 | Drive Bay til HP Fra : refi  | Vist : 1447 gange 500 point Dato : 21-10-11 09:54 |
Hvor hulan finder jeg et sådant...
Har en del maskiner hvor det er monteret men desværre IKKE i den nye (HP Pavillon Elite 533).
Pladsen er der - men "bayen/docken" mangler
Vi taler om en bay/dock til et
HP Pocket Media Drive
Jeg kan uden problemer tilslutte harddisken/media drive til komputeren med usb-stik (som også giver strøm) men det ville være nemmere blot at stikke den i "hullet" i en dock.....
Naturligvis helst fra en DANSK leverandør.
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 21-10-11 09:55 |
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 21-10-11 09:59 |
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 | Accepteret svar Fra : JegErHer  |  Modtaget 500 point Dato : 23-10-11 13:08 |
Ser ud til der skulle ha siddet en i , og HP levere det ved kontakt
Citat http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Hardware/Pocket-Media-Drive-bay-for-e9290f/td-p/169636
"Can you please supply me with the part #'s for the front door assembly and the Pocket Media Drive bay assembly for a Pavilion Elite model #e9160F (NP196AA#ABA).
I believe the door assembly is #503156-ZH1 and the Pocket Media Drive bay assembly is #505092-001.
I would also like to know who to contact to purchase these items.
On cross-referencing this unit with my Pavilion Elite model #e9290f, I find that both units use the same door assembly. I'm not sure if the drive bay (#505092-001) refers to the Pocket Media Drive Bay or the Personal Media Drive Bay. It's the Pocket Media Drive bay that I require.
I also don't know if it is necessary to also purchase the interface cable #5189-1086 or if it is included in the PMD bay assembly mentioned above.
Any help you can provide in this regard will be greatly appreciated as returning the unit to the place of purchase (FutureShop-Canada) is not feasible at this time."
HP Supports reply was:
"Thank you for contacting HP Total Care.
Charles, I understand from your email that, the PMD bay is missing from your computer and you want to know from where to purchase the bazzel for it.
Charles, I have checked in our database that your PC should come with a PMD bay.
So, you no need to purchase it, If you contact the reseller regarding this issue, you can get it at free of cost only.
However, here are the parts of your PC available, but for all the parts you will be redirected to the nearest reseller." |

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 | Kommentar Fra : JegErHer  |
Dato : 23-10-11 16:01 |
Tja, jeg kan ikke finde dem i DK.
Selv ville jeg kontakte HP, selv om de jo er i gang med af lukke deres PC market ned. (Derfor HP udstyr er så billigt i øjeblikket)
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Fra dit link til eBay - Så koster det 19.50$ i shipping, ialt ca 50$ - Det bliver ikke 1000 kr.?
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 | Kommentar Fra : refi  |
Dato : 24-10-11 10:04 |
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 | Du har følgende muligheder | |
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