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Natural Definition of Justice - Restoring ~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 30-08-11 08:04

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The Natural Definition of Justice - Restoring Happiness Factor [DOJ]

17 August 2007
{HRI 20070817-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 30 Aug 2011)

(Suitable for foreign
language students)

(View Summary
by skipping



Justice is establishing and making known, the correct, true viewpoint
about the actions and intentions of people, *(0)

of what they did (or still do), and out of what intention
they acted (or still act).

When that correct, true viewpoint is lacking, and is not
established, or is not made known,

then there is a lack of Justice or no Justice.


The activity is primarily and most importantly a matter of providing
Justice to the victims of Crimes,* and there,

more important than materially, providing Justice to the souls of the

which is done (solely) by establishing and making known the
correct, true viewpoint about the actions and intentions of
people. *(a)



Criminal Minds have - especially by insinuating themselves into and
by subverting religion(s) - REVERSED also this definition,

and made it "a PERSONAL MATTER for the Criminal" only, in

to continue to hide from the victims, what actually
happened to these - in other words,

in order to hide from YOU, or to hide from your group, from the
society, what actually happened, who did what to you and others
and out of what (hidden) intentions.

There are various other ways Criminal Minds have poisoned
religions, and created "philosophies" of life,




Now I have studied endlessly more penetratingly than
anyone else did study the subject, and with endlessly more
Intelligence and Care for people, than anyone else, too:

Basically that is, because I have more innate Justice in
my soul, than anyone else, apparently or obviously because
nobody else did.


So this is what I consequently had to find out.

Criminal Minds have - in order to prevent or stop you or others from
safeguarding and restoring Life, they - introduced FALSE CONCEPTS of
Justice, to prevent and stop you from demanding it.

Such as:

1. "There is 'automatic' Justice, that goes by itself,"
and they may call that for instance 'Cosmic Justice.'

Someone does something evil: "The Universe, the
Cosmos, will punish him, will inflict suffering on

student can establish with ease.

2. "If you do something evil, you will have to atone or
suffer for it later (in a later life time)," and they
call this Karma.

student can establish with ease.

3. "Jesus Christ will come one day and meet out Justice,"
and they call this the Day of Judgment.

student can establish with ease.

4. "God will terribly punish those who have done evil or
who transgressed against some dictated or assumed
morals," and "this is done either after death, or
at a future Day of Judgment."

student can establish with ease.

Etc., etc..

These already violate the 'Natural Definition of God,' *(7) and
they are disproven (easily proven FALSE) - by all data available
from history.

What indeed IS true, is that ALL acts and intentions of anyone, are
becoming part FOREVER of, and are thus stored forever as and without
that anything can be erased from, the fabric (the Energies) of
The Creation.

That provides the potential of Justice - that Justice CAN indeed
be applied:

Whatever you or anyone has done or intended in the past, is
forever recorded in the fabric of The Creation, the moment it
happened or was intended.

Criminal Minds of course do not want you to know this, and want
you to deny this, and want you unable to remember and perceive,
of course - including memories, the perception of memories, that
is. *(9)


The concepts introduced by Criminal Minds, ALL are intended to
make you NOT demand Justice,

Justice demanded by appointing judges who have total integrity,
and can maintain it - by studying the Human Rights Issues -

and who investigate the WHOLE scene, not just details,

and who make the facts known PUBLICLY.


The accused does not have to live, does not have to be
present, as long as the facts of the whole matter can be
established with some reasonable and fair degree of

Truth is not words, but Truth is what happened, who
caused what, and with what intentions, IN A WIDE ENOUGH
RANGE OF INVESTIGATION and examined causes. *(8)


You DON'T go and suddenly STOP providing Justice to
the people of Iraq,

just because you have hanged their most vicious
Criminal, Saddam Hussein.

OF COURSE you don't stop there - the purpose of
Justice is NOT

'to mete out punishment, for which you have to
establish "guilty or not guilty,"(and to hang
the accused if found guilty, for instance), but

Justice IS 'to establish truth publicly, for the
benefit of the known AND unknown victims, primarily,
and for the society as a whole.'

You get it now?

I repeat:

Justice is establishing and making known, the
correct, true viewpoint about the actions and
intentions of people, *(0)

of what they did (or still do), and out
of what intention they acted (or still

When that correct, true viewpoint is lacking,
and is not established, or is not made known,

then there is a lack of Justice or no Justice.


The activity is primarily and most importantly a
matter of providing Justice to the victims of
Crimes,* and there,

more important than materially, providing Justice
to the souls of the victims,

which is done (solely) by establishing and
making known the correct, true viewpoint
about the actions and intentions of people.

Criminal Minds have - especially by insinuating
themselves into and subverting religion(s), they -
reversed also this definition,

and made it "a PERSONAL MATTER for the
Criminal" only, in order

to continue to hide from the victims what
actually happened to these - in other words,

in order to hide from YOU - or to hide from your
group, from the society - what actually happened,
who did what to you and others.


