Kan i sige mig hvad jeg gør forkert? det er phorum 3.2.11
You don't have permission to access /forum/admin/index.php on this server
if ( !defined( "_COMMON_PHP" ) ){
define("_COMMON_PHP", 1 );
// These variables may be altered as needed:
// table name that Phorum uses to access meta-information on forums.
$pho_main = "forum";
// location where the configuration information is stored
$inf_path="./forum/include"; // no ending slash
// path to include files
$include_path="./include"; // no ending slash
// relative path to the admin pages
// Path to database abstraction file:
// MySQL 3.21.x or Higher (default setting)
$db_file = './db/mysql.php';
Ole Madsen
http://www.creationdays.dk - The Gap Theory Page
http://www.israelnu.dk - nyheder og artikler