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Uautoriseret nedlukning
Fra : Etaten
Vist : 433 gange
200 point
Dato : 05-05-04 14:37

Min pc´er lukker uautoriseret ned efter at have været åbnet i meget kort tid - jeg kan ikke nå at komme på nettet for at hente removal tool til virussen - Er der nogen der kan hjælpe med et download-sted samt navnet på removal tool - Det er XP-virussen fra efteråret 2003

Fra : Sunowich

Dato : 05-05-04 14:41

Skriv shutdovn-A i start kør

Fra : Sunowich

Dato : 05-05-04 14:42

Så skal du hente windows opdateringer og scanne med stinger sasser removal værktøj

Fra : snortop

Dato : 05-05-04 14:42

Der er så ikke sasser ormen??

Den hærger jo ihvertfald lige nu og genstarte jo også din computer.

Men ellers ved jeg ikke lige hvad det kan være for en.

Fra : Sunowich

Dato : 05-05-04 14:43

Og inden du scaner skal du ind i denne komputer under indstillinger og slå gendannelse fra
Mvh sune
Ps efter scanning skal du slå den til igen

Accepteret svar
Fra : Cornell24

Modtaget 210 point
Dato : 05-05-04 14:44

Ja, den er led...


Save the file to a convenient location, such as your downloads folder or the Windows Desktop (or removable media that is known to be uninfected, if possible).
To check the authenticity of the digital signature, refer to the section, "Digital signature."
Close all the running programs before running the tool.
If you are running Windows XP, then disable System Restore. Refer to the section, "System Restore option in Windows Me/XP," for additional details.

CAUTION: If you are running Windows XP, we strongly recommend that you do not skip this step. The removal procedure may be unsuccessful if Windows XP System Restore is not disabled, because Windows prevents outside programs from modifying System Restore.

Double-click the FixBlast.exe file to start the removal tool.
Click Start to begin the process, and then allow the tool to run.

Note: If, when running the tool, you see a message that the tool was not able to remove one or more files, run the tool in Safe mode. Shut down the computer, turn off the power, and wait 30 seconds. Restart the computer in Safe mode and then run the tool again. All the Windows 32-bit operating systems, except Windows NT, can be restarted in Safe mode. For instructions, read the document "How to start the computer in Safe Mode."

Restart the computer.
Run the removal tool again to ensure that the system is clean.
If you are running Windows XP, then re-enable System Restore.
Run LiveUpdate to make sure that you are using the most current virus definitions.

Fra : Sunowich

Dato : 05-05-04 14:46

Shotdown mellemrum minus a i kør under start

Fra : snortop

Dato : 05-05-04 14:46

For at se om det evt. kan være den

Så skulle der være en process (Ctrl+alt+delete) der hedder noget i retningen af "avserve.exe " eller noget med "?_up.exe" så stop disse processor

Så skulle du have noget mere tid til du download remove tools

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Etaten

Dato : 05-05-04 14:50

Tak for svaret Cornell24.

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