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Definition of Perception and Feeling Incre~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 22-09-10 17:46

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Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase

3 December 2009
{HRI 20091203-V4.1}
{FPP 20091203-V4.1}

(Version 4.1
on 22 Sep 2010)

(view Summary
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language readers)

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Unconsciousness (Black) Energy is surrounding
you (your soul), so strongly, so tightly, that
you probably can only look through your eyes,
and can only listen through your ears, and can
only feel structure with your skin,

so much so, that you thus Perceive, Sense or
Feel in a very subdued, filtered and muted way,

exactly as Criminal Minds - and their
medical "science" - do want it to be,
for you, *(1)

promoting numbness and inertia (spiri-
tual Blindness, and Deadness) as "normal,"

and squashing the NORMAL ability, to
Sense what is going on, and to be very
Alive, as "abnormal,"

and thereby driving some into drug

compared to real (joyful) Perception, Feeling
and Sensing - which DEFINES being Alive -

and which sensing-ability you NEED in order
to protect not only others, but yourself and
your body too, from harm intended and then
inflicted by Criminal Minds.



Perception Increase occurs, when you are pushing away or otherwise are

REMOVING some of the blocking Energies, inflicted on you or on
your body BY Criminal Minds, from any distance,

(inflicted by them on you now, but also in your past
which then may have become residual or nested within you).



You remove THEIR Blocking Energy Particles

- these are not YOUR Energy Particles at all,

(but Criminal Minds want you NOT to understand

Also Feelings and Ideas ARE Life Energy

and these can EITHER be created by yourself,
OR generated by others and then INFLICTED,
on you - on your body, or on your soul.)

and indeed, FALSELY assigning their cause, is a
matter, in which medical "science" is particularly
offensive and destructive to you *(17) -

you remove these Blocking and Distorting, Poisoned Life
Energy PARTICLES, especially from in and around your head,

and there, especially from your forehead, from (behind)
your nose and from (around and in) your eyes, from your
temples and from around your ears,

pretty much like cleaning a dirty window, or unplugging your
ears, *(n)(ALP)

that especially must be done after sleep,

like by taking a thorough shower, and creating
Aliveness Energy together with others, or becoming
more aware of others,

by 'pushing,' 'rubbing,' or 'rinsing' away at least some of the
Poisoned Energies inflicted and re-inforced on you and on your
body, especially during your sleep.

Not surprisingly, medical "science" does,

and uneducated parents, and also malicious
parents, do

demand or enforce 'sleep' as the common "medicine
for any condition." *(n)(n)




INCREASE of Perception is obviously done, by becoming aware of and
by starting to sense or feel

(or otherwise to push it away,

to push it aside ALSO by fiercely creating your own
Perception Energy by means of a strong desire to
Perceive, and

by creating the Energy to connect to what and whom you
really love, etc.)

- by whatever method, event or occurrence, that will cause you

to become aware of, to sense and to feel some of these
Blocking, inflicted Energies; and preferably to sense them

that strongly - to such an extent - that these Poisoned
Energies become somewhat 'tangible' to you,

so you can get a handle on them, and thus they start to
loosen up and obey you: They disappear.


That increase of Perception and Feeling-Sensing, has of
course to be done WITHOUT using any drugs, because DRUGS
the very 'handle' that you need, on things.

Taking Drugs results in REPLACING exactly that, what
you SHOULD see

(you SHOULD see, how, and by whom your
perception was greatly lessened, blocked or
destroyed in the first place,

but when you take any drugs, that is REPLACED)

with dazzling scenes and feelings, that intend
you NOT to perceive who destroyed (greatly
diminished), nor those who keep destroying your

by means of their inflictions of such
Poisoned Energies, doing so from any
distance - these inflictions are, after
all, Life Energy Particles, and thus can
penetrate any matter, and span any distance.



Your Perception Energy must be clean, untainted, unconta-

Exactly: NOT determined by exterior factors such as drugs;

when someone takes drugs, his Perception Energy gets
Altered, distorted, limited, confined - and often
he is not even aware, of it being so distorted -

and that applies to anyone: The drug taking
is done exactly to AVOID looking at or sensing
the barriers, the blocking Energies, and
is intended to bypass these, to AVOID looking
at the source of these, too (to avoid looking
at Evil),

as any alcoholic, or other drug addict
knows, or can admit.

