Jeg har et script der får smidt denne med:
Når jeg så forsøger at validere siden får jeg denne fra validator:
A URL for a CGI program that uses `&' as a separator, such as
http://host/prog?x=1&y=2". This is a common problem: the inventors of
CGI didn't think things through very carefully when they decided to use
the '&' character as a separator between CGI arguments, because '&' has
special status in HTML. One way to get around this is for the author of
the CGI program to use a different value between arguments, like ';' or
'|', which would allow the link to be coded as <img
http://site/cgi?opt1=val1;opt2=val2"> or whatever.
Men php parser ikke mine variable ud efter hverken ; eller |
Hvad kan jeg så bruge, som html standarden er glad for?
../Jesper Krogh,