Jeg har set der har været nogle posts om Gandalf og hans brug af magi.
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The fans at the official site ask...
How will the special effects of Gandalf's magic be handled?
Gandalf's magic I see as being subtle - I hate seeing fantasy movies where
wizards are portrayed having sort of lightning bolts coming out of their
fingertips, and having all these tricks - and so we made a deliberate
attempt to really not give Gandalf any pyrotechnic, sort of visually
cliched, magical powers. I mean he does have an enormous power, and his
magic is I guess more psychological than it is visual, and that was really a
decision that I think was more in keeping with Tolkien. And there's not a
lot of places in the movies where Gandalf's magic is really that visually
used - it's often more a question of a power than a sort of pyrotechnic