"Fax_Modem" <jtm.andersen@get2net.dk> wrote in
> Hejsa
> Jeg er lidt forvirret omkring de nye Geforce 4 modeller. Så vidt
> jeg har forstået så er den billige model (GeForce 4MX) ikke et
> rigtigt Geforce 4 men snare en kraftigt tunet udgave af Geforce 2
> og mangler derfor funktioner fra GeForce 3. Skal man have et
> "rigtigt" GeForce 4 med alle funktionerne fra alle de tidligere
> modeller, så skal man have fat i GeForce 4 Ti.
> Har jeg forstået det ret?
Jeps, selv John Carmack (faderen til nogle af de sejeste first person
shooters til dato) er også ret utilfreds med at MX kortet kaldes et
I en mail angående ATI og Geforce korts performance i Doom3 siger han
blandt andet:
"On the topic of current Nvidia cards:
Do not buy a GeForce4-MX for Doom.
Nvidia has really made a mess of the naming conventions here. I
always thought it was bad enough that GF2 was just a speed bumped
GF1, while GF3 had significant architectural improvements over GF2. I
expected GF4 to be the speed bumped GF3, but calling the NV17 GF4-MX
really sucks.
GF4-MX will still run Doom properly, but it will be using the NV10
codepath with only two texture units and no vertex shaders. A GF3 or
8500 will be much better performers. The GF4-MX may still be the card
of choice for many people depending on pricing, especially
considering that many games won't use four textures and vertex
programs, but damn, I wish they had named it something else.
As usual, there will be better cards available from both Nvidia and
ATI by the time we ship the game. "
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