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It is ironic that the Norwegian Labour Par~
Fra : Love Europe, Hate th~

Dato : 23-07-11 06:16

Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
into hell.

Q. Where was the paradise?

a) Norway
b) Utoya

It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
as a paradise.

SPierce (24-07-2011)
Fra : SPierce

Dato : 24-07-11 13:27

"Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu_fo@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
> into hell.
> Q. Where was the paradise?
> a) Norway
> b) Utoya
> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
> as a paradise.

# We had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972. Greasy
politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life with 'cultural
diversity' have completely destroyed it.

jg (24-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 24-07-11 22:17

SPierce wrote:
> "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu_fo@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
>> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
>> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
>> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
>> into hell.
>> Q. Where was the paradise?
>> a) Norway
>> b) Utoya
>> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
>> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
>> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
>> as a paradise.
> # We had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972. Greasy
> politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life with 'cultural
> diversity' have completely destroyed it.
Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in
fact it was home grown extreme right wingers.

SPierce (24-07-2011)
Fra : SPierce

Dato : 24-07-11 22:58

"jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> SPierce wrote:
>> "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu_fo@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
>> news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>>> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
>>> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
>>> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
>>> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
>>> into hell.
>>> Q. Where was the paradise?
>>> a) Norway
>>> b) Utoya
>>> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
>>> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
>>> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
>>> as a paradise.
>> # We had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972. Greasy
>> politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life with 'cultural
>> diversity' have completely destroyed it.
> Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in fact
> it was home grown extreme right wingers.

# I grew up when being patriotic about your own country and its history was
taken for granted and not commented about. It would have been considered
traitorous not to be patriotic. Two men were hanged for it in Britain after
the war. Two out of 45 million is not bad.

There was no such thing as 'extreme right-wingers'. This label is a
product of post-war socialist thinking. Probably well-meaning at first as a
reaction to the devastation of the war. I certainly felt something had to
be done to stop such devastation happening again. But an insidious
Communism seeped into social thinking throughout the western world and
corrupted language through the press and in universities.

Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen. A Norwegian patriot
got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted. That's what
happened. he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
everyone in the process. A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.

jg (24-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 24-07-11 23:40

SPierce wrote:
> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:5S%Wp.9232$CS3.5979@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
>> SPierce wrote:
>>> "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu_fo@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
>>> news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
>>>> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
>>>> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
>>>> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
>>>> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
>>>> into hell.
>>>> Q. Where was the paradise?
>>>> a) Norway
>>>> b) Utoya
>>>> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
>>>> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
>>>> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
>>>> as a paradise.
>>> # We had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972. Greasy
>>> politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life with 'cultural
>>> diversity' have completely destroyed it.
>> Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in fact
>> it was home grown extreme right wingers.
> # I grew up when being patriotic about your own country and its history was
> taken for granted and not commented about. It would have been considered
> traitorous not to be patriotic. Two men were hanged for it in Britain after
> the war. Two out of 45 million is not bad.

Hanged for unpatriotism? If you mean internal spies, there are more of
those than 2 in 45 million and all developed countries have them. Most
certainly had them during the 2 world wars. There was even a certain
British king suspected...

> There was no such thing as 'extreme right-wingers'. This label is a
> product of post-war socialist thinking. Probably well-meaning at first as a
> reaction to the devastation of the war. I certainly felt something had to
> be done to stop such devastation happening again. But an insidious
> Communism seeped into social thinking throughout the western world and
> corrupted language through the press and in universities.

Neo-nazis are mormal?

> Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
> This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen. A Norwegian patriot
> got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted. That's what
> happened. he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
> everyone in the process. A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
> invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.
If blowing stuff up is normal for right wing, they can stick it.
This is just what minorities do when they can't get their way, no 'wing'
has a monopoly on it.
What, invasion is a right wing activity to be commended?