And the Life Energy structures of your body
are damaged also, by taking drugs - possibly
quite irreparably, too. *(n)

Therefore Perception and Feeling must be done entirely

if you want to RESTORE your ability to perceive, to sense
or to feel.

(It must be done also without alcohol or tobacco
consumption, and,

most certainly WITHOUT any 'medical' - that means
perception-altering or mind-affecting, called
"psychotropic" drugs, like 'stimulants' or

If you do "Perception Increase" WITH drugs, then your
Perception, sensing and feeling gets LESS AND LESS, and
more distorted and blocked, and you become a social
nuisance, and you also ruin your body's Life Energy
structures with it.



Your Perception Energy must be clean, untainted, so that
it is then,


of your own free will and own free perception

(as I wrote already in the 'Introduction to Fine
Particle Physics'):

Only then is it possible to restore and repair Perception
and Feeling (and that includes Perception of your
memories, etc. also, of course),

BECAUSE it is necessary for you - from your OWN
viewpoint, that is, with your OWN Energies -

to become aware of, to sense and to feel exactly what
drugs and Drug Energy AVOIDS, which is, to sense
exactly these,

these Blocking Energies,

blocking, Harmful, Altered Life Energy Particles
('HALEPs'), the main types of which are:


Euphoria or Drug Energy,

Repellent or Ugliness Energy,

Blackout or Unconsciousness Energy, and

Pain or Hate Energy

...PARTICLES - Life Energy consist of Particles,

as in the fine science I created, called
Fine Particle Physics:

the physics of Life Energy.



The Blocking Life Energy Particles, are Life Energies Poisoned and
then inflicted,

by Criminal Minds on you and on everyone else, and Life Energy
has no barrier of distance or of objects, of walls etc., and so
Criminal Minds can inflict their Poisoned Energies

- and they were doing so in your past, they are doing so
at present, and they will be doing so in your and in
anyone's future, too -

and they do not stop.



So - because THEY do not stop - YOU have to be educated about
these Energies,

and about Perception in general, so much so, that you can
understand and handle those constant attacks on you and on
your body.


HOWEVER, PREVENTING THAT simple education about Life Energy,

is EXACTLY what Criminal Minds,

(they are already largely dominating current
"science," and of course, Wikipedia entries
about Life), they

will - with their "science" - try to PREVENT you from
being educated about THEM, and about Life (which consists
entirely of Life Energy),

and they do that by pulling away (by vampiring on)
your Energies and by Poisoning and by inflicting
Poisoned Life Energy on anyone,

without exception - they do so under any and all
circumstances -

which you probably do not believe, but they
do so,

without any scruples at all, and they do not keep
to any rules: They HAVE NO honor, no matter what
they may PRETEND.


In other words, an all-out spiritual or
Life Energetic war is going on, and is going
on indefinitely,

because THEY can not change (they have
a REVERSE conscience, and they can not
change), other than by pretending "to
have improved," to FAKE, that "you have
helped them"

- as you know it from the sociopath -

and THEY PREVENT you from having the knowledge
you NEED, in Life and for Life,

to defend yourself and your body, and to help
and teach others, like your children,

to defend or repair themselves,

and to prevent attacks by Criminal Minds, from
being effective.



It includes of course, those Harmful Energies inflicted on you
by Criminal Minds in your distant, spiritual past, that have
come to be residual in your soul, and that may relate to or
affect your body now, too,

but some religious "authorities," are telling you, that
"'your' religion forbids you to look at Life," that
"'your' religion demands, that you stay stupid and
destructive to yourself, and to others."

It is always a 'Double Lie,' what these say, to control
you with.

Just above, I wrote down their OBVIOUS lie, their lie
that is obvious to you - that 'your religion forbids you,
to look at Life.' That, you see, is THEIR lie to you.

But it is a 'Double Lie:'

it is a somewhat recognizable lie, that you could become
emotional about when you recognize it, and THAT serves to
HIDE the basic, actual lie, that YOU MUST NOT FIND OUT:


'You are "forbidden" - "because of your religion" -
to look at THEM, and at other Criminal Minds,'

is what their "'your' religion demands or
forbids it to you," really means,

and then they add, that "God wants it so," and that
"God forbids you to look at the soul of someone,"

and these religious "authorities," and these
"prophets" of religion, thereby

do claim in fact, to "be God," themselves.

