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Gadaffi's nøgterne beskrivelse af optøj
Fra : Martin Larsen

Dato : 07-03-11 17:44

Dem der sammenligner optøjerne i MØ med "68-oprøret" eller
"friheds-oprøret" 1789 er mere romantisk blåøjede end BW.

Uanset hvilke grunde Gadaffi har til at sige det, rammer han nok hovedet
på sømmet:

He claimed there was a "plot" in Libya, evoking the presence of "armed
extremists," and al-Qaeda "sleeper cells."

"Libya plays a vital role in regional peace and world peace," he added.
"We are an important partner in fighting al-Qaeda."

"There are millions of blacks who could come to the Mediterranean to
cross to France and Italy, and Libya plays a role in security in the
Mediterranean," he said, speaking through an interpreter.

"Those who are bearing arms in Benghazi are al-Qaeda and they have no
economic or political claims. They are what you call AQIM (al-Qaeda in
the Islamic Magreb)", he added, referring to al-Qaeda's North African

He said the national council in Benghazi "is sailing on a wave of
Islamism. If ever the terrorists win... They don't believe in democracy."

Kort oversat: Det er Al Qaeda (AQIM) og det er *ikke* demokrati de er
ude efter.

Selvfølgelig - hvor naiv kan man være i Politiken-segmentet?


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