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(rev 2.1) His Passing Friendship with Sata~
Fra : Leonardo Been (Plato~

Dato : 18-12-10 08:48

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His Passing Friendship with Satan:* A View of the Nature and Character
of Gerry Armstrong as narrated by himself

16 December 2010
{HRI draft note 20101216-III}

(Version 2.1
on 18 Dec 2010)


Gerry Armstrong struck up a friendship with Satan,* to such an extent,
that he chose him, Satan, to be the bestman at his marriage, *(1)

and to such an extent, that - even without pay for it - he started to
write an oficial "biography" of Satan. *(1)


When the inevitable happened, Gerry Armstrong was DEVASTATED,

and he remained in denial, of the very one-sided nature of his
"cordial friendship," of ANY "friendship" with Satan.*


The inevitable DID happen:

By executive order, he was suddenly incarcerated indefinitely,

in the 'Scientology' prison system, a prison NOT only of
spiritual and social constraint, as one might assume,

but also of physical constraint plus deprivation of most all of
the necessary ingredients of and possessions in life, and with
the inability to escape,

all very "kindly" inflicted, you understand, because

"heavy domination and total control of others,
is NECESSARY for anyone to gain spiritual freedom,"

imprisoned under constant physical guard, and in a social
climate of hate and contempt for them

- what else would you expect of Satan -

with forced labor and constant deprivation of time for free
thought and free observation, and

denying all social and compassionate interaction, and instead,

forced study of 'Scientology' doctrines (Satan's* doctrines that
state how he wants others to 'see' "the nature of life and of
people," and

after forced labor and humiliation are done for the day, then
forced application of those doctrines on the incarcerees between
each other, and under guard and under full domination, too.

In order to become free, after a year or so - their integrity
now fully destroyed - they must agree to undergo all that.

They must remain meek for months or for years on end, and they
can only become free, after at least many months have passed AND
until they are willing to confess

- extensively to confess, checked and fully "verified" by
forcefully probing thought policing with lie-detectors,
for hours and hours, day after day,

and they must be willing, yes, desirous, publicly to
confess and pledge to the whole group around Satan* -

that 1. "The spiritual, social and physical incarceration etc.
was right and necessary, and had to be applied to them," and
that "they are grateful to Satan* for having provided this
service to them," and

that 2. "they now are at a point where they have benefited
sufficiently from it, and have helped other incarcerees, to
claim in words and verified by lie-detector, that they are
also benefiting from the experience."

Now, some claim, that "Satan does not exist," and others
claim - because they are hypnotized into "being great" -
they claim,

that "Satan is no more than a mosquito to them."

Gerry Armstrong would - with his statements quoted here below -
beg to differ.

His life has most extensively been destroyed by this "mere




I significantly quote Gerry Armstrong (writing in 1986):

(Before his incarceration, and still in full - though one-sided -
"friendship" with Satan,* the bestman at his marriage, whom of
course he adored in all possible ways, because that is how Gerry
Armstrong's nature dictated to him, to be in that environment. **)

(Gerry Armstrong writes)

'I would not have pressed her to communicate, in any case,
because emotional problems were left to Auditing [to therapy,
must not be talked about at all, except during therapy sessions,
which however did not occur either],

and, it was unacceptable to sympathize with someone in trouble.'




(When he learned of an order, that he be incarcerated indefinitely
in Satan's prison as I described it above, he apparently KNEW, what
this 'Scientology' prison-life entailed but which up to then however,
'ONLY OTHERS' were made to suffer "for their own good, of course...")

I significantly quote Gerry Armstrong (writing in 1986):

'An RPF assignment

[being ordered to indefinite incarceration in the
'Scientology' prison system, the infamous "RPF" or
"Rehabilitation Project Force" of Satan - and here
Gerry Armstrong implies, that an assignment to the
'Scientology' prison system, FOR ANYONE]

was an unbelievably traumatic experience:'

(Gerry Armstrong continues)

'When it happened to me - and I was a grown man - I was so
devastated, that I went into shock that lasted several days,
during which time I could eat hardly anything.