There is more, that they ALSO hide with a similar 'Double


Then you have sacksual perverts and others with some form
of sacksual failure, and they become "religious" in
order to try not to give in to their perversion or to not
have to feel their sacksual failure,

usually, they think sacks to be an 'autistic' act
'for self,' which they call 'lust,'

and they join a religion THAT REPRESSES sacks, that
declares it 'a sin,'

so, that THEIR autistic "sacks," suddenly
"equals all sacks," and their OWN sacks
suddenly, from their viewpoint, "becomes
normal," "because all (extra-marital) sacks
and 'sacks "with self",' becomes forbidden,"

so in THEIR case, it is "a virtue," to OPPOSE sacks
...except for procreation purposes.

And to normal people, that is of course very odd,
because it is a big injury to Life itself,
very damaging to health and to social happiness,
to prevent, oppose and forbid the very social
interaction of Love itself.

BUT it suddenly becomes "NOT odd," IF "'your' religion,
and your 'spiritual well-being' demands it," or if you
can be made to believe and accept, that "'God' demands

so they are demanding an OPPOSITION TO SACKS,
oppositon and restriction in as many ways as they
manage to enforce or trick you into.


By that expedient, they turn some hidden Evil
of themselves, into a VIRTUE, into a "religious"

and they do that - and have done that - to ALL

by erecting themselves or other sacksual perverts,
or people who in other ways are sacksual failures,
to be the "authorities" of a religion.

You listen to SUCH people, to prescribe, "what
God wants,"

but that is in fact blasphemous and destruc-
tive to Life in the extreme,

as to "what 'your' religion" - they mean
'their social group' - "demands of you
and of everyone, regarding sacks."

Others are rapists by nature, and also they "remedy that,"
by "becoming religious"

- by saying, that "religion forbids men and women to be
together without supervision,"

and they become religious "authorities," or in the
extreme of sanctioned Evil towards their people and
harm to their society, they become "religious police"
or mutawa'een.


THEY "know," that "sacksual contact means," that "at least
one of the partners is being evil to the other - or at the
very least is treacherous, selfish, in lust, autistic."

THEY "know," that "therefore - to be good and NOT
evil - sacksual contact between people must be
avoided, and must be forbidden,"

"and the infliction of its evil must be limited to
married life, where it will remain invisible, and at
least will result in procreation."

Thus preventing "all that evil" - so, the natural rapist
"who wants to be good," says - preventing "all that evil,"

is the function of the society, and of religion in
particular, in charge of social customs,

and so such individuals strive to become religious
"authorities," and even "religious police" (as in
the country of Arabia)

"to prevent people from doing evil:"

Criminal Minds have everything IN REVERSE.


If you do not understand these things, then you can not remedy


There is of course more Evil*(10) of themselves that
they want to "remedy" "by being religious," by demanding
certain religious customs be observed

and thereby HIDING some Evil, and then declaring, that
"(your) religion" demands, that these things "must not be
looked at," but

"are the domain of 'God' himself," *(n) (Norway)


"God will be the judge, etc.," *(n)

while THEY - sociopaths - not you, but THEY
know very well, that God is NOT an individual,

else they would have been stopped long ago;

such is the level of Evil they inflict on you, and

you find it very difficult to imagine, that
religious "authorities" would even THINK of
inflicting such spiritual harm on you,

let alone for you to imagine, that they do,
indeed, solely for such reasons, inflict
their "religious demands 'of God'," on you.

But you swallow it all, because you
have no clue about what Criminal Minds

while you float within the "culture of
apathy about sociopaths," that THESE
have successfully inflicted on you and
on journalism,

and on "science," especially on medical


And these religious "authorities," these Criminal Minds,
also tell you, that, as soon as you die, "you must shut
up forever" - so THEY want it to be - and "nobody may
listen to you anymore,"

because you might tell someone HOW you died,
you see - or you might tell something else,

that YOU (free of the body's Black Energies,
by death) (that you) can now see things ABOUT

you can now see, that these religious
"authorities" are given to various
dishonorable compulsions, which they
prefer not to be discovered or made

because after you leave your body, you might
have - and many do have - enough Life Energy
not only to look at your environment, and with
that, at such "religious authorities," but

you might ALSO have enough Energy to tell
someone who is receptive enough to listen,
to someone he loves intensely, for instance.


