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Real-Life Definition of "Clear" (Scientolo~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 26-10-10 08:07

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Real-Life Definition of "Clear" (Scientology): 'HAPPY ABOUT being
Spiritually Blinded and Overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard (a.k.a. Satan)'

20 October 2010
{HRI 20101020-V2.1}

(Version 2.1
on 26 Oct 2010)

(view summary, by
skipping indentation)


'You can not really defend yourself against,
what you can not see or do not know to exist.'

{suitable quote}


WHAT or whom you can not see and also do not know to even EXIST, you
can not really defend yourself (or others) against.

And you then get really IRRATIONAL, about "defending" yourself
or others,

such as currently in medical "science" - which is highly
irrational and does not understand many major diseases,*

because they DENY the nature of bodies and of life itself.
*[Medical Doctors]


Criminal Minds in "science," and in medical "science,"
are VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED to people knowing about perception,
how it works. *[(DPFI)]

Naturally, because perception, which IS sensing-feeling,

does DETECT intentions and THUS can detect Criminal Minds

who do not (at times when they do not) mask their
intentions, or,

when they are masked as is normal for them, then
to directly penetrate their mask,

with actual PERCEPTION,

you can then also directly trace harmful conditions (of
Pain, of Blindness, of diseases, of stupidity and of
accidents) to the corresponding inflictions BY a specific
Criminal Mind (by l. ron hubbard for instance). *

But, as all these harmful inflictions are PARTICLES
(Life Energy PARTICLES) you can also MEASURE THESE

with a Life Energy Fluctuation Meter,* (a
Mathison "E-meter" - but with its sensitivity
boosted necessarily very far beyond - also the
meter that was stolen from Mathison by "his
erstwhile friend" l. ron hubbard.)


So, DEFENSE - also in the martial arts - has PRIMARILY to do with
perception (with SPIRITUAL perception), of course. *[Bruce Lee]
*[Lisa McPherson]

So much so, that PERCEPTION NEUTRALIZES inflictions

- inflictions consist of Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles

(such as Drug Energy, Ugliness Energy, Unconsciousness Energy,
and Pain-Hate Energy - to name the very basic HALEPs). *




A "clear" in 'Scientology,' is DEFINED - in real life - as someone
WHO IS HAPPY ABOUT being spiritually blind, and ABOUT being (also
thus) overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard.

They can then not perceive the intentions of people, and,
if they see or sense anything at all, then it is FILTERED
THROUGH the the Harmful Energies of l. ron hubbard, of Satan.



You can walk 'unhindered' in a Scientology place or organization,
AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT CREATE the Energy TO PERCEIVE people as they

This they call - this l. ron hubbard tells them to call, and to
regard it as - "A SAFE SPACE," a "distraction-free environment."

Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE!


As soon as you start actually looking at them (not with material
things like photons of course, but with your actual, perceptional
Life Energy Particles) they soon get upset and "suspicious of you,"

though THEY are the ones to get and be suspicious of. *["Insane"
"Defined" by Criminal Minds]

But, as Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE,

THEY become "suspicious of you,"

rather than starting to investigate THEMSELVES (but doing
that, is opposed to their goals, or at least, it is vehe-
mently opposed to the one they worship, l. ron hubbard

(actually Satan - but they don't know that, of
course, and do not WANT to know that,

what they could very easily find out, with a little
bit of study of his actual biography,

and by doing some actual looking, sensing with their
OWN perception Energy).


Thus they, l. ron hubbard and 'Scientologists,' HATE journalists

- journalists who do NOT let themselves be blinded and be overwhelmed
by the satanic "Public Relations" techniques of l. ron hubbard.

Thus they HATE the society also

(Love being a quality that is not found in 'Scientology,' but is
REPLACED by Admiration) they HATE the society

to the extent, that people, especially government people, do NOT let
themselves be blinded and overwhelmed by the satanic or fascistic
"Public Relations" techniques of l. ron hubbard.





So how does a Criminal Mind (a sociopath) "become Clear?"

He or she ALSO simply AGREES to be HAPPILY overwhelmed and blinded
by l. ron hubbard (i.e. by Satan). This is done in steps - gradually.

First with "Ethics" to drive in the fundamental pillars of an eternal
DESIRE to be blinded and overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard, *(a)

as "being the most survival for self and for Mankind,"

and then with 'Scientology' "training" and "therapy," to make the
Criminal Mind experience moments

- or "wins" as they are called by l. ron hubbard (by Satan) -

in which the Criminal Mind feels great or feels fantastic, ABOUT
being blinded and overwhelmed by l. ron hubbard. *(a)

Such people, and cowards who are afraid to confront

The more they are spiritually blinded and overwhelmed by
l. ron hubbard (a.k.a. Satan), the more THEY DO NOT FEEL

And they do not feel their OWN EVIL IMPULSES as Evil,
at all, anymore... "as long as they act and feel and see, as
l. ron hubbard (i.e. Satan) tells or directs them how to act,
feel and see,"

as long as it is WITHIN the sphere (the Energy or filter),
of what l. ron hubbard says or demands

- again, you see exactly this also in other
dictatorships, where Criminal Minds are employed
by, and get admired in the Evil group (and it is
not different in 'Scientology') -

as long as they believe - and 'feel as true,' and add
force to and get others to add force to - the 'clever' and
stupid lies of l. ron hubbard (a.k.a. Satan) about himself
and about others, and about life in general. *(a),*

I have lived with such people, in the course of investigating
'Scientology,' and have given them therapy

   - that's why I know very thoroughly about them.




The Real-Life Definition of "Clear" (as a 'Scientology' term)
is: 'Happy ABOUT being Spiritually Blinded and Overwhelmed by
l. ron hubbard (a.k.a. Satan).'

