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The natural 'First International Law' (FIL~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 24-08-11 08:39

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The natural 'First International Law' in very short form

4 October 2009
{HRI 20091004-V1.2}

(Version 1.2
on 24 Aug 2011)


'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


   Behind weapons are individuals. *(0)

The most sophisticated weapons and methods of defense,
can and will also be wielded by Criminal Minds:

These ENJOY to destroy life,

while their own life has no other value for them anyway,
other than to provide THAT joy to them,

their JOY of dominating and deceiving others, to cause
suffering and destroy the lives of others

- your life too.

   Therefore, the 'First International Law' is to be made known,
   and to be enforced.



'The First International Law' (FIL) {HRI 20021124} reads as follows
in short form:


Criminal Minds are NOT allowed to govern a people,
a country or state, or federation of states;
that IS the First International Law. {I-01}

It is an INTERNATIONAL Law, because, quite
obviously, the population of the region,
country, state, or federation, failed to
prevent a Criminal Mind from acquiring
such a position of leadership. {I-01-A}

Individuals or groups that can not or do not
want to understand this Law, or who find this
Law unnecessary, are either themselves
Criminal Minds, or they are Destructive Cowards
who protect and hide Criminal Minds. {I-01-B} *(1)


   So you will study this law and make it known, and you will act
   upon it, because it is part of your soul.




You have to learn - to study - about Criminal Minds of course, in
order to be able to tell one,

regardless of whether he or she is hailed and admired

- which process (of how they manage to be admired) you
ALSO will have to learn about,

(learning also in the HRI's and in the FPP issues of
Fine Particle Physics).


All those subjects and the corresponding abilities of yours, have been
DESTROYED by Criminal Minds, and by your education which is DOMINATED
by Criminal Minds.

That is why I studied - why I HAD to study - all these things, and why
I wrote - HAD to write - the Human Rights Issues, and developed - HAD
to develop - Fine Particle Physics:

to bring back, to rekindle that knowledge and that ability in your

(where is was all the time anyway - but subdued, obliterated,
stamped out, and diverted).


You DO have a conscience, isn't it - even though at times it has
largely been destroyed, perverted and fiercely subdued,

subdued because it - your having a conscience - is absolutely
LOATHED or DETESTED by Criminal Minds:

They will do anything, to try and destroy your conscience.


By the way, at the occasion of his 140th 'birthday', it
may be remarked, that 'the' Gandhi was indeed a Criminal

- who found his own 'glory' (being admired) so far
more important than the lives and happiness and
prosperity of people -

and he was refusing to condemn the mass murder (of first
the Jews, then of the Germans themselves) by "the greatest
friend of the German people and of Mankind," of "The
Greatest Commander and Strategist of All TImes"

as he was then seen by many, an individual by the
name of Hitler, and

who was recently 'called to life' again - and that
probably better than by any actor before -

brought to view on the screen by the brilliant
acting of Martin Wuttke - in Tarantino's recent
movie 'Inglorious Basterds' (starring Brad Pitt),

while the famous characterization by Charlie Chaplin
of 'The Great Dictator' - which was forbidden from
being shown in America, "to not disturb peasceful
relations of the USA with Hitler's Germany" - a
movie with considderable merit also in facing
Criminal Minds or "well-adjusted," intelligent



If you can NOT recognize Venezuela's Chavez, or China's Hu Jintao and
Jiang Zemin and Mao Zedong, or Russia's Putin and Stalin, as being
very, very severely Criminal Minds,

then you have been made to NOT know anymore - or you were made
NOT to understand anything anymore - about Criminal Minds.

But all it requires of you, is keep in contact with truth, to
look at and hold truth active in your memory (to stay Aware),

rather than to succumb to the hypnotic feelings and hypnotic
lies inflicted by Criminal Minds (about a hundred million of
them living on Earth) and their minions, the Destructive Cowards
(which number some one billion living on Earth) - who exert and
stream out such hypnotic feelings and hypnotic lies

to make you not see and not understand Criminal Minds.


Thus you have also been made to forget

- WHAT YOU KNOW VERY WELL, and what any five-year old can tell
you as a matter of course,

and what I had to drag out of your soul again - that, what is

the First International Law (FIL) and also using it.



Behind weapons and armies are individuals.

"History" is of course 'much too late to judge' any so-called
"friend of the people."