Eunometic (24-07-2011)
Fra : Eunometic

Dato : 24-07-11 17:37

On Jul 25, 7:17 am, jg <j...@nospam.com> wrote:
> SPierce wrote:
> > "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
> >news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com...
> >> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
> >> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
> >> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
> >> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
> >> into hell.
> >> Q. Where was the paradise?
> >> a) Norway
> >> b) Utoya
> >> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
> >> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
> >> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
> >> as a paradise.
> > #  We  had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972.   Greasy
> > politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life  with 'cultural
> > diversity' have completely destroyed it.
> Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in
> fact it was home grown extreme right wingers.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

I have no problem with Breivik's anti-immigration stance and much of
his analysis. I have a problem with what he did both because it is
going to be counter-productive just as there was a reaction against
immigration and because you don't target children. You don't take
society down that path.

Having said that: he wasn't random (like muslims who target western
tourists eg Bali, Luxor or public transport, Trains Madrid, London).

He targeted a Norweigen Labour "Indoctrination Camp" where he saw the
next generation of totalitarian cultural-marxists being created and
where many of the Government Leadership had their children. Hence he
target something of direct interest and he created pain in those he
probably saw as responsible.

I blame Norways "Hate crime laws" which have effectively shut down
effective discusion around the immigration issues by preventing the
gathering or distribution of data and effective speach and
organisation around opposition to non-european immigraion and its
ethnocidal impacts. A Jewish owned pro-immigraion press in Norway and
Scandinavia doesn't help fair and open discusion either.

When speach on certain topics is made illegitimate by the power of
the state law then other ways will be found by some to restore their

Eunometic (24-07-2011)
Fra : Eunometic

Dato : 24-07-11 18:37

On Jul 25, 7:57 am, "SPierce" <ecre...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>    Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
> This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen.  A Norwegian patriot
> got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted.  That's what
> happened.  he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
> everyone in the process.   A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
> invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.- Hide quoted text -

If my translation is right in some Swedish Schools where there is
exposure to multiculturalism over 40% of the Children are indicating
they will vote for the Sweddish Democrats (a Nationalist anti-
immigraion party). They hate living under multiculturalism and are
resistant to it.


jg (26-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 26-07-11 22:14

Eunometic wrote:
> On Jul 25, 7:57 am, "SPierce" <ecre...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
>> Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
>> This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen. A Norwegian patriot
>> got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted. That's what
>> happened. he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
>> everyone in the process. A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
>> invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.- Hide quoted text -
> If my translation is right in some Swedish Schools where there is
> exposure to multiculturalism over 40% of the Children are indicating
> they will vote for the Sweddish Democrats (a Nationalist anti-
> immigraion party). They hate living under multiculturalism and are
> resistant to it.
> http://translate.google.com.au/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fsnaphanen.dk%2F2011%2F07%2F24%2Fthe-blame-game%2F

How many pro-immigration govts have done it for bio-diversity and how
many for 'economic' reasons? Australia's right wing govt brought in
300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.

I don't like multiculturism either, but I think it's being made to carry
the blame for overpopulation strategies which aren't the private domain
of left or right.

Petzl (26-07-2011)
Fra : Petzl

Dato : 26-07-11 23:54

On Wed, 27 Jul 2011 05:14:06 +0800, jg <jg@nospam.com> wrote:

>How many pro-immigration govts have done it for bio-diversity and how
>many for 'economic' reasons? Australia's right wing govt brought in
>300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.
>I don't like multiculturism either, but I think it's being made to carry
>the blame for overpopulation strategies which aren't the private domain
>of left or right.
No Australian that can afford it sends their Children to Government
Schools because of it (overrun by Moslems)
When Governments fail to enforce law and order, common folk take it upon themselves to do so.
"All rape in Oslo is by Third-World immigrants and asylees"
"The number of rapes in the Norwegian capital Oslo is six times as
high as in New York City"

SPierce (27-07-2011)
Fra : SPierce

Dato : 27-07-11 04:44

"jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message

Australia's right wing govt brought in
> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.

# If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from, it tells me
that the IQ level has dropped here too.

Not caring about the quality is gross negligence. We went to war to save
this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to take it
over. Those men who fought for the country against the takeover were not
called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were prepared to
save it for themselves and their children.