So even when you do SEE, when they did not
manage to PREVENT you from seeing some things,

then you STILL "must be prevented" - by your
own religion - from telling, from being in
communication about it, with clairvoyants for

and these "religious" sociopaths, these
religious "authorities" then claim, that
"God does not want it," or in words to
hide their Evil better:

"when someone dies 'he belongs to God',"

or "you need permission 'from God' or
from the person himself, to look
at a person,"

- they can not even DEFINE 'God,'

and they claim, being sociopaths, that
any spiritual communication "is from the
devil or satan."


The actual and underlying truth is, that

Criminal Minds want NO WITNESSES,

they want, that you can NOT PERCEIVE the fact, that THEY
are the very same Criminal souls,

who are living on the Life Energies they vampire(d)
from others, maybe from you and from your body,
even, and

- in distant pasts as well as now, and also in the
future -

the very same Criminal souls who have destroyed your

by means of inflicting Poisoned Life Energies in the
middle between your eyes, behind there, for instance
where you find the pituitary gland.


And you - being an immortal soul - are carrying any Poisoned
Life Energies WITH YOU,

as long as you do not look at and sense these to be
present and attacking you, and you do not know about

when you do not even know, that Life Energy exists,
and forms Life itself, *(n)(CSS)

and as long as you are KEPT INCAPABLE, of looking
sufficiently, incapable of

sensing these Harmful Energies;

that is:

as long as you do not remove these, by simply looking at them,

or - most efficiently - by looking precisely, at WHO
inflicted these,

and WHO very possibly still now keeps inflicting or is
reinforcing, re-instating, keeping active, such

Poisoning, Harmful Life Energy Particles,

WHO ensures these to remain unknown, hidden, or wrongly

- as the medical trade does make you WRONGLY
"understand" the presence and the effect and the
source, of

these Harmful Life Energy Particles. *(n)

Also this action shows, that Truth is absolute - so you
have to look exactly, to sense precisely, who does or did
what, with what intention. *(n)






I am listing for you, the FOUR BASIC types of Harmfully Altered Life
Energy Particles:

(abbreviated H.A.L.E.P., HALEP, with plural HALEPs),

those types, that you have to know by heart,

and that you have to know so thoroughly, that - even when you
are "in" them, bombarded by them too strongly - you STILL THEN

KNOW THE FOUR BASIC Harmful Energies to exist,

so that you can 'climb out of them' *(14) (LIP)

- INSTEAD OF TAKING medical or other DRUGS, etc. -

and so that you do not get stuck 'in the now,'

'the now' that means, the feeling, the emotion and ideas
and fixation of attention, or panic or blindness

- that is, the Poisoned Energy with its content,
or with the significance it has been given and
that it carries, the ideas or experience, scenes
or memories, that have been put in it -

that Criminal Minds may create and inflict on you,

"as if you can feel only that (and thus, only what
THEY want you to feel) as existing 'now',"

"being in the now," *(n)

while you do not have the Life Energy anymore free,
with which you connect to or at least know, how it
is OUTSIDE of that inflicted feeling or emotion or
idea (the Poisoned Energy inflicted). *(n)(Dion)

OK? Criminal Minds - sociopaths - KNOW, that what I
write here, is true, so they might get very upset
about it being shown TO YOU.


We look a bit more at the spiritual trap they call 'the

This 'fixation on the now, often including a
fixation on the very immediate future that
THEY project as "going to happen",'

fixation of your attention, of your
Energy, like that, on 'the now,'

is a very, very common trick that ALL Criminal
Minds play on you,

and sometimes on a whole group, or on a whole

Some historians come near to grasping
or at least showing it, as in an
excellent World War Two documentary:

'Defeat of the Nazi War Machine'
(US War Department - Signal Corps)


So they trap you spiritually - by making you feel (as part
of their inflicted Poisoned Energy) that "there IS only
now," for you to feel

- "only the Grief or the Apathy (Harmful Energy),
etc., that they PROJECT (or that someone else
projects) or projected, IS THERE, for you to
feel," so you are 'stuck in the "now", by them' -

you are blinded, by them, into feeling ONLY the Energies
that are made to surround you, which they inflicted - to
surround your soul with, that is.


