her så
- brug shift eller ctrl så kan du sikkert se den - lol
16 programmer
Meld venligst ikke-fungerende links (tak).
Ascii Translator
Jeg lavede dette program fordi jeg brugte en masse ASCII-koder når jeg programmerede. Jeg kan, som så mange andre, ikke ASCII-koderne udenad. Når du bruger dette program behøver du ikke at have en bog med ASCII-koder ved siden af dig hele tiden. Det oversætter simpelthen tegn til ASCII eller omvendt.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: KRIsoft
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
The Delphi Console Unit.
Status: Demo
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4, Delphi
Producent: ZieglerSoft
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Delphi Comment
Hvis du bruger '//' til dine kommentarer, så er dette program nyttigt. Det bruges til at sætte eller fjerne '//' fra en række kodelinier på een gang. Ligger ontop og fylder næsten intet på skærmen.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: Finn Ekberg Christiansen
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Delphi Key Values
Tryk på en tast og få key value. Nyttigt når du skal fange bestemte taster i events. Viser value for ALLE taster, bortset fra Tab. Ligger ontop og fylder næsten intet på skærmen.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: Finn Ekberg Christiansen
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Delphi Project Launcher
Why browse through tons of folders and files to get to your project? Or why struggle to keep an updated list of recent projects? With Delphi Project Launcher (DPL) you get a complete list of all your Delphi projects and use it to launch projects, run exe files and open project folders in your favorite file manager.
You can even have DPL make your file manager display the project folder (even in minimized state) AND launch the project AND minimize all other windows. All in one click. DPL scans your folders for dpr files and saves a list of your projects. You can rescan any time of course. Drag and drop project items to the hotlist for easy access.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4, Delphi
Producent: Finn Ekberg Christiansen
Tilmeldt: 05. april 2001
Friend of Delphi
Add or remove comment characters (//) to/from a block of code lines, get the key value of any key, a messagebox wizard, a comment frame wizard, a color picker and a utility to update the paths in the dsk file after moving/copying a project.
All in one small program.
Friend of Delphi lies on top and takes up very little space.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: Finn Ekberg Christiansen
Tilmeldt: 29. januar 2001
hWnd Monitor
Dette program henvender sig til de lidt mere øvet brugere. Programmet kan "låse" sig til et vindue/object i Windows og derefter kan man arbejde med det ved evt. at sende beskeder til det (SendMessage). Der er også en funktion, der viser alle programmer der kører på computeren.
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4, Windows 2000
Producent: Aezay Productions
Tilmeldt: 09. oktober 2001
Pixelpack er en visuel designer til web-applikationer. Pixelpack kan bruges med Delphi 3 og 4. Med Pixelpacks mange komponenter kan du visuelt designe HTML-producerende programmer (som CGI, Win-CGI, NSAPI, ISAPI) ved at bruge Delphi's visuelle designer. Komponter til tekst, billeder, Java-applets, tabeller, databaser, javascript samt meget mere.
Status: Freeware, Demo
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: Femte Gear Internet Software
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Lav flotte installationer til dine programmer. Features er bl.a. disk spanning, selv-eksekverbare .exe-filer, dansk sprog-support, automatisk afinstallation, oprettelse af programgruppe, shortcuts på Desktop/Startup, ændringer i registreringsdatabasen m.m.
Status: Shareware
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4, Windows 2000
Producent: Quick-DATA
Tilmeldt: 28. maj 2000
Shalom Help Maker
Unlike other help file creators Shalom Help Maker (SHM) works like any ordinary editor and therefore has practically no learning curve.
SHM makes hlp files, not chm files.
To help you manage your help file projects these tools have been added:
- Automatic updating of links and jumps (when rearranging pages).
- Show links to the present page (get a list of links and double-click an item to jump to the link).
- Show unused bitmaps (get a list of unused bitmaps found in the project folder).
- Show unused popup pages (get a list of popup pages not linked to in your project).
- Check if bitmaps exist (check if any bitmaps used in the help file project is missing).
- List occurences of (get a list of every instance of the search phrase and double-click an item in the list to jump there).
- Quick preview of the present page. Only the page you're working on will be compiled (uncompressed=fast).
