drive for increased mobility.
+ New Virtual PC Additions



This Updater will only update released versions of Virtual PC for Mac
5.0 or 5.0.1.

Please note: This updater will not update any prior versions of Virtual
PC. Users of Virtual PC 1.x, 2.x, 3.x or 4.x should visit the Connectix
web site (http://www.connectix.com) for upgrade information.



NOTE: Make sure to shut down all your PC's (no saved states) before
running the updater.

1) Place the Virtual PC 5.0.2 Update application on your hard drive.

2) Double-click to launch the Update application.

3) Select "Update." The Update application will update Virtual PC 5.0 /
5.0.1 to version 5.0.2 and prompt you to quit when completed. You must
restart your machine when the update has completed.

4) You've now updated to Virtual PC 5.0.2!



The Virtual PC 5.0.2 update includes a new version (008032) of the
Virtual PC Additions. The new Additions are incorporated into the
application itself so updating your Additions is an easy process. The
Additions are supported in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP Home and
XP Professional. Other operating systems are not supported by the
Virtual PC Additions.

The new Additions include improvements for drag-and-drop copies between
the Mac and a guest OS in Virtual PC and address minor video issues in
Windows XP Home.

The Virtual PC 5.0 Additions are located in an ISO CD image within the
Virtual PC application. You can check the version of your currently
installed Additions in a running PC by CTRL-clicking on the Additions
icon and choosing "Get Info".

You can automatically mount and launch the Additions installer in most
cases by doing one of the following:

- Clicking "Update" when prompted by Virtual PC to update your
- Clicking "Install" when prompted to install Additions on a drive image
that does not contain a version of the Additions (i.e. you installed
your own copy of a Windows operating system).
- Performing a CTRL-Click or Right-Click with the mouse on the Additions
icon in the Virtual PC LED bar and choosing "Install Additions".
The Additions installer will automatically mount and run in Windows to
begin the installation.



Virtual PC contains functionality to log and send troubleshooting
details so that Connectix engineers can obtain detailed information on
issues to improve future versions of Virtual PC.
In Mac OS X, Crash Logging must be enabled in the OS to take full
advantage of this functionality.

To enable Crash Logging in Mac OS X:
-Open the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.
-Launch Console
-Select Preferences from the Console submenu
-Choose the Crashes tab.
-Check ""Log crash information in..." and "Automatically display crash
-Quit Console.

With Crash Logging enabled, it's now possible to record crash events if
they occur with Virtual PC (and other applications). If you experience
a crash, simply choose "Save Troubleshooting Details" from the Virtual
PC Help menu. That copies the crash log into a "Details" file
automatically. The details file can then be sent to Connectix.



Need help or have additional questions?

First, check Virtual PC's built-in help. Contextual menu items are
available in a number of windows as well as context-sensitive tool tips
and Help buttons. The built-in help is available via the Apple Help
Viewer, which you access from the Help menu or a Help button in many
Virtual PC windows.

Additionally, check the Connectix online Knowledge Database at
The most up-to-date information used by our Technical Support staff is
now available to our customers.

Connectix also sponsors online forums in which users can obtain further
information and communicate with other Virtual PC users. The forums are
available through the Connectix web site.



Connectix Corporation
2955 Campus Drive #100
San Mateo, CA 94403

(650) 571-5100
(650) 571-5195 (fax)

World Wide Web: http://www.connectix.com


Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.
Homepage http://www.diku.dk/students/xerxes

Per Erik Rønne (14-03-2002)
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 14-03-02 10:07

Per Erik Rønne <serse@diku.dk> wrote:

> Ja, der er netop kommet en VirtualPC 5.02 til downloading, som især får
> VPC til at køre hurtigere under X:

Og efter at have fået den istalleret, kan jeg fortælle, at den nu kører
W98 lige så hurtigt som den tidligere kørte W95.
Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.
Homepage http://www.diku.dk/students/xerxes

Morten Reippuert (14-03-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert

Dato : 14-03-02 10:42

Per Erik Rønne <serse@diku.dk> wrote:

> Og efter at have fået den istalleret, kan jeg fortælle, at den nu kører
> W98 lige så hurtigt som den tidligere kørte W95.

Men æder en del mere CPU tid hastigheds forbedringen er vist primært
opnået derved.

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen...


Per Erik Rønne (14-03-2002)
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 14-03-02 10:54

Morten Reippuert <spam@reippuert.dk> wrote:

> Per Erik Rønne <serse@diku.dk> wrote:
> > Og efter at have fået den istalleret, kan jeg fortælle, at den nu kører
> > W98 lige så hurtigt som den tidligere kørte W95.
> Men æder en del mere CPU tid hastigheds forbedringen er vist primært
> opnået derved.


Men det kan vel være godt nok - bare den kører hurtigere.

Men i weekenden går jeg alligevel over til Windows2000 som i sig selv
skulle køre væsentligt hurtigere på VPC end W98.
Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.
Homepage http://www.diku.dk/students/xerxes

Morten Reippuert (14-03-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert

Dato : 14-03-02 11:08

Per Erik Rønne <serse@diku.dk> wrote:

> Windows2000 som i sig selv skulle køre væsentligt hurtigere på VPC end
> W98.

Det er jeg spændt på at hører om - umidelbart vil jeg tro at det går
endnu langsommere.