Therefore you have to know and be able to recognize, which
of the Energy of "the now," are Poisoned, Harmfully
Altered Life Energy Particles. So you have to know the
BASIC FOUR typed of Harmfully Altered Life Energy.


Gurus deliver tricks, to temporarily get you out of
some tiny part of the inflicted "now" Energies,

so, that you suddenly feel very great, for
some very limited time - till "Life" hits you

meaning not 'Life,' at all, but meaning,

'till Criminal Minds manage again to hit
you hard enough or deceptively enough,
with their Harmful Energies,'

they deliver these tricks, often as self-help
courses or therapy or religious experiences,

WITHOUT TELLING YOU what is actually going on

- NOT telling you, what Perception is and how
it works,

NOT telling you about Criminal Minds, and
what these do SPIRITUALLY, Energetically -

and so these gurus 'BIND AND BLIND' their followers,

they BLIND their followers, by making these
see a tiny little bit,

but NOT making you see, what you SHOULD
see and SHOULD know;

and the same applies, regarding
the drug user,

who is then made to feel or to
perceive, what "he himself" wants
to experience,

INSTEAD of what he SHOULD look at
in order to ACTUALLY achieve

(like Freedom from Ugliness
and Freedom from Hate, and
Freedom from Blocking
Energies), that

what he actually WANTS to

So here we go - which types of Energy you have to know by heart,

and know so thoroughly, that - even when you are "in"
them - you still know these four basic Harmful Energies:






The basic Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles (HALEPs) are:


1. Drugging Euphoria Energy ("YOU ARE PERCEIVING FINE" - it inflicts
the Blinding Feeling on someone, that "all is fine, not to worry,
just be happy," or "you have won, now," "you are safe now, so you
can 'reward' yourself by indulging in craziness").


This is not to be confused with uplifting Energy of
Beauty and Aliveness, WHICH INCREASES your connecting to
Life, and thus your perceiving MORE of Life and all around

Drugging Euphoria is an Altered Life Energy, Harmfully Altered,

- as Criminal Minds do and as these inflict it -

usually wrapped around other things,

that you "do not like to feel," that in fact THEY do
not like that you feel the truth of it, of them,

to make you not feel what those other things (like their ACTUAL
- and ACTUALLY indeed extremely unpleasant - intentions) are.

(Criminal Minds love Drug Energy, and produce it often in
very large quantities.)

It PRETENDS to be like, and it masquerades as, various Aliveness
Energies, and is often 'laced' with some Beauty Energies, to make
you more easily accept it as "pleasant," "loosening up."



2. Repelling Ugliness Energy (repelling your desire to perceive and
to be interested in Life; Criminal Minds however, do love Ugliness


Facing - that is calmly but precisely looking at - the actual
existence and presence of some of those (inflicted and blocking)
Ugliness Energy Particles,

and thereby removing these,

does CONSIDERABLY and INSTANTLY sharpen Perception (your ability
to perceive, to see, hear, feel and sense things or people).

Some Criminal Mind throws or threw some Ugliness Energy
Particles into your eye(s), and you find your vision is
suddenly blurry. So you remedy it by looking calmly where
that Energy is, and you strongly put your own perception
Energy (your strong desire to perceive) there, and upon
contacting the Ugliness Energy, instantly your vision

Now current "science" and its nerds, will want
instead, to cut your eye out and replace it with
a small camera, connecting to your brain.

Stupidity is VERY expensive, and VERY destructive...




3. Unconsciousness Energy (Black Energy).

Black Energy consists of Broken, Connection Life Energy
Particles - and these thus let nothing through,

like you would look at a black curtain, or swim under

It results in the Perception of Blackness - which seems to be,
but is NOT 'nothing:'

It consists of Energy that produces Unconsciousness - knockouts,
lessened awareness, blind spots, etc..

It is made up of Black, Harmful, Altered Life Energy
Particles ('BLACK HALEPs'),

and intends to kill Life; as described by Gurdjieff
practicing it in Tibet, on grazing animals - according
to his authorized biography. It is also a tool of most
hypnotists or of hypnotist-type people (whether known as
such, or not) - none will tell you, how they do it, but
this is how they do it.

Unconsciousness (Black) Energy is surrounding you (your soul), so
strongly, that you probably can only look through your eyes, and can
only listen through your ears and can only feel with your skin,

and at that, in a very subdued, filtered and muted way - compared to
real (joyful) Perception, Feeling and Sensing.

