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'Loving Gratitude' - Flashes of Loving Gra~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-02-11 09:38

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'Loving Gratitude' - Flashes of Loving Gratitude in the Snow

23 February 2011

{HRI note 20110223-II-V2.0}

(Version 2.0
on 25 Feb 2011)

not for the Sociopaths]



The kind of Life Energy, that produces the highest beauty in the
crystallization of drops of water into snowflakes, is

'Loving Gratitude' *

Express it, expressively, expressly and per express!


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'The whole world
sought audience with Solomon
to hear the wisdom
God had put in his heart.'


(*) From Mr Emoto's research in showing the physical effect of (also
your) thought.

He does not know that - but you know, by now, I assume -
that thoughts ARE Life Energy PARTICLES.

Nor does he know - but you know, by now, I assume - the
Definition of Peace. *(3)

He knows practically nothing (he is aware of almost
nothing) of the nature of Life and people,

yet he claims to know all, and "to be able to bring about
peace" "if all people think nice thoughts."

Well, Criminal Minds DELIGHT in NOT-nice thoughts
and in bringing about strife between people,

and these can NOT be cured, and there are at least
60 million of them, of the worst. And that's only
counting those who are incarnate... *(8)

You take his data, you take his observations - but never his
conclusions or his "understanding" of Life, *(5)


because he tries - and all other genuine researchers do the
same, they try - to fit in,

to destroy and that DOES (meaning Criminal Minds DO)
destroy Intelligence.

Intelligence: The ability to connect to relevant data
and to reject irrelevant data - and to understand and
conclude accordingly.

But researchers, also genuine researchers, do not know all that

- because they REFUSE to face Evil -

and thus they let science be incapacitated and lamed BY EVIL.

And they are so dumbed down, that they can not even tell
the difference between PHYSICAL energy and Life Energy


Physical Energy is Coarse and Atomic physics,

but Life Energy Particles is 'Fine Particle Physics'

with completely different laws and phenomena.


Evil OPPOSES Science, so you of course have to DETECT Evil
- in accordance with the 'Trinity of Science' *(6) - in order
to have any Science at all!


But INSTEAD, those genuine researchers try to

- like also Mr. Emoto who has been raised in the Buddhist
tradition of NOT FACING Evil and NOT understanding Life
at all, but FALSELY "understanding Life" - they try, and
other sincere people try, to

fit, what they observe by themselves, into, to match and blend
it with,

Evil that is present, installed in the past, permeating social
life and language and thought,

that does intend NOT to UNDERSTAND, that does intend to BREAK

such as most tenets of Buddhism*** are solely intended, to
very cleverly DESTROY the Understanding of Life itself,

and - while EXPLOITING the desire of people for Peace -
exactly DESTROYS Peace by PRETENDING to "understand it."

And these genuine researchers, like Mr Emoto, they
have no idea about that INTENTION of Evil,

(about the JOY of the Sociopath, in PRETENDING)

because they have been brought up in it as being
"truth about life."

So they try to fit in, the TRUTH that they DID find,

INTO the Evil inflicted and inserted and maintained
by the Sociopaths, in the society also via various
religions and philosophies.

The genuine researchers try to mesh, to blend their true
research, with existing, but not-understood Evil,

which (the hidden, "well-adjusted" and accepted Evil) if
it HAS TO ACCEPT or is forced to accept the truthful data
offered (found, researched),

even then, to "handle" such situations, Criminal
Minds have already installed the ideas and the
philosophies, that

will distort the discovered data, and will make it
without ACTUAL use, and will make the new data FALSELY


So also with Mr. Emoto:

HE - being a Buddhist - DOES NOT EVEN KNOW the Definition
of Peace *(1)

yet, because he wants people to live in peace, he uses
WHAT HE is allowed to know by the society of Criminal
Minds, or

what he has found out, which is):


Water registers and absorbs the Life Energy PARTICLES of
thought, and these affect greatly the process of crystallization
of drops of water into snowflakes.