Not caring about the type of people of as immigrant shows a distinct lack
of discriminatory power of mind. That lack of discriminatory ability is an
indication of IQ. The Hippie generation in government are really showing
the IQ level they belong to.

jg (27-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 27-07-11 05:21

SPierce wrote:
> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:a%FXp.9317$CS3.1899@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
> (snipped)
> Australia's right wing govt brought in
>> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.
> # If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from, it tells me
> that the IQ level has dropped here too.
> Not caring about the quality is gross negligence. We went to war to save
> this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to take it
> over. Those men who fought for the country against the takeover were not
> called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were prepared to
> save it for themselves and their children.
> Not caring about the type of people of as immigrant shows a distinct lack
> of discriminatory power of mind. That lack of discriminatory ability is an
> indication of IQ. The Hippie generation in government are really showing
> the IQ level they belong to.
Thought you would have watched with interest the progressive dismantling
of the white Australia policy by successive govts for decades until we
are now signatory to the UN convention for racial non-discrimination in

Short of withdrawing our support, govts could only cut down immigration
to get away from it. Applicants are selected on the basis of skills,
health, age etc by the dept of immigration with little variation of the
criteria between govts.

If it's a left wing plot, the right seem to support it pretty well.
Lefties I know are more concerned with getting along with what we've got
than inviting more. The Greens have more of an agenda for lower
population than either liblabs, who are happy to let you think it's not
they who actually bring in the 'foreigners'. They say it's good for the

SPierce (27-07-2011)
Fra : SPierce

Dato : 27-07-11 07:19

"jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> SPierce wrote:
>> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
>> news:a%FXp.9317$CS3.1899@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
>> (snipped)
>> Australia's right wing govt brought in
>>> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came
>>> from.
>> # If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from, it tells
>> me that the IQ level has dropped here too.
>> Not caring about the quality is gross negligence. We went to war to
>> save this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to
>> take it over. Those men who fought for the country against the takeover
>> were not called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were
>> prepared to save it for themselves and their children.
>> Not caring about the type of people of as immigrant shows a distinct
>> lack of discriminatory power of mind. That lack of discriminatory
>> ability is an indication of IQ. The Hippie generation in government are
>> really showing the IQ level they belong to.
> Thought you would have watched with interest the progressive dismantling
> of the white Australia policy by successive govts for decades until we are
> now signatory to the UN convention for racial non-discrimination in
> immigration.
> Short of withdrawing our support, govts could only cut down immigration to
> get away from it. Applicants are selected on the basis of skills, health,
> age etc by the dept of immigration with little variation of the criteria
> between govts.
> If it's a left wing plot, the right seem to support it pretty well.
> Lefties I know are more concerned with getting along with what we've got
> than inviting more. The Greens have more of an agenda for lower population
> than either liblabs, who are happy to let you think it's not they who
> actually bring in the 'foreigners'. They say it's good for the economy.

# It was originally a left-wing plot, as described in detail by prof. Mark
Lopez in his Ph.d thesis. Over the years the Liberals got in on the act
because they saw the votes drifting to the Labour marginal seats where the
Labour Party used them to stack the seats.

So the essential point is that the political class, both sides, saw their
Super-for-life-career-in spin in selling Australia to low-life immigrants
and asylum shoppers at white Australian tax-payers expense. This is a sign
of low IQ and contempt for Australia as a unique historical gamble that
worked because the pioneer people once made it so.