These Harmful, Altered Life Energies were inflicted onto your
soul and body in your distant, spiritual past, and

are also in the present society re-enforced by Criminal Minds
hitting you and your body with the mentioned Harmful Energies,

which you feel, of course, the moment you start to NOT COMPLY
with these anymore, but OPPOSE their hypnosis on you.



4. Hate-Pain Energy (created and inflicted by Criminal Minds to cause
mis-alignment - mechanical as in Pain, and perceptional as Hate,
as 'seeing through a red veil,' you might say).

It may actually - if strong enough it will actually - cause
Pains in any part or spot of your body, there where it is being
or has been inflicted, and-or

it makes 'weak spots' for any diseases - and also for other
HALEPs - to take hold there

- that is, if you do not or can not remove it, of course,

like when for instance the medical trade and your school
teachers or your parents have taught you or implied,

(also Harmful) "Life Energies do not exist," and,
that instead "you must take drugs,"

and, when you believed them, or even still believe them.



These Harmfully Altered, Poisonous Life Energies, you will find
usually as layers, for instance where the top layer of Harmful Energy

- typically Euphoria-Drug Energy, as an effective 'coating' -

covers or hides the layers below - if we take a very simple example -

that holds true when you have to sense or work your way
through all those layers

(Euphoria, Ugliness, Unconsciousness, to the bottom
of the Pain-Hate Energy)

to break the tenacity of some inflicted, Poisoned Life
Energy "cocktails," as I call them.

And these Harmful Energies are therefore mentioned in that
order (1. - 4.), above.





Perception and Feeling Increase = Removing or pushing away some of the
Blocking Energies (inflicted now or earlier by Criminal Minds), and
it is

removing these in particular from your head, from your eyes, temples
(the sides of your head) and from around your ears, and especially
from your forehead,

from behind the bridge of your nose, where Black Energies have
been inflicted to make you 'see, hear and feel' only by means of
your body, and to make you be controlled BY your body, by sleep,

Black Energies around the various glands (that medical "science"
gave names to, like 'pituitary')

there where you, the soul, connect with your Life Energies to
you brain and to the rest of your body

(as you can observe a new born child do, in the process of
gradually connecting more to and getting in control of his



For the dopes of the "religion of science"

- with their tinkerers or "inventors," with those freaks
who believe, that "Life consists of molecules,"

those who REPLACE organs of the body, rather than
understanding what a body actually is


and thus examining how to assist the self-repair of
the body, to ACTUALLY CURE -

...if they DID want to restore vision and hearing to someone,

they would go and study, what vision and hearing (what
Perception) actually IS, and

then Life Energy would be the way to go and research, of course!

And in the process of such research, you might restore
some more Perception to yourself, too

...very severely lacking, as Perception ability is.


And doing that, INSTEAD of being pleasantly 'peer-reviewed' by
your "science religion,"

which "religion" (the 20th century "non-life, mechanical
religion of 'science'") would inevitably lead to, and is
INTENDED to lead to, Supremacy of Criminal Minds

- exactly as medical "science" laid the basis for World
War Two, "to create a sane, healthy race on Earth, in
charge of inferior people or exterminating these" -

a war for Supremacy of Criminal Minds and utter slavery OF
YOU, on Earth,

dominated by whoever are the strongest Criminal
Minds present or active at the time,

who in this example, after having thrown out ninety
percent of all data from "science,"

(leaving out all about Life Energy)

they now demand, that their "science" "is rational,"
and "must be followed."


Then you have also the "political" and the "religious"
lie, that

"WE are all brothers," *(15)

with - IN THE SAME BREATH - the very lie, that
cancels or opposes that first lie, with the lie,

"WE are better than others" (than those who think

a 'package' of mutually exclusive "truths;"

and that is HYPNOTIC, and it is the TYPICAL thinking
and the hallmark of a Criminal Mind, and of true

so they can always claim (and make you choose) whichever
LIE fits the situation best.


You get you hooked by means of some actual truth, some
Energy that "rings" or feels true to you, some goal that,
deep down, really resonates with you.

And their lies are ATTACHED TO that truth.

"You can only achieve a good life, by dying."

"You can only examine things scientifically, by being
(spiritually) blind."


