"Mr. D" <s-griis@post5.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Erik Larsen <erik-larsen@get2net.dk> skrev i en
> nyhedsmeddelelse:lCS_5.246$075.5827@news.get2net.dk...
> > Altså: Børn og spædbørn blev døbt sammen med deres familie, når
> > familieoverhovedet konverterede til jødedommen.
> Erik, kunne du ikke tænke dig at give os kilden til den engelske tekst,
> du her fremførte?
> Mr. D
> Simon Griis
pbj1@enzym.rnd.uni-c.dk (Peter B. Juul) mælte sligt:
Det vil jeg da gerne !!
5) A significant parallel exists between Jewish proselyte baptism (when
pagans were converted to Judaism) and early Christian baptism. The
contacts between early Christian baptism and proselyte baptism, with the
similarities in terminology, interpretation, symbolism, and the rite
itself, are especially notable. What is of greatest interest, however,
is that the baptism of the early Church followed that of proselyte
baptism, in which children and infants were baptized with the convert's
family. This is especially significant when one realizes that the very
early Church was made up primarily of converted Jews.
Altså: Børn og spædbørn blev døbt sammen med deres familie, når
familieoverhovedet konverterede til jødedommen.
It was Jewish teachings that
when a family converted to Judaism, the infants were baptized as well.
But if children were born after the parents' conversion, the children
were not baptized (males were just circumcised). They were considered
sanctified due to their parents (agreeing with I Cor. 7:14.) Therefore,
there was this distinction during the time of Christ.
Ligeledes: Når en familie konverterede til jødedommen, blev børnene døbt
sammen med forældrene. Men hvis børnene fødtes efter forældrenes
omvendelse, blev børnene ikke døbt, selvom mændene blev omskåret. De
blev regnet for helliggjorte gennem deres forældre (som i 1Kor 7:14).
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians, and all those who
make empty prophecies. The danger already exists that the
mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the
spirit and to confine man in the bonds of Hell. -- St. Augustin