jg (27-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 27-07-11 07:50

SPierce wrote:
> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:8fMXp.9327$CS3.8075@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
>> SPierce wrote:
>>> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
>>> news:a%FXp.9317$CS3.1899@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
>>> (snipped)
>>> Australia's right wing govt brought in
>>>> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came
>>>> from.
>>> # If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from, it tells
>>> me that the IQ level has dropped here too.
>>> Not caring about the quality is gross negligence. We went to war to
>>> save this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to
>>> take it over. Those men who fought for the country against the takeover
>>> were not called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were
>>> prepared to save it for themselves and their children.
>>> Not caring about the type of people of as immigrant shows a distinct
>>> lack of discriminatory power of mind. That lack of discriminatory
>>> ability is an indication of IQ. The Hippie generation in government are
>>> really showing the IQ level they belong to.
>> Thought you would have watched with interest the progressive dismantling
>> of the white Australia policy by successive govts for decades until we are
>> now signatory to the UN convention for racial non-discrimination in
>> immigration.
>> Short of withdrawing our support, govts could only cut down immigration to
>> get away from it. Applicants are selected on the basis of skills, health,
>> age etc by the dept of immigration with little variation of the criteria
>> between govts.
>> If it's a left wing plot, the right seem to support it pretty well.
>> Lefties I know are more concerned with getting along with what we've got
>> than inviting more. The Greens have more of an agenda for lower population
>> than either liblabs, who are happy to let you think it's not they who
>> actually bring in the 'foreigners'. They say it's good for the economy.
> # It was originally a left-wing plot, as described in detail by prof. Mark
> Lopez in his Ph.d thesis. Over the years the Liberals got in on the act
> because they saw the votes drifting to the Labour marginal seats where the
> Labour Party used them to stack the seats.
> So the essential point is that the political class, both sides, saw their
> Super-for-life-career-in spin in selling Australia to low-life immigrants
> and asylum shoppers at white Australian tax-payers expense. This is a sign
> of low IQ and contempt for Australia as a unique historical gamble that
> worked because the pioneer people once made it so.

Immigrants don't care what type of govt lets them in, they might favour
one side of politics when they have been here a while - many say
immigrants like Labor. Now why would the libs bring in people who will
vote Labor?

SPierce (27-07-2011)
Fra : SPierce

Dato : 27-07-11 10:26

"jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> Immigrants don't care what type of govt lets them in, they might favour
> one side of politics when they have been here a while - many say
> immigrants like Labor. Now why would the libs bring in people who will
> vote Labor?

# Lib's don't 'bring them in' in the same way. Lib's give the job to
'consultants' who supposed vet applicants for skills demanded by business.
Yeah right. My cynical mind says they just pile in as many as they can for
a fee.

In other words we don't have an effective immigration cut-off valve, just a
bunch of 'consultants' making it a business. Sort of like the Education
scam of selling degrees to anyone who can pay to turn up and do cut and
paste. Let me know if I'm wrong.

jg (27-07-2011)
Fra : jg

Dato : 27-07-11 14:46

SPierce wrote:
> "jg" <jg@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:IqOXp.9326$aH5.4813@viwinnwfe02.internal.bigpond.com...
> (snipped)
>> Immigrants don't care what type of govt lets them in, they might favour
>> one side of politics when they have been here a while - many say
>> immigrants like Labor. Now why would the libs bring in people who will
>> vote Labor?
> # Lib's don't 'bring them in' in the same way. Lib's give the job to
> 'consultants' who supposed vet applicants for skills demanded by business.
> Yeah right. My cynical mind says they just pile in as many as they can for
> a fee.
> In other words we don't have an effective immigration cut-off valve, just a
> bunch of 'consultants' making it a business. Sort of like the Education
> scam of selling degrees to anyone who can pay to turn up and do cut and
> paste. Let me know if I'm wrong.
That would be why 300,000 immigrants came in each of Howard's last few
years and it's currently 180,000 a year. Google it if you don't believe
me. If admission is a scam, the dept of immigration is conducting it.

Eunometic (26-07-2011)
Fra : Eunometic

Dato : 26-07-11 20:08

On Jul 27, 7:14 am, jg <j...@nospam.com> wrote:
> Eunometic wrote:
> > On Jul 25, 7:57 am, "SPierce" <ecre...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> >>    Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
> >> This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen.  A Norwegian patriot
> >> got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted.  That's what
> >> happened.  he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
> >> everyone in the process.   A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
> >> invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.- Hide quoted text -
> > If my translation is right in some Swedish Schools where there is
> > exposure to multiculturalism over 40% of the Children are indicating
> > they will vote for the Sweddish Democrats (a Nationalist anti-
> > immigraion party).   They hate living under multiculturalism and are
> > resistant to it.
> >http://translate.google.com.au/translate?js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&...
> How many pro-immigration govts have done it for bio-diversity and how
> many for 'economic' reasons? Australia's right wing govt brought in
> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from..
> I don't like multiculturism either, but I think it's being made to carry
> the blame for overpopulation strategies which aren't the private domain
> of left or right.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

The Liberals are faux conservatives; they will throw ordinary
Australians under the bus to pander to buisiness elites. The are
totally corrupted by big doners from pro immigraion developers and
indeed a certain ethnic group. Both parties are unwilling to comfront
over population, racial or cultural replacement.

