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Internet Explorer 7. Why and when...
molokyle har modtaget -10 point for dette tip
Fra : molokyle
Vist : 827 gange

Dato : 24-10-05 02:11

So what's the deal?

There are there are a lot of questions about IE 7, mostly because Gates' initial comments were so vague, and Microsoft representatives have been unusually tight-lipped about IE 7's feature-set, preferring to divulge details over a long period of time. That's where I step in. Here's what we know about IE 7 right now:

IE 7 was originally scheduled only for inclusion in Windows Vista (codenamed Longhorn). The new features we're going to see in IE 7 were originally going to be available only as part of Windows Vista (codenamed Longhorn). As it is, some IE 7 features will only be included in the Windows Vista version of IE 7. The most obvious of these is the security infrastructure which requires Windows Vista.

IE 7 will be focused on security. Like the version of IE that Microsoft shipped in XP SP2, IE 7.0 will consist, mostly, of security-oriented features. One of these features will be anti-phishing technology. As Gates noted, "Some of the advances [in IE 7] include things focused on phishing, where people use URLs that appear to come from another location, things related to malware. So, [that] will be another important advance [in IE 7]." IE 7 will also include an IP traffic encryption capability that will help prevent electronic eavesdroppers from modifying data before it reaches your machine or redirecting you silently to malicious servers. "It makes sure that the traffic is encrypted, so there is no eavesdropping or modification that can take place, but it also makes absolutely sure through the use of certificates that the machine that you're connected to is the machine that you want to be able to connect to," Gates noted. Microsoft is also overhauling the IE security zones in IE 7.

IE 7 will include tabbed browsing. Microsoft will include tabbed browsing, along with other new end user features, in IE 7.

IE 7 will not include a new Outlook Express version. A few people have asked me whether IE 7 will include a new Outlook Express (OE) version (e.g. OE 7). No, it will not: The OE team is focusing instead on improving OE in Windows Vista (codenamed Longhorn).

IE 7 will be free. Like previous versions of IE, IE 7 will be free.

IE 7 will ship for XP SP2, XP x64, and Windows Server 2003 SP1 customers only. Though the company could theoretically back-port IE 7 to Windows 2000, Microsoft has decided not to do it. Instead, IE 7 will only be made available to customers running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, and Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1). Obviously, a future version (possibly called IE 7.5) will be included in Windows Vista as well.

IE 7 will likely ship this calendar year. The IE 7 beta started in July 2005 and the final product will likely ship by the end of 2005. There will be at least two beta releases, according to the IE Team blog.

The version of IE in Windows Vista (codenamed Longhorn) will be quite different from standalone IE. Don't be fooled into believing that XP SP2 users are going to get Windows Vista's version of IE this year. The version of IE in Windows Vista will include advanced graphical capabilities, unique new features, and will benefit from the underlying search functionality in Windows Vista (the omission of WinFS won't change that). Windows Vista's IE 7 will be much safer than XP SP2 + IE 7 because of low-level changes to the attack surface in that OS.

IE 7 will include major changes for Web developers. While this information is likely to cause a normal person's head to spin, IE 7 will include a number of features aimed at Web developers, including support for transparent PNG files, CSS consistency, CSS 2 fixed positioning, international domain name (IDN) support, and more. IE 7 will not, however, conform fully to the CSS 2 specificaion.

IE 7 will include some interesting end user features. IE 7 isn't just about Web developers. It will sport inline searching (yes, including Google), an improved Address Bar, and one-click history deletion. IE 7 will also include "Shrink to Fit" and other printing improvements, and integrated support for RSS feeds.

IE 7 will not include ad blocking. Contrary to some rumors, IE 7 will not include any ad blocking technology. However, most existing toolbars and ad blocking-type plug-ins should still work in IE 7.

For os websnedkere betyder dette at vi stadig må kæmpe med en inkompatibel CSS udgave ..og det bliver sikkert ikke bedre når CSS3 forhåbentlig snart bliver standard : http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/current-work



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