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Protestér mod EU's planlagte forbud mod vi~
Fra : Mads Wedel Ibsen

Dato : 25-01-01 10:23

Kære dk.helbred.behandling.alternativ

Jeg skriver til gruppen i anledning af det forestående
EU-Kosttilskudsdirektiv, som:

1. Sætter øvre sikre grænser (Upper Safe Levels/USL) for vitaminer og
Eksempel: Den øvre sikre grænse for B6-vitamin er sat til 25 mg dagligt,
selvom videnskabelig forskning dokumenterer at man kan tage
terapeutiske doser på 500 mg uden bivirkninger.

2. Vil skabe en positivliste over vitaminer og mineraler, hvor de der ikke
på denne liste ikke må sælges. Eksempel: Flere vitaminer og mineraler ser ud
til ikke
at være på denne liste; bl.a. silica, dolomitkalk og kelerede
(letoptagelige) mineraler.

En fremtidig konsekvens af dette direktiv kan være:
- At borgere ikke længere har fri adgang til
kosttilskud i de doser de måtte have brug for.
- At vitaminer og mineraler i større doser kun kan
blive udskrevet på recept.

Jeg inviterer dig derfor til opfordre alle:
- Der har adgang til internettet.
- Gerne vil bevare retten til at tage vitaminer og mineraler i doser større
end Anbefalet
Daglig Tilførsel og de nu fastsatte øvre sikre grænser (USL).
- Vil kunne fortsætte med at købe disse kosttilskud, uden at skulle behøve
en recept.
- Gerne vil være med til at gøre en forskel, ved at protestere mod et
restriktivt direktiv.

Til at skrive under på den INTERNATIONALE PROTEST på
den italienske sundhedswebsite www.laleva.org
eller du kan gå ind på NETOP NU på www.mayday-info.dk og klikke dig ind på
den internationale underskriftsindsamling.

(Hvis nogle mangler en e-mailadresse, så lån dem din!
Er de ikke på nettet, så protestér for dem - med deres
tilladelse, selvfølgelig!)

På forhånd tak!

Denne europæiske udvikling er en konsekvens af et
større lobbyarbejde, som medicinalindustrier siden
1995 har foretaget i Codex Alimentarius under WHO og
FAO, som udfærdiger globale anbefalinger og
retningslinier om fødevarer, kosttilskud og medicin.

Venlig opfordring
& borgerrettighedshilsen fra

Mads Wedel-Ibsen
Bestyrelsesmedlem i MayDay

Pia Klit Larholm (25-01-2001)
Fra : Pia Klit Larholm

Dato : 25-01-01 12:05

Fandt lige nogle sider omhandlende lige netop dette, hvis nogle gerne
vil læse den officielle version.

Udtalelse fra ECB (EF-Tidende)


Og så vidt jeg kan læse mig frem til, bliver det bare (er vist vedtaget
og næsten trådt i kraft), at alt kosttilskud som indeholder vitaminer og
mineraler skal mærkes med min/max doser, Anbefalet daglig dosis og
bivirkningerne ved for stort indtag.


* Pia Klit Larholm * "I can not give you a formula for success,*
* * but I can give you a formula for failure: *
* Per Aspera Ad Astra * try to please everybody." *
* http://www.larholm.dk/pia* Herbert Bayard Swope *

Pia Klit Larholm (25-01-2001)
Fra : Pia Klit Larholm

Dato : 25-01-01 12:08

> 08/05/2000 - INITIAL PROPOSAL
> http://wwwdb.europarl.eu.int/oeil/oeil_ViewDNL.ProcedureView?lang=2&procid=4174

Lige på dansk også

* Pia Klit Larholm * "I can not give you a formula for success,*
* * but I can give you a formula for failure: *
* Per Aspera Ad Astra * try to please everybody." *
* http://www.larholm.dk/pia* Herbert Bayard Swope *

/arcana (29-01-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 29-01-01 18:15

"Mads Wedel Ibsen" <heilpraktik@city.dk> wrote in message

> Jeg skriver til gruppen i anledning af det forestående
> EU-Kosttilskudsdirektiv, som:

Her er et referat fra et Codex Alimentarius-møde. Det er IKKE KUN Europa,
men HELE VERDEN, de vil lægge deres klamme hænder på.