The Liberals put on their faux-conservative act simply to pretend to
be an opposition. The 'Laborals' in fact opperate synergistically by
pretending to be oppostion and government and are 98% aligned on
policy outcomes and where they differ its unimportant anyway. I never
vote for them. I vote to break them down. The ALP is really the
same, the ALP is faux working man, they hold blue collar Australia in
contempt and pay lip service to unions while doing everything to
destroy the wellbeing, comfort of the ordinary Australian.

I have no doubt Abbot will increase immigration, despite saying he
would reduce it last election. On this issue all parties lie. Howard
was the worst.

fyfpoon@gmail.com (27-07-2011)
Fra : fyfpoon@gmail.com

Dato : 27-07-11 17:24

On Jul 24, 4:37 pm, Eunometic <eunome...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> On Jul 25, 7:17 am, jg <j...@nospam.com> wrote:
> > SPierce wrote:
> > > "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
> > >news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com....
> > >> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
> > >> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
> > >> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
> > >> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
> > >> into hell.
> > >> Q. Where was the paradise?
> > >> a) Norway
> > >> b) Utoya
> > >> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
> > >> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
> > >> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
> > >> as a paradise.
> > > #  We  had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972.   Greasy
> > > politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life  with 'cultural
> > > diversity' have completely destroyed it.
> > Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in
> > fact it was home grown extreme right wingers.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -
> I have no problem with Breivik's anti-immigration stance and much of
> his analysis.  I have a problem with what he did both because it is
> going to be counter-productive  just as there was a reaction against
> immigration and because you don't target children.  You don't take
> society down that path.
> Having said that:  he wasn't random (like muslims who target western
> tourists eg Bali, Luxor or public transport, Trains Madrid, London).
> He targeted a Norweigen Labour "Indoctrination Camp" where he saw the
> next generation of totalitarian cultural-marxists being created and
> where many of the Government Leadership had their children.  Hence he
> target something of direct interest and he created pain in those he
> probably saw as responsible.
> I blame Norways "Hate crime laws" which have effectively shut down
> effective discusion around the immigration issues by preventing the
> gathering or distribution of data and effective speach and
> organisation around opposition to non-european immigraion and its
> ethnocidal impacts.  A Jewish owned pro-immigraion press in Norway and
> Scandinavia doesn't help fair and open discusion either.

Kindly explain why you have always held the Jewish responsible for
distasteful things. Why not hold the Chinese responsible?

> When speach on certain topics is made illegitimate  by the power of
> the state law then other ways will be found by some to restore their
> influence.

fyfpoon@gmail.com (27-07-2011)
Fra : fyfpoon@gmail.com

Dato : 27-07-11 17:26

On Jul 26, 8:43 pm, "SPierce" <ecre...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> "jg" <j...@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:a%FXp.9317$CS3.1899@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
> (snipped)
> Australia's right wing govt brought in
> > 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.
> #  If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from,  it tells me
> that the IQ level has dropped here too.
>  Not caring about the quality is gross negligence.  We went to war to save
> this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to take it
> over.   Those men who fought for the country against the takeover were not
> called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were prepared to
> save it for themselves and their children.
> Not caring about the type of people of  as immigrant shows a distinct lack
> of discriminatory power of mind.   That lack of discriminatory ability is an
> indication of IQ.  The Hippie generation in government are really showing
> the IQ level they belong to.

