Hej Igen
tak for deltagelse.....med fare for at Kåre Weng Madsen vil gå helt i knæ
over vores elendige musiksmag,
........så er svarene her.
> 1. "...You can look inside another world.
> You get to talk to a pretty girl.
The Tubes: She' a beauty
> 2. " Havin' as much fun as you can in your clothes"...
Bon Jovi : One Wild Night
> 3. "...Just another heart in need of rescue
> waiting on love's sweet charity...
Whitesnake: Here I go again
> 4. "..Maybe your other boyfriends Couldn't pass the test
> Well if you're rough and ready for love....
Bruce Springsteen: Tougher than the rest
> 5. ..."Some love is just a lie of the heart.
> The cold remains of what began with a passionate start.
Billy Joel: A matter of trust
> 6. "....Now you're gone, I'm really not the same, I guess I held myself to
> blame
Toto: I won't hold you back
> 7. "..I'm so stuck with me I can't get away...
Backseat ( boys): Half a man
> 8. "...Jeg ku' ha' gi'et dig et lift, hvis ikke jeg havde drukket gift...
Michael Falch: Baby Blue eyes
> 9. "...Young Punk spilling beer on my shoes.........
Genesis: I can't dance
> 10. "...This job's a pain, It's so mondain. It sure don't stimulate my
> brain..
Shania Twain: Honey I'm home
> og så lige een bonus til Åge:
> Hvem synger og hvad hedder sangen
> "..Jeg kan se på Victoria, hun vil synge med i kor idag...
Tommy Jo Band: Victoria
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