![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | En sammenligning med sejlere Fra : YEAH ! |
Dato : 02-01-01 14:38 |
Hvordan Gud virkede på bibelens forfattere, giver teologen Ryrie et billede
af ved at sammenligne med datidens sejlere :
Though experienced men, the sailors could not guide it so they finally had
to let the wind take the ship wherever it blew. In the same manner as that
ship was driven, directed, or carried about by the wind, God directed and
moved the human writers He used to produce the books of the Bible. Though
the wind was the strong force that moved the ship along, the sailors were
not asleep and inactive. Similarly, the Holy Spirit was the guiding force
that directed the writers who, nevertheless, played their own active roles
in writing the Scriptures.
The How of Inspiration (2 Pet. 1:20-21)
Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by
the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the
will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy
Spirit (2 Pet. 1:20-21 NIV).
Det er ordet "carried along" (feromenoi) der er interessant i denne
sammenhæng. Ligesom sejlere der blev ført afsted når vinden blæste, uden dog
at være passive, således blev bibelens forfattere også ført afsted af
Helligånden, når de skulle skrive.
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Peter B. Juul (02-01-2001)
![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | Kommentar Fra : Peter B. Juul |
Dato : 02-01-01 15:03 |
"YEAH !" <brothers_bisp@hotmail.com> writes:
> Though experienced men, the sailors could not guide it so they finally had
> to let the wind take the ship wherever it blew. In the same manner as that
> ship was driven, directed, or carried about by the wind, God directed and
> moved the human writers He used to produce the books of the Bible. Though
> the wind was the strong force that moved the ship along, the sailors were
> not asleep and inactive. Similarly, the Holy Spirit was the guiding force
> that directed the writers who, nevertheless, played their own active roles
> in writing the Scriptures.
Det stemmer jo ikke godt overens med den ordrette diktering som du
taler for.
> Det er ordet "carried along" (feromenoi) der er interessant i denne
> sammenhæng. Ligesom sejlere der blev ført afsted når vinden blæste, uden dog
> at være passive, således blev bibelens forfattere også ført afsted af
> Helligånden, når de skulle skrive.
Sammenligningen med sejlere er ufatteligt dårlig. Sejlere benytter
vinden - ligegyldigt hvor den kommer fra - til at komme i den retning
de skal. det er ikke specielt kompliceret at krydse og derved i
praksis sejle imod vinden.
Peter B. Juul, o.-.o "I am a Bear of Very Little Brain,
The RockBear. ((^)) and long words Bother me."
I speak only 0}._.{0
for myself. O/ \O
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Erik Larsen (02-01-2001)
![](/App_Themes/Normal/images/Window/Backgrounds/news.gif) | Kommentar Fra : Erik Larsen |
Dato : 02-01-01 21:24 |
er der ikke en GB.livsyn.kristendom eller en
selv om jeg har levet i sydaftika omkring 10 år af mit liv
og taler et meget forståeligt engelsk, har jeg svært ved at
følge meningen af disse blandede DK,GB inslag.
Var det så skrevet på engelsk af jer selv, kunne jeg bedre
følge jeres tanker.
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