Codex Alimentarius [Confidential! Please do not forward!]
English notes on the 22nd meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Committee (CA)
on Nutrition and foods for special dietary uses, Berlin 19. - 23 June, 2000

(There are thirty committees under CA).
The German Chairman Grossklaus asked in the beginning of the meeting, that
the press not do interviews during the meetings and that filming,
videotaping or recording was not allowed. Taking notes was ok - these are
the notes.
The Chairman later mentioned the Matthias Rath demonstration outside, and
that the critic John Hammell was off the US delegation, but of course was
allowed in the meeting as press, because of the German freedom of press.
[- John Hammell himself explains that it took a very long time for Codex to
give him an answer to whether he could be allowed to observe the Codex
meeting as a member of press, as he is writing for the Life Extension
Magazine. After several weeks he was told, that he was not allowed to
attend, as he was writing for private press. - As several people from the
private press were attending the meeting, this is then not true!]
[Monday evening the 19.06. there was a ten minute program on the German TV
News about the demonstrations for free access to vitamin- and mineral
supplements and protests against "the pharmaceutical industries plans
through Codex to reduce supplement levels".
According to the heilpraktiker and Codex delegate Oden from New Zealand,
some delegates had earlier said they knew what was going to be on the news.
It was quite obvious that the Monday evening program was thoroughly
researched and prepared in advance. The TV program focused only on the
person Dr. Matthias Rath, implying that he was misleading sick people by his
extreme and paranoid campaign against authorities, making people buy and
take vitamin- and mineral-supplements, only because he had a business
selling dietary supplements and natural medicines. - No patients were
Two German people from the German authorities were interviewed speaking
against Rath - no demonstrators/ex-patients pro vitamins/minerals were
interviewed - even though there had been 1500 at a demonstration in Berlin
all Saturday, 2000 at a meeting Saturday evening and 1000 demonstrating in
front of the Codex meeting at the BgVV. Codex Alimentarius or the Codex
meeting was not mentioned at all. Some TV reporters who worked with the
protesters said the story would later be on Rath's website www.rath.nl].
(The NZ delegate Oden (American) said he was threatened by the Chairman
personally that he would "get in trouble" for talking at the outside
(The general secretary of the Reform products producers association, the VRH
(like a Judas) pointed out to the Chairman that Matthias Rath was inside the
BgVV building and about to have a lunch in the internal self-service
restaurant. They thus got Rath thrown out. Some German journalists covered
this drama).
The vitamin issue/Proposed draft guidelines for vitamin and mineral
Even though there was no vote, the vitamin- and mineral item 5 on the agenda
was taken up on Monday afternoon (and was literally rushed to conclusion -
avoiding discussion and controversy by keeping everything pretty much at the
same step as previously by the Committee Chairman).
(Regarding the "voting" on the vitamin issue, the technique of putting
matters through "democratically" at these kinds of meetings is to decide by
"consensus". This is an abolition of the vote, and adoption of any proposals
by consensus, apparently defined as "absence of sustained opposition". In

/arcana (30-01-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 30-01-01 09:57

"Mads Wedel Ibsen" <heilpraktik@city.dk> wrote in message

> Jeg skriver til gruppen i anledning af det forestående
> EU-Kosttilskudsdirektiv, som:

Hejsa - her er lidt mere læsestof om Codex alimentarius.

Codex Alimentarius Commission: A threat to mankind


There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct,
suppress and discredit any information about the eradication of diseases.
The pharmaceutical industry makes over one trillion dollars from selling
drugs for ongoing diseases. These drugs may relieve symptoms, but they do
not cure. We have to realise that the mission of this industry is to make
money from ongoing diseases. The cure or eradication of a disease leads to
the collapse of a multi-billion dollar market of pharmaceuticals.

1.. The natural purpose and driving force of the pharmaceutical industry
is to increase sales of pharmaceutical drugs for ongoing diseases and to
find new diseases to market existing drugs.

2.. By this very nature, the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in
curing diseases. The eradication of any disease inevitably destroys a
multi-billion dollar market of prescription drugs as a source of revenues.
Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs are primarily developed to relieve symptoms,
but not to cure.

3.. If eradication therapies for diseases are discovered and developed,
the pharmaceutical industry has an inherent interest to suppress, discredit
and obstruct these medical breakthroughs in order to make sure that diseases
continue as the very basis for a lucrative prescription drug market.

4.. The economic interest of the pharmaceutical industry itself is the
main reason why no medical breakthrough has been made for the control of the
most common diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,
heart failure, Diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis, and why these diseases
continue like epidemics on a worldwide scale.

5.. For the same economic reasons, the pharmaceutical industry has now
formed an international cartel by the code name "Codex Alimentarius" with
the aim to outlaw any health information in connection with vitamins and to
limit free access to natural therapies on a worldwide scale.

6.. At the same time, the pharmaceutical companies withhold public
information about the effects and risks of prescription drugs and
life-threatening side effects are omitted or openly denied.

7.. In order to assure the status quo of this deceptive scheme, a legion
of pharmaceutical lobbyists is employed to influence legislation, control
regulatory agencies (e.g. FDA), and manipulate medical research and
education. Expensive advertising campaigns and PR agencies are used to
deceive the public.

8.. Millions of people and patients around the world are defrauded twice:
A major portion of their income is used up to finance the exploding profits
of the pharmaceutical industry. In return, they are offered a medicine that
does not even cure.
Med venlig hilsen

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