Nikolaj Hansen wrote in message ...
>If you are currently running enterprise sized systems I really think it
>would be more relevant to present test data for that kind of systems on
>your homepage then.
Yes, I will add "success" stories in near future :).
MySQL usually runs in web environments where the load
on the database is really big compared to traditional
business and accounting applications.
>And you CAN say the name Oracle on your homepage without being sued
>You are in Findland not the US.
Well, I obey license conditions regardless of the country :).
>I think it could be fun to see a benchmark between your InnoDB and
>Oracle on a enterprise scaled system.
My friend who is an Oracle Certified Professional said that
Oracle probably would not be able to handle the loads I have
quoted, for example up to 2000 inserts or updates per second.
>And more importantly:
>Performance is not all when working with dbms systems. How do you fare
>in areas such as:
>- Hot backups.
I will write a program for that. It will probably be non-free software.
>- Multi language support.
MySQL supports national languages of some 20 geographic areas.
>- All the other tools needed on a daily basis.
MySQL has a wealth of front-end tools. I will add more InnoDB
tools as I have time.
>It is possible to use several different network interfaces for cpu bound
>tasks. I belive that is the main improvement in oracle 9i the part about
>parallel servers not only being a high avalability thing, but also real
>load balancing, where you look at several database servers as one logic
>server. If the process in question can't be threaded it will still
>execute on one of the nodes yes. (I have not seen this running for a
>fact though..) Any one care to comment here with their experiences?
During past years people have said that Oracle Parallel Server
is mainly suitable to implement high availability. There are big
performance and administrational problems in distributed databases.
It is a trade-off between communication overhead and CPU power.
MySQL has one-way replication which is widely used to achieve
high availability, and load balancing if part of the load is pure
read queries.
>That said, I downloaded the latest version of your db for testing, and
>there has been signifigant improvements to the db since i worked with it
>the last time (then it did NOT scale very well). I am quite impressed
>with its performance.
Thanks :). If you run the InnoDB monitor:
mysql> create table innodb_monitor (a int) type = innodb;
and can spot some performance bottleneck, I will look into fixing it.
>And as always: Opensource have a distinct advantage when competing on a
>price / quality comparison with the "big boys" on the market.
People who write open source and closed source programs are largely
the same. There is a difference in marketing and distribution.