'It was one of only three times I cried during all my time in the
Sea Org

(the 'Sea Org' - a group of devotees kept closely
hypnotized by Satan* and 'believing his every word'
and 'following his every command,' ** while making
others also Blind to seeing Satan and preventing others
from understanding Life itself) {definition}

and I was in such heavy grief

[when I heard I was to report for incarceration, to join
"the pitiful low-lifes" of the 'Scientology' Sea Org]

that my body convulsed uncontrollably.'

(His body started to react to the Intense Ugliness Energy
of Satan, that now was forced into view and upon him,
by means of being ordered to 'Scientology' incarceration,

while before, he had been 'big friends' WITH the
Ugliness Energies of Satan, and then, being inside
it, did not feel any of it, at all,

NOW it was - the Energy of the Intense Ugliness, of
sending him to be incarcerated - was pushed onto his

but he could not determine or see the Source of the
Intense Ugliness, also because Satan's indoctrination is,
that feeling (his) Ugliness "is one's OWN aberration" and
"can be, and must be removed by therapy,"

and so, the Energy - the Energy (feeling) of Extreme
Ugliness inflicted on him, PLUS the condition of him
starting to become AWARE of it, by RESISTING it -

that Extreme Ugliness nevertheless continued to be
uncontrollable by him:

Not only did he NOT know the nature (of any Harmful Energy
at all) of his suffering, but he ALSO was indoctrinated
- by 'Scientology' doctrines, by Satan,* not to be able to
determine the source of what he was forced to feel and
that his body revolted at: the Extreme Ugliness (its
source being Satan*).

Source of the quotes:

Gerry Armstrong--Affidavit 03-19-1986.htm



So, Satan* murdered him... (l. ron hubbard killed Gerry Armstrong off)

Quel surprise! {French for 'What a surprise!'}

"And I was SUCH good friends** with Satan!"

What a surprise!

'When it happened to me - and I was a grown man - I was so
devastated, that I went into shock that lasted several
days, during which time I could eat hardly anything.'

Quel surprise! {the French equivalent of 'Who on earth would
have thought that, that Satan would do such a nasty, devastating
thing to anyone, to a best friend, even!'}

"I did everything Satan asked and demanded of me!"

'When it happened to me - and I was a grown man - I was so
devastated, that I went into shock that lasted several
days, during which time I could eat hardly anything.'

"I 'saw' everything and everyone, the way he, Satan, wanted
me to 'see' anything, and anyone!"

'I would not have pressed her to communicate, in any case,
because emotional problems were left to Auditing [to
therapy, must not be talked about at all, except during
therapy sessions, which however did not occur either]'

and: It was unacceptable to sympathize with someone in


I refer to 'The Exhilarating JOY of NOT facing Intense Evil (... of
demons like l. ron hubbard)' **

Truth is and remains absolute, however. *


KNT hrp&p



(*) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)

(**) 'The Exhilarating JOY of NOT facing Intense Evil ("well-adjusted"
sociopaths, like dictators, and demons - deceased sociopaths -
like l. ron hubbard)'
{HRI 20101118-II-V3.1}
(18 November 2010, Issue II - Version 3.1 on 15 Dec 2010)

(1) Source: The website of Gerry Armstrong


'Short Summary of: 'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually
REPLACING Jesus Christ with Satan (Source of Evil) (ASRJS)'
(incl. Definition of Jesus Christ, Definition of Satan, and
LINK to {HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)

'Amazing: 'Scientologists' actually REPLACING Jesus Christ with
Satan (Source of Evil) (incl. Definition of Jesus Christ,
Definition of Satan, and 'Fuzzytheism')' (ASRJS)
{HRI 20100106-II-V6.1}
(6 January 2010 - Version 6.1 on 30 Jun 2010)


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