You see this perversion also in what they like to call

Making NOT 'peace' at all, but wanting you to
create "a feeling of peace," a pretense,

in order to make others deny any and all
responsibility for life and "to feel great
about that," *(4)

spiritually a 'Drugged' state, actually,

is what they call "peace," and what they as
"Peace Activists" "fight for,"

to remain and to keep others spiritually
in a 'Drugged' state, *(5)

the pretense they maintain, and that I had to expose
in the HRI 'Definition of Peace,' for you. *(1)



Criminal Minds have completely destroyed the practice of Justice

by introducing feelings and actions of "punishment"

like 'revenge,' 'hate,' 'infliction of pain,'
'asserting domination,' 'blackmail,' 'mutilation,'

as "punishments,"

'demands to commit crimes for others,' 'demands to hide
crimes of others,' 'demands to self-inflict harm or pain,'

as "punishments,"

'any other self-mutilation,' and 'voluntarily atonement or

'destroying one's own or one's own family's or one's own
group's urge or ability to enjoy life, or allowing it to
be destroyed,'

as "punishments,"

"as punishment" 'voluntarily inflicting harm onto those
one loves, or onto one's group or family,' and so on,

(what else do you expect, in the form of "Justice,"
from a Criminal Mind?)

and other entirely barbaric evils, as "punishments,"



Well, what else do you expect, from a Criminal Mind?

So now we have the hard work of undoing all that
Evil "Justice," undoing which has progressed to
some extent in the civilized and free countries.



Justice is establishing and making known: the correct, true
viewpoint on the actions and intentions of people

of what they did (or still do), and out of what intention
they did it (or still do it).

As you know, truth is DEFINED as 'what actually
happened,' (all) who caused it, and with what
intentions who caused what.


Establishing and making that known - certainly my doing so - brings
about a tremendous amount of relief to people,

and it very greatly increases happiness for them.


Koos Nolst Trenite "Cause Trinity"
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30


(a) When a malicious woman is stealing a baby, and claims
it - against the actual and loving mother - to be hers,

then you establish, of course

- and nowadays you don't have to do that, by pronouncing,

in front of both contestants,

the judgment, that 'the child's body be equally divided
between the two women' - but

you use genetic recognition, to establish

who is the real mother

- or else (King Solomon was rather advanced over current
science, which has no place for or codification of the
far senior Energy of Life, called Love) - to establish

who is the LOVING woman and who is thus to be the mother of the

(b) Hammurabi - a Babylonian king (died 1750 BC) who is considered
the first one to have Criminal Law written down, so that people
know, which hand or how many hands they should hack off from
an offender, or how long they should keep him under water, to
prove or disprove - by his drowning or staying alive - whether
he is guilty of the crime he was accused of and arrested for.
Criminal law became "something dependable, not arbitrary," then.

The types of punishments, often with death, were common in that
time and area (the Middle East) - a novelty it was, to write it
all down and display it for everyone, to know 'where one is at,'
or 'what to expect.'

(The obvious humor is un-intentional, as does happen
sometimes, when one is giving a truthful account of

I wish more history books were written in that style.

Rare historians indulge at rare occasions in such rare
displays of wit and insight,

such an instant took place in a book by Heinz Hoehne
(spelled also Heinz Hohne - when omitting the German
'umlaut') a book about my previous life time,
comes to my mind. *(2)(3))

Footnotes: [updated only to July 2008, of Version 2.1.1]

(*) 'Crimes' is defined in many Human Rights Issues (HRI's)
- for instance, and most recently, in 'Textnote' (a) to:
'What The Whole Protest Against The Iraq War, Is About'
{HRI 20061229-V2.2.1}
(29 December 2006 - Version 2.2.1 on 4 Jan 2007)

(0) 'Justice - Definition of Justice, What is Justice'
{HRI 20051219-V1.2}
(19 December 2005 - Version 1.2 on 24 Dec 2005)

(1) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.3}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.3 on 22 Apr 2008)

(2) 'Nobel Prize Committees - Promoting 'NO Peace' And 'NO Science' '
{HRI 20041214-V1.3}
(14 Dec 2004 - Version 1.3 on 28 Dec 2004)

(3) 'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

(4) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(5) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics
Major Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people')
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(6) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V1.3}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.3 on 26 Jun 2008)

(7) 'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.6.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.6.1 on 1 June 2008)

(8) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(9) 'Definition of Perception - Protecting against the Criminal Mind
- Fine Particle Physics on the main Poisonous Life Energy
{FPP-HRI 20080608-V3.4}
(8 June 2008 - Version 3.4 on 24 June 2008)

References: [updated only to July 2008, of Version 2.1.1]

[see also under Footnotes]

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1}
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Criminal Minds Hide From You, That They ENJOY LYING, AND That
THEY Know Very Well They Intentionally Lie To You'
- (incl. Textnote d. on 'Criminal Minds want Admiration
in order to feel good')
{HRI 20050527-V3.7.1}
(27 May 2005 - Version 3.7.1 on 7 June 2007)

'Detecting Criminal Minds By Their Intentional Omission Of Vital
{HRI 20020819-V2.2.3}
(19 August 2002 - Version 2.2.3 on 12 May 2005)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.3}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.3 on 22 Apr 2008)

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'The Trinity Of Science - Truth, Love and Beauty'
{HRI 20030307-pi-1-V2.1}
(7 Mar 2003 - Version 2.1 on 17 Oct 2003)

Far ABOVE the IQ of Journalists - People ARE not "Anti-American"
{HRI 20070106-V2.2.6}
(6 January 2007 - Version 2.2.6 - V 2.2 was on 18 Jan 2007)

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0} [Version 5.1 has been issued on 20080709]
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

'How To Find Out Any Secret Of Anyone, That Is Vital To Your Or
Others' Well-Being To Be Known - 'Remote Knowing' As Done By
Any Sane Person'
{FPP 20070616-V1.9.1}
{HRI 20070616-V1.9.1}
(16 June 2007 - Version 1.9.1 on 25 Jun 2007)



Copyright 2007-2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic 'agenda,' but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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