So now you know, what is happening in 'Clearwater' (Florida),
and in some parts of Los Angeles (in a small stretch of street
called 'l. ron hubbard way' and in the 'Scientology' "Celebrity"
Center in that town), and in a 'Scientology' place

(that is however kept SECRET TO 'Scientologists' themselves
- it is NOT accessible to 'Scientologists' except for
staff and then only by being commanded to go there)

it is the 'Scientology' command center,

the 'Wolfsschanze' if you like, ('the Wolf's lair'), which

they call "Gold Base," near the village of Hemet at Gilman Hot
Springs, also in California.

Again: The Real-Life Definition of "Clear" is
'Happy ABOUT being Spiritually Blinded and Overwhelmed
by l. ron hubbard (a.k.a. Satan).'





That is of course the eternal goal of l. ron hubbard (a.k.a Satan),
AND it is the basis of

his intended, and publicized, 'billion year Reich,'

to "Clear the Universe" with his "Sea Org" followers, *(b)
to go to other planets (no kidding!]

to move from Earth onto other planets...


...the sooner the better, I would say, as they are then in fact - IN
REAL LIFE - complying

with the permanent and irrevocable Human Rights Order,* that is
outstanding on l. ron hubbard, and

with the Human Rights Issue 'The Rights of Criminal Minds.' *


I quote from that HRI: 'The Rights of Criminal Minds'

'Criminal Minds may be asked to leave a location.

Asking a Criminal Mind to leave a location - asking and knowing
the demand backed by an ability to enforce compliance -

is often the vital action needed in many situations:

It may be necessary in order to protect others, or to
maintain somewhere an atmosphere of understanding and
perception necessary, for

(sometimes even the basic needs, such as food and
shelter and communication and decency, of)

life to restore and grow and be healthy and joyful.' *


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) See also the RI-Bulletins on 'The Serenity Group.' *(1)(2)(3)
For instance:

RI-772i 'Serenity Devils of L. Ron Hubbard understood better'
of 5 Jan 1997 *(1)

I quote

'The enforced-Serenity-insanity consists of:

a) GIVING to others: UN-DESERVED [NOT deserved]
acknowledgment, admiration and validation;

b) PULLING OUT of others:
acknowledgment, admiration and validation;

acknowledgment, admiration and validation.'


RI-969i 'Jutta: "See me Great, or I kill you" - The main evil'
of 3 Sept 1997 *(2)

'"If you don't consider me Great, I want to destroy you."'


RI-969i-A '"You can't exist without my help", to prove
"Greatness"' of 20 Nov 1997 *(3)


These describe also very much the 'Scientology' group.
No wonder:

They were all created by l. ron hubbard (by Satan).


(b) His "Sea Org" consisting of the most blinded and the most
(also physically) overwhelmed, indeed 'blind followers.'


(1) 'RI-772i Serenity Devils of L. Ron Hubbard understood better'
{RI-Bulletin 772}
(5 January 1997)
... alt.religion.scientology/msg/16912d9b83d7629e?fwc=1


(2) 'RI-969i Jutta: "See me Great, or I kill you" - The main evil'
{RI-Bulletin 969}
(3 September 1997 - issued and edited 19 Nov 1997)


(3) RI-969i-A '"You can't exist without my help", to prove
"Greatness"' of 20 Nov 1997 *(3)

   (its full text follows here)

Message # RI-969i-A for Internet


"See how Great I am, or I will destroy you",
there is another aspect,
which belongs in
the "Understanding Suppression Series" (USP-series)


That is:

So now you should - and you probably do - regret
that the real-great-help is not there anymore.

The simple truth is
that he or she
has simply stopped helping and
is simply refusing to help
- which is not 'being Great' of him AT ALL.


And in order to then really drive his idea home to you,
he does everything to ruin your activity,
after the few instances of real help.

And with that he is then trying to
prove to you and to
really enforce on you
the idea that
he is 'Great'.

[L. Ron Hubbard calls this his
"Ethics"-system, by the way.]


When you get things going
WITHOUT his help,
he also does everything possible to ruin your activity
in order to prove to you that
"you CAN'T survive without his help".

In other words, he simply
intends you to fail in whatever you do.

And all this is supposed to prove to you
how 'Great' and how 'Indispensable'(*) he is.

As always - Suppressive Persons have it all in reverse.


Koos Nolst Trenite - Ambassador for Mankind

Copyright 1997 by Koos Nolst Trenite

* ['Indispensable' is, what you can't do without.]


(*) See under References

(and further as indicated, to be added)


'Satan (l. ron hubbard): "Life is a Game of Overwhelming others"
- (Criminal Minds feel, that people "are objects" they need to
manipulate, in order to get Life Energy from them)' (LGOO)
{HRI 20101005-IV-V3.0}
(5 October 2010, Issue IV - Version 3.0 on 7 Oct 2010)


'Long Summary of 'Medical Doctors: The Sickening Force
Undermining World Health and also Undermining the United Nations
Organizations ...' (incl. Real-life definitions of
'Living Organism' (your body), 'By-pass surgery' and 'Narcosis')
{HRI 20100304-V6.1-SL-V3.1}
(4 March 2010 - Version 6.1 on 7 Apr 2010
- Summary V3.1 on 5 Jul 2010)


'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V4.2.1} {FPP 20091203-V4.2.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 4.2.1 on 28 Sept 2010)
(Version 4.2)


'Restoring Vital Perception: Proper use of Life Energy
Fluctuation Meter (Vital Perception Aid), intensely hated by
Criminal Minds'
{HRI 20100209-V4.2}{FPP 20100209-V4.2}
(9 February 2010 - Version 4.2 on 17 Feb 2010)


'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 2.1 on 13 Jul 2009)


'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)


(and further, as applicable)



Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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