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen...


Per Erik Rønne (14-03-2002)
Fra : Per Erik Rønne

Dato : 14-03-02 11:23

Morten Reippuert <spam@reippuert.dk> wrote:

> Per Erik Rønne <serse@diku.dk> wrote:
> > Windows2000 som i sig selv skulle køre væsentligt hurtigere på VPC end
> > W98.
> Det er jeg spændt på at hører om - umidelbart vil jeg tro at det går
> endnu langsommere.

Det er fremgået af de internationale mac-nyhedsgrupper, og det endda
flere gange, at Win2000 og især WinNT skulle være de hurtigste OSere til
afvikling på VPC - programmet skulle ganske simpelt være designet til

Ingen af dem der har nævnt det, havde dog tilsyneladende nogen
erfaringer med Win95, som efter min erfaring er den hurtigste på VPC.
Til gengæld har jeg ingen erfaring med Win2000 eller NT.
Per Erik Rønne
Frederikssundsvej 308B, DK-2700 Brønshøj, DENMARK, EUROPEAN UNION
Tlf. + fax: +38 89 00 16, mobil +45 28 23 09 92.
Homepage http://www.diku.dk/students/xerxes

Martin Edlich (14-03-2002)
Fra : Martin Edlich

Dato : 14-03-02 12:06

In article <1f918qg.drx7791wdyggbN%serse@diku.dk>,
serse@diku.dk (Per Erik Rønne) wrote:

> Til gengæld har jeg ingen erfaring med Win2000 eller NT.

NT 4 kører, efter mine erfaringer, bedre på VPC end Win 98.

MVH Martin Edlich, Magister Mundi sum! http://www.edlich.dk
Henvendelser til min e-mail adresse vil blive betragtet som et ønske
om at betale for support, hvilket takseres med 800 kr/time.
(medmindre jeg selv er ude om det, og det er Off Topic).

Morten Reippuert (14-03-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert

Dato : 14-03-02 13:26

Martin Edlich <newsspam3@mail.edlich.dk> wrote:

> In article <1f918qg.drx7791wdyggbN%serse@diku.dk>,
> serse@diku.dk (Per Erik Rønne) wrote:
> > Til gengæld har jeg ingen erfaring med Win2000 eller NT.
> NT 4 kører, efter mine erfaringer, bedre på VPC end Win 98.

Den er den med 95 brugefladen og windowsexpolorer, dvs. uden IE desktop,
ik' ?

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen...


Martin Edlich (14-03-2002)
Fra : Martin Edlich

Dato : 14-03-02 13:46

In article <1f91ehh.lcqb3z1jn29suN%spam@reippuert.dk>,
spam@reippuert.dk (Morten Reippuert) wrote:

> Den er den med 95 brugefladen og windowsexpolorer, dvs. uden IE desktop,
> ik' ?

Sådan ca, ja.

MVH Martin Edlich, Magister Mundi sum! http://www.edlich.dk
Henvendelser til min e-mail adresse vil blive betragtet som et ønske
om at betale for support, hvilket takseres med 800 kr/time.
(medmindre jeg selv er ude om det, og det er Off Topic).

Morten Reippuert (14-03-2002)
Fra : Morten Reippuert

Dato : 14-03-02 13:55

Martin Edlich <newsspam3@mail.edlich.dk> wrote:

> > Den er den med 95 brugefladen og windowsexpolorer, dvs. uden IE desktop,
> Sådan ca, ja.

ok, den er ikke nær så bloated som 2000, 98 og ME.

Venlig hilsen Morten Reippuert Knudsen...


Martin Edlich (14-03-2002)
Fra : Martin Edlich

Dato : 14-03-02 14:10

In article <1f91fvp.vsz1t81eim7cdN%spam@reippuert.dk>,
spam@reippuert.dk (Morten Reippuert) wrote:

> ok, den er ikke nær så bloated som 2000, 98 og ME.

Det er den ikke, nej.

MVH Martin Edlich, Magister Mundi sum! http://www.edlich.dk
Henvendelser til min e-mail adresse vil blive betragtet som et ønske
om at betale for support, hvilket takseres med 800 kr/time.
(medmindre jeg selv er ude om det, og det er Off Topic).

Thomas Tvegaard (14-03-2002)
Fra : Thomas Tvegaard

Dato : 14-03-02 21:23

In article <1f918qg.drx7791wdyggbN%serse@diku.dk>,
serse@diku.dk (Per Erik Rønne) wrote:

> Det er fremgået af de internationale mac-nyhedsgrupper, og det endda
> flere gange, at Win2000 og især WinNT skulle være de hurtigste OSere til
> afvikling på VPC - programmet skulle ganske simpelt være designet til
> dem.
> Ingen af dem der har nævnt det, havde dog tilsyneladende nogen
> erfaringer med Win95, som efter min erfaring er den hurtigste på VPC.
> Til gengæld har jeg ingen erfaring med Win2000 eller NT.

Tja, mine erfaringer siger noget andet. På en Quicksilver 733 er Win2000
klart langsommere end Win98 - og det er på VPC 5.0.2. 2000'eren har
endda fået 256MB RAM og fornøje sig med.

Til gengæld er Win98 blevet rimeligt udholdelig efter opdateringen.

Med venlig hilsen
Thomas Tvegaard

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