Mr Emoto observing some minor part of Evil, but NOT UNDERSTAND-
ING the depth and nature and sources of Evil in the society, AT

he proceeds "to make his observation understandable to the
society" (NOT knowing, however, about Criminal Minds at all):

And these researchers try to make their work ALSO understood to
the "well-adjusted" Sociopaths

- like those writing in Wikipedia,

and others, who grab the new data immediately to
impose their lies about Life onto it,

in their books or videos about Mr. Emoto's water
crystals or snowflakes,

whose sole purpose it is, however,

when not by forceful DENIAL of the evidence, like the
well-known Sociopath James Randi for example does,

then it is by putting it into a FALSE framework, within
FALSE data, in order to pursue by deception, their purpose

TO PREVENT OTHERS from understanding Life and people.

(See their entry in Wikipedia on Emoto's extraordinarily
important work.) (I saved a copy earlier, in case they
might have changed it.) *(7)



THE SOCIOPATHS LOATHE AND HATE any vital evidence about the
nature of Life, they OPPOSE it and will try to bend it around
or otherwise destroy it;

BUT the truthful researchers try to communicate their vital
discoveries INTO THAT,

into the existing framework of that undigested, INTENSE

(and genuine researchers try and make their work
"understood" in those terms, within the malice of
the currently prevailing and existing ideas) inside

what the Sociopaths have enforced since time immemorial within
science, religion and philosophy.


The researchers - though genuine and sincere - don't see that,
but it happens to be so, that ALL the "understanding" offered
and planted and established since millennia

by "religious" - or, as it is called nowadays, by "scientific" -
Sociopaths, by THE Criminal Minds,

such a framework "in which to explain to others and make others
understand" new and truthful, useful things that researchers
found out,

the society's framework that the researchers wanted to be
accepted in or understood by,

is OPPOSED to, and is intended to NULLIFY any truthful and VITAL
research, and any truthful, vital observations,

truthful and vital observations which are - of course -
being made continuously

and thus "NEED NULLIFYING continuously."


Neuroscience, for instance, is solely developed by and presented
also by Sociopaths, IN ORDER TO OPPOSE actual observations and
actual understanding of Life,

by offering a PRETENSE of "understanding Life," and

by offering a PRETENSE of "wanting to understand Life,"

by offering a PRETENSE of "wanting to help people to
lessen suffering."

Those are things, that the "well-adjusted" Sociopath
DELIGHTS in. *(1)


That is the whole PURPOSE of Neuroscience: So that ("well-
adjusted") Sociopaths CAN easily OPPOSE, DENY and DESTROY
- at primary school level already - any understanding of Life
that has occurred, and "to deal with," "to explain away" and to
thus nullify, any truthful and vital observations, that will be
brought up. **


Thus Criminal Minds have to and do HYPNOTIZE also (inflict their
Harmful Life Energies, thoughts, feelings) ALSO on you,
hypnotizing and compelling you *(2)

into not talking to me, by making you 'feel any "reasons" that
you in your mind are willing to accept,' to decide NOT to
communicate (with sane and vital data and support) to me.

[what is given above, this footnote, is 'A Philosophy
of Science on Earth']



(**) ' 'Neuroscience,' a "science" BY "well-adjusted" Sociopaths,
FOR Sociopaths ...to appease their VICTIMS (you, that is)'
{HRI 20110110-V3.0} {FPP 20110110-V3.0}
(10 January 2011 - Version 3.0 on 17 Feb 2011)
.... /group/fine-particle-physics/msg/69a4a4a7c1be122a?hl=en


(***)'Intro to 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' '
{HRI 20060816-V5.2-Intro}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 Intro, on 10 July 2008)

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)

(1)(etc) (to be added)




Copyright 2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it) who
passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who
might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths specifically,
because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and about
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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