Det er derfor jeg hader at stille spg. Der kommer altid så mange gode svar, så jeg ikke ved hvilket jeg skal vælge som accept.
Nu blev det sverola, fordi hun var først :)
Men dova, 1000 tak for den gode oversættelse, og den tid du har brugt på det.
bertel< rigti mange tak for det gode link.
Hvis man læser lidt længre nede står der dog:
I think Nik was lying. This song is obviously about war that's why their are war whistles and war like drums in the song production.
"for sins and false alarms
so to america the brave"
"false alarms" could be that America thought they heard the bomb.
"near a tree by a river
there's a hole in the ground"
the hole being the trenches that the men hide in from the attacking country.
"for a strange kind of fashion
there's a wrong and a right"
The "fashion" being that the men are following orders to kill but for every action there's a wrong and right. In this case killing is wrong, war or not.
"i got plans for us"
The president of America's plans and ideas for the country he will conquer (Irak?)
"wise men fighting over you"
oh come on! This is the most crucial line in the song. The "you" is the country that the two armies are fighting over and dying for.
"with just a song of mine
to keep from burning history
seasons of gasoline and gold"
He has written the song so that the war is always remembered. "gasoline" is set alight to kill their openents and "gold" is what the president will get if they take over the country.
"a blackbird sings on bluebird hill
thanks to the calling of the wild wise mens child. "
a black woman sighing with relief that her husband is still alive after the war. She is informed by one of the soilders children.
Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg tror.
Fortiden høre jeg den heletiden, og syntes den er stor.... Ligesom et stykke opera kan være stort...