I heard that years ago the Italians were preferred to the Chinese into
Oz because the former were whiter and more inclined to having fun...

fyfpoon@gmail.com (27-07-2011)
Fra : fyfpoon@gmail.com

Dato : 27-07-11 22:05

On Jul 26, 9:20 pm, jg <j...@nospam.com> wrote:
> SPierce wrote:
> > "jg" <j...@nospam.com> wrote in message
> >news:a%FXp.9317$CS3.1899@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
> > (snipped)
> > Australia's right wing govt brought in
> >> 300,000 a year, liblabs both agreed they didn't care where they came from.
> > #  If this is true, that they didn't care where they came from,  it tells me
> > that the IQ level has dropped here too.
> >  Not caring about the quality is gross negligence.  We went to war to save
> > this country from people we didn't want here but where determined to take it
> > over.   Those men who fought for the country against the takeover were not
> > called right-wingers, they cared about their country and were prepared to
> > save it for themselves and their children.
> > Not caring about the type of people of  as immigrant shows a distinct lack
> > of discriminatory power of mind.   That lack of discriminatory ability is an
> > indication of IQ.  The Hippie generation in government are really showing
> > the IQ level they belong to.
> Thought you would have watched with interest the progressive dismantling
> of the white Australia policy by successive govts for decades until we
> are now signatory to the UN convention for racial non-discrimination in
> immigration.
> Short of withdrawing our support, govts could only cut down immigration
> to get away from it. Applicants are selected on the basis of skills,
> health, age etc by the dept of immigration with little variation of the
> criteria between govts.
> If it's a left wing plot, the right seem to support it pretty well.
> Lefties I know are more concerned with getting along with what we've got
> than inviting more. The Greens have more of an agenda for lower
> population than either liblabs, who are happy to let you think it's not
> they who actually bring in the 'foreigners'. They say it's good for the
> economy.

It is the kind of foreigners they bring in that matters. They should
have brought in more Chinese. The Chinese are not only more
puritanical than many puritans, they make better cusines. But the
white natives like to have a good time. This is why they bring in
foreigners who are also fond of having a good time.

fyfpoon@gmail.com (28-07-2011)
Fra : fyfpoon@gmail.com

Dato : 28-07-11 17:08

On Jul 24, 2:57 pm, "SPierce" <ecre...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> "jg" <j...@nospam.com> wrote in message
> news:5S%Wp.9232$CS3.5979@viwinnwfe01.internal.bigpond.com...
> > SPierce wrote:
> >> "Love Europe, Hate the EU" <eu...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote in message
> >>news:a5e90152-fe10-4cb6-bb65-775b2f604e7b@x7g2000vbk.googlegroups.com....
> >>> Once upon a time there was a land in Northern Europe, where the people
> >>> had the same belief, and where outsiders could not reach. With
> >>> everyone feeling the same, it was a paradise. Then it was invaded by
> >>> men who were different to them, who attacked and turned their paradise
> >>> into hell.
> >>> Q. Where was the paradise?
> >>> a) Norway
> >>> b) Utoya
> >>> It is ironic that the labour party, who opens the door to outsiders
> >>> into Norway, and has the blood of thousands of Oslo rape victims on
> >>> it's hands, describes it's exclusive little inaccessible love island
> >>> as a paradise.
> >> #  We  had the same paradise here in Australia up until 1972.   Greasy
> >> politicians with abstract ideas about how to improve life  with 'cultural
> >> diversity' have completely destroyed it.
> > Multiculturalism was the first suspect in the Onslo bastardry, but in fact
> > it was home grown extreme right wingers.
> # I grew up when being patriotic about your own country and its history was
> taken for granted and not commented about.  It would have been considered
> traitorous not to be patriotic.  Two men were hanged for it in Britain after
> the war.  Two out of 45 million is not bad.
>  There was no such thing as 'extreme right-wingers'.  This label is a
> product of post-war socialist thinking.  Probably well-meaning at first as a
> reaction to the devastation of the war.   I certainly felt something had to
> be done to stop such devastation happening again.   But an insidious
> Communism seeped into social thinking throughout the western world and
> corrupted language through the press and in universities.
>    Now patriotism about your own country is expressed as 'right-winger'.
> This is what Orwell was trying to tell us would happen.  A Norwegian patriot
> got angry about the betrayal of his country and reacted.  That's what
> happened.  he is not sick, just determined to do something, and shocks
> everyone in the process.   A thousand years ago he and his compatriots
> invaded Britain and they made us what we are...or what we were.

That Norwegian patriot is opposed to the muslims. He did not involve
the Chinamen. Why? Let me tell u why. It is because the Chinamen
are at least as hard working and law abiding as the local Norwegian
white, and they assimilate well.

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