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Den humanitære katastrofe i Gaza
Fra : E.Dalgas

Dato : 15-08-11 14:49

Palestinians "suffering" in the brand new "Gaza Mall"

Palestinians celebrate the opening of the "Gaza Mall".
Apparently they have enough building supplies to build a mall.
They have enough products to fill the shelves (courtesy of the Israeli tax
payers). But please!!!! Help end the suffering.


Lorne Gunter: A different view of Gaza ¡X not so poor after all

There¡¦s nothing remarkable about this, you say. New malls open all the time
all around the world. But think about it: One of the main complaints
international organizations have against the Israeli blockade of Gaza is
that construction materials, supposedly, are not getting through. Gazans
are allegedly forced to live in dilapidated apartments and houses because
big, bad Israel will not let cement mix and rebar pass its lines.So just
where did the materials come from to build Gaza Mall?

Hele artiklen :

Shopping experience

Salah a-Din Abu Abdo, chair of the mall's board of directors, promised
"attractive and competitive prices" in an effort to replace Gaza's
traditional open air markets with a comfortable, air-conditioned shopping
experience.[1]His goal is to "develop a marketing and leisure culture"
among Gazans. [1] According to The Guardian, the Mall is part of an
entertainment "circuit" for wealthy Gazans, which includes seaside cafes,
swimming at the Crazy Water Park and riding at the Faisal Equestrian Club.

The mall features a pharmacy, separate prayer rooms for men and women and
stores selling shoes, toys, clothing, and office supplies.[2] A
supermarket, children's play area, and restaurant are planned but were not
operating in time for the grand opening.[1]

According to CBS News, construction materials and concrete were brought in
via the Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels.[4]

Kilde :



Bo Warming (15-08-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 15-08-11 22:35

>There??s nothing remarkable about this,

Netop - hele verden er enig med Israel

Med smugler tunneler der saboterer det vedtagne beviserf muslimerne at
de er værre massemordere end Stalin var og de er FREDLØSE og Israel
har al ret

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