- Quick preview of the front page.
- Keyword editor. Browse through all the pages' keywords from within the keyword editor.
- Contents Organizer. Arrange your pages into sub-groups (used in the Contents window in the compiled help file and to generate a front page if you wish).
- Header Editor. Edit the page headers from here. Generate page name constants for your programming project (Delphi/C++/C/VB).
Status: Freeware
Platform: Windows 2000, Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4
Producent: Finn Ekberg Christiansen
Tilmeldt: 22. marts 2001
Source Printer for Clarion
Dalby Source Printer for Clarion sets completely new standards for source printers. Even if you don't print your sourcecodes as a hardcopy of your projects, you will have endless gains from Dalby Source Printer for Clarion to get the general view of your source-code.
Status: Shareware
Platform: Windows 3.x
Producent: Dalby Data
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
STX HotSplash
STX HotSplash is best described as a mixture of menu program, splash-screen, webpage and animator, it sound strange but it's actually very usefull for many purposes: Creating menus or front-ends for CD-ROMS, networks etc., normal splash screens for your own applications or even interactive and animated splash screens for launching applications and/or displaying information, the possibilities are many. STX HotSplash basicly enables you make a splash-screen from a standard Windows bitmap-file and optionally define HotSpots and animations on it.
Status: Shareware
Platform: Windows 3.x
Producent: SANXWARE H.Q.
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
STX Install Launcher
STX Install Launcher is a small but very usefull program for creating a central install menu for software collections on CD-ROMs, floppy-disks, ZIP-disks, networks etc. Imagine that you are making a CD-ROM with all your favorite shareware and freeware programs but you find it a bit annoying and confusing to manually have to navigate through the CD-ROM to find the desired installation program every time you want to install something.
Well this is where STX Install Launcher comes in: now you can define a central menu which contains a list of all your favorite programs and starting the installation program is now only a mouse-click away. You can even make the menu (STX Install Launcher) start automaticly when inserting the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive (only in Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0).
Status: Shareware
Platform: Windows 3.x
Producent: SANXWARE H.Q.
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Free Borland C++Builder Components and sources.
Status: Postcard ware
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME
Producent: Tanis
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Visual Coders Windows Help Maker
Windows Help Maker kan lave en simpel tekst om til en professionel hjælpefil med alt hvad det indebærer. Du kan lave Jumps, Popups, Bullet tekst, indsætte billeder og meget meget mere. Windows Help Maker laver den tekst, du har skrevet, om til 3 projektfiler som så bliver lavet til den færdige hjælpefil, og det eneste du skal gøre er at skrive teksten.
Status: Shareware
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME
Producent: Visual Coders
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
ZieglerCollection One
En samling af Delphi 16/32-bit komponenter som ZieglerSoft mener mangler i den samling der fulgte med Deres Delphi, da De købte den.
Desuden kan komponenterne nu bruges til Borland C++ Builder. Derudover indeholder pakken en stor portion funktioner og routiner.
En hurtig opremsning af komponenter:
TzMinMax, TzBigLabel, Tz3DLabel, TzAngleLabel, TzTabListBox, TzBitmap, TzAnimated, TzBackground, TzBlendPaint, TzTileMap, TzLed, TzSegment, TzSegmentLabel, TzSegmentClock, TzGauge, TzSlideBar, TzFrame, TzDivider, TzMovePanel, TzTitleBar, TzHint, TzShowApp, TzVerSplit, TzHorSplit, TzMouseSpot, TzCalc, TzShapeBtn, TzColorBtn, TzGradBtn, TzBitColBtn, TzIconColBtn, TzScope, TzPanelMeter, TzKnob, TzDblKnob, TzTripKnob, TzTrayIcon, TzNWColorBtn, TzNWBitColBtn, TzNWIconColBtn, TzNWBlendPaint, TzNWTileMap, TzResBitmap, TzDeskTop.
En demoudgave kan i lighed med tidligere hentes på vores hjemmeside.
Status: Demo
Platform: Windows 95+98+ME, Windows NT4, Delphi
Producent: ZieglerSoft
Tilmeldt: 01. januar 1999
Genereret 16. september 2003 kl. 21:18
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