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DEMOCRACY: Keeping Vital Government Data S~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 05-12-10 20:26

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and is a seriously Criminal Offense against the society

5 December 2010
{HRI 20101205-V1.1}

(Version 1.1
on 5 Dec 2010)

(suits foreign
language readers)


Vital data

- THAT MUST BE KNOWN TO MAKE AN INFORMED and constructive, and
thus DEMOCRATIC decision -


so, any such labeling, by anyone, IS DENIED and IGNORED,

REGARDLESS of what any government, diplomatic or military
personnel may write on top of such a message, or may say,
to that effect.


To withhold such vital data from the society, in fact IS

and, advising that offense to be committed, or even
demanding of others, to commit that offense

- to label or to keep such vital data secret from
the society -

IS COMPOUNDING this very serious Criminal Offense

of HIDING vital data from the society, that its members
need, to make an informed and constructive decision.



Democracy DEPENDS on VITALLY INFORMED decisions that are non-malicious.

Criminal Minds THEREFORE - "well-adjusted" sociopaths as they are -

encourage keeping VITAL DATA secret

(and they make themselves "very important," "indispensable" even,
BY) keeping vital data secret,

the very data, THAT MUST BE KNOWN in order TO MAKE AN INFORMED, and
thus DEMOCRATIC and constructive, decision.



The very REASON FOR keeping certain data secret

- the correct reason being, that sociopaths (which includes of
course the "well-adjusted" types) and their supporters, must
not know about it, as may be necessary

in hidden, undercover and sting operations, in order to expose
and oppose and handle Criminal Minds and their supporters -

the actual reason for necessary secrecy,


- of course by these, and naturally by these, because it
is THEIR NATURE to do so -

BY the very "well-adjusted" sociopaths that you want to expose!!

In fact, "well-adjusted" sociopaths do hide and protect
each other. Yes, they do really hide and protect ANY and
ALL "well-adjusted" sociopaths, in the society.

And OF COURSE they get upset, when you expose them for what they


So these - "well-adjusted" sociopaths - make you do EXACTLY THE
REVERSE of what you want to achieve with secrecy:

YOU want to use secrecy in order to expose Criminal Minds and
in order TO PROTECT PEOPLE AND THE SOCIETY from Criminal Minds
- "well-adjusted" sociopaths - and

THEY make you use secrecy, in order to hide and protect the
Criminal Minds, hidden sociopaths.


These - OF COURSE - enforce in the most bizarre and
destructive way possible, ANY secrecy law:

to prevent Evil* from being seen and acted against,

and to prevent Good from being known and recognized
and used.

But All LAWS have a purpose and GOAL, and, using a law in order to
OPPOSE its goal, is itself a Criminal offense.

So it is not necessarily correct at all, for someone to be
'law-abiding,' not at all,

but CORRECT IS: 'Using the law towards its goals'

...naturally, as any sane person does and wants it
done, as indeed

law itself is DEFINED by opposing Evil plus facilitating Good. *

Indeed - to the abhorrence of your "well-adjusted" sociopaths -
Good and Evil CAN be and HAVE been defined independently and
objectively. * Yet they - of course - hide ALSO THAT from you.



Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE:

VITAL DATA, that EVERYONE MUST KNOW in order to make an informed and
constructive decision, and to make the proper investments, "MUST BE

so that "only you have the privilege and possibility 'to make an
"informed" decision', 'unhindered by sociopaths'"

...intends and says the "well-adjusted" sociopath, to you.




By definition, VITAL DATA,

that EVERYONE MUST KNOW, in order to be able, to make an
informed and constructive decision, and to embark on a
successful course of action,

CAN NEVER BE CLASSIFIED as "secret" etc.

- NO MATTER WHAT "diplomats," or any "government" or "military"
individuals may write on a document, or may order (or may have
ordered) to his "government" personnel, about it.

Got it?!



A typical - now largely historic - example here, of a "well-
adjusted" sociopath, is USA "diplomat" Henry Kissinger, who
does nothing BUT that,

and who is covering it up with his "balance of power" idea

(an idea from the Criminal Mind:

'You have to have an equally forceful amount of Good
and Evil forces, in order to maintain "Stability"'*)
is an idea,

that Criminal Minds - "well-adjusted" sociopaths - want
you to absorb, to "understand," and to parrot to others.





And of course, ALL "well-adjusted" sociopaths who are "leaders" of

such as Hu Jintao in China (his Foreign Minister, Jiechi, is
a sociopath as well) and Putin in Russia (his Foreign Minister,
Lavrov, is ALSO a sociopath),* these

maintain their power ONLY by means of keeping the most vital data
secret, and demanding secrecy from others, of

the very data, that people however MUST KNOW, in order to make
decisions beneficial to their lives and to the lives of others
and to the society and its future.

In China fully,* and in Russia to a large extent,* it is
a "capital crime,"

to release, and also, to act upon, VITAL DATA, that
EVERYONE MUST KNOW in order to make an informed and
constructive decision. *


It is TYPICAL of Criminal Minds, that these do LABEL SOMETHING

AND THEN THEY FIXATE your attention - or everyone else's
attention - ON THE LABEL ONLY, hiding that is just a label,
AND that it is falsely applied to someone or to some action.

This is also how some sociopaths manage to destroy the
legal, judicial, law-enforcement system. *(a)


Such is the nature of the "well-adjusted" sociopath, of the
"normal" Criminal Mind,

the nature of which - these "well-adjusted" sociopaths
have Mind Controlled you also with their current "science"
about "the nature of life" - they have made you DENY,

so that you DENY - the most vital data of all - that
these "well-adjusted" sociopaths even EXIST!




ALL, however, that caring politicians have to do

- to bring about and ensure peace and prosperity -

IS TO OPEN THEIR MOUTHS with VITAL data that must be known to the
public in order for every sane person to make important decisions
and choose fruitful courses of action

- which is indeed in accordance with and complying with the
First Correct Declaration of Human Rights. *


Those who want dictatorship, or those who lead dictatorship(s),
and countries that are dictatorships, have no vote: *

Which is to say, that Democratic decisions must - on top
of having to be INFORMED decisions, they must - also be
non-malicious. Meaning, not intending to destroy DEMOCRACY:

Democracy, which is correctly defined in and by the Human Rights
Issues, because those are based on the nature of your and anyone's


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) And this is, how they - Criminal Minds - hide themselves too,
by labeling themselves wrongly, and by DEMANDING, that others
label them wrongly:

"They are human beings like anyone else,"

And many have forced - and are forcing - all school
children and all medical doctors, to learn, that

"everybody is a brain" - the soul does (that is, you do) "not

AND sociopaths have a normal brain like everyone else, indeed:
Thus those, who are "well-adjusted" sociopaths, "do not exist


(*) See earlier Human Rights Issues, as indicated.


'DEMOCRACY: (Those who want) Dictatorships HAVE NO VOTE'
{HRI 20101130-V1.1}
(30 November 2010 - Version 1.1 on 1 Dec 2010)

'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
Preamble' (HRD-2)
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)




Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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