To leave that "judgment" to history, and to rely on your weapons
only, without judgment, is of course not looking at the present
and not understanding what is going on - with what intentions
pursued by whom.


You, of course - just like I do it now FOR YOU - you by yourself, must
look at those, who intend to use weapons against you, and at those
who may order the activation of weapons against you.

You have to be caring enough for people, to admit, that you do
not even KNOW the First International Law *(1) anymore,

and you have to stop 'bragging your stupidity around,'

to everyone whom you do delight by that (making Criminal
Minds rejoice, who ENJOY your stupidity regarding THEM).

Instead of that:

You have to acquire that vital knowledge, which now happens to have
come to your view, born solely from my care for you.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'All the kings of the earth
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'

2 Chronicles 9:23


(always check for newer Versions or new Issues on the subject)

(0) See 'Issue Note,' below.

(1) 'The First International Law' (FIL)
{HRI 20021124-V2.0.2}
(24 November 2002 - Version 2.0.2 on 10 Aug 2007)

'Explaining the First International Law (FIL)'
{HRI 20070531-V1.3}
(31 May 2007 - Version 1.3 on 1 June 2007)

'First International Law on Islamic countries -
Fatwa (Islamic Decision) on some known Islamic demons:
Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Khamenei,
Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad, Muqtada al-Sadr,
Manouchehr Mottaki, Nasrallah, Haniyeh, Meshaal, Kadafi
(Qadaffi), Omar al-Bashir, Mahathir Mohamad, Erdogan' (Fatwa)
{HRI 20070223-V3.2.3}
(23 February 2007 - Version 3.2.3 on 2 Jun 2010)

'On the subject 'The First International Law' '
(15 October 2007)

'Middle East conflict - NOT why, but WHO -
(includes {HRI 20030610} 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO
Causes It - Is The Question' )'
(16 September 2006)
.... /group/alt.politics.org.un/msg/49cdba2749082185

'The New Global Nazis do hate ALL people, also their own
"friends" '
(long title:
'The New Global Nazis (the Chavez "friends") DO Hate (free)
PEOPLE and not only free Americans and a free America
- Associated Press assessment')
(18 September 2006)
.... /group/alt.politics.usa.congress/msg/a8d19da26d290bcd
'Chavez purely evil only and forever'
includes {HRI 20021124-V2.0} 'The First International Law'
(20 September 2006 - version 2 on 21 Sept 2006)


References: [not updated since 2009]

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.7.4}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.7.4 on 5 June 2009)

'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing the Nature of War -
Quote from 'The Nature Of War' {HRI 20051027-V1.6}'
(7 November 2005 - Quote Version 1.0.2 on 14 Dec 2006)

'The Nature of War' (NOW)
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'Proof of YOUR Destructive, Abject Insanity (no joke)'
- (encl. {HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1} 'Balance of Power' etc.)
{HRI 20090920-V2.1}
(14 September 2009 - Version 2.1 on 21 Sept 2009)

'In "Science," Sociopaths Will Determine "Who is a Sociopath,"
and "Who is Not a Sociopath"'
{HRI 20090901-V2.0}
(1 September 2009 - Version 2.0 at 3 Sept 2009)

'Brute Force Of Hypnotism in Politics - The Rights of Chavez,
Ortega, Correa, Zelaya, but also Hitler, and other
"democratically elected" Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20090724-V3.0}
(24 July 2009 - Version 3.0 on 5 Aug 2009)

'Rights of Brasil's Lula da Silva and other friends of Castro and
Chavez, and of other "democratically elected" Criminal Minds
{HRI note 20090724-V1.2}
(24 July 2009 - Version 1.2 on 30 Sept 2009, after Version 3.0)
.... /group/soc.culture.honduras/msg/5f906cfc2d1de61c

Issue Note:

This HRI is based on my notes to the Chinese arms race, shown
publicly with the "celebration" of VERY SEVERE, Chinese Criminal
Minds (mentioned in the text, above) at the recent parade in the
center of Bejing, a state of affairs and command and direction
of admiration, that THE Chinese people are demanded - by the
publicly shown and partying Criminal Minds, one of them letting
himself be paraded around standing in an open car, demanding of
THE Chinese people - to feel "proud" about those most severe
Criminal Minds "leading them to prosperity."



Copyright 2009-2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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