With their false charisma, Criminal Minds hide (or make
you blind to) the attached lies, and

the truth together with the lies, does serve as a 'dog

Hence the term 'Collar of Truth:' It is woven from
the fabric of truth - which attracts and holds you -
and which serves to attach their lies,

so as to pull you along, spiritually, like a dog

And they dominate, in that way, also cult
members of the current "religion of science"

- which includes the cult of nuclear "physics"
and the current cult of "astronomy."



Medical "science," and in general, Criminal Minds in science, do even
wholly DENY Life ITSELF, to exist (Life consists of Life Energy):

It's a miracle, how they manage to get all those cells to
grow and multiply "WITHOUT LIFE ENERGY."


And the medical trade wants you to believe - you must accept - their
murderous, literally sickening "religion of 'science'," their,
completely IMPOSSIBLE 'Chemical Concept "of Life",'

- 'Chemical Concept of Life' is ALREADY a contradiction
in terms

because, WITHOUT Life (Life Energy) the molecules of any
organism would not move at all, and cells of its tissues
would not function at all,

in their indeed murderous, and indeed literally sickening
"religion of 'science',"

which includes their "Evolution" and their "Big Bang,"
that both have taken place inside their warped brains

"First there was nothing ...and then it exploded" -

in their "'science' religion,"

with their malicious lie also, that

"perception (sight and sound) equals photons and molecular
vibrations," *(2)

yes, even, the - I would think rather obvious - lie, that "time
is caused by clocks:" that, the faster the (atomic) CLOCK runs,
"the faster time goes,"

confusing the actuality with the method of measuring it -
time is not clocks, but is MEASURED by clocks.

At sea level, "time goes faster" by a very small amount,
than on Mount Everest,

if you measure time with a pendulum-type clock - sensitive
as it is to gravity.

Actual time, however, remains the same, and is indeed not
relative at all,

regardless of whatever any sociopathic and famous
theoretical "physicists" may have fancied,

to confuse you, and to destroy the science of
physics with. *(n)(n)


If the thread on your tires wears off, "your car goes
faster" than with new tires - that is, according to your
speedometer, which measures the turning speed of the
wheels, and the tires having become slightly smaller due
to wearing off gradually, the more you drive.

The actual speed of the car however, remains the same.



They, the members of the "rational cult of 'science'" community,
claim - would you believe it - that "you think with your brain!"

Go figure:

With nerve channels having a bit-stream (a yes-no, on-off)
signal velocity of some three METERS (yards) per second...

You go figure it out - even when your brain is 'infected
and is made to malfunction' by the "religion of science."

You still can do the math, despite your "science religion"
in which "Life Energy does not exist."

Life Energy is required to do any thinking at all.

EVEN when someone tells you, that "thinking occurs
by molecules or electrons shifting, and synapses
being made"

and supposing, you are Insane enough - or
maybe maliciously desire even - *(9)

to believe such intensely harmful lies, even

you still do think with Life Energy - and with Life
Energy only - which indeed interfaces with your


And, how you interface your Life Energy of thinking, with the
Life Energies of your body,

and how, on the other hand, Poisoned Life Energies that
have been inflicted, manifest "symptoms" and create
malignant structures in the body,

or how normal Life Energies repair all these,

that VERY SIMPLE, very normal knowledge,

has been BANNED from the "science religion," or "cult of

for centuries - again and again, BY CRIMINAL MINDS, by
sociopaths and the like.



According to the "religion of science," then, it must be so, that
all Eastern Martial Arts, like Aikido, Karate, etc., also "do not
exist..." *(8)

Aikido: Ai-ki-do 'The Art of Interacting Life Energy Particles'
Karate: Kara-te 'Empty Hand' - using Life Energy Particles
generated near body parts, to hit with and
fight with. *(8)



BEING CRIMINAL MINDS, they want you NOT to define Evil, nor to
define Insane, nor to define Sane itself: *(10)(11)(12)

They INTENTIONALLY define things falsely, or IN REVERSE even,

while they thereby give you the illusion, also intentionally,

"you are now educated, in the subject."


Some gurus claim,

and some REVERSE "philosophers" or 'sopho-
phobists' (suffering as these are from a
'Phobia against knowledge or truth'), these
are claiming,

that "Truth itself does not really exist,"

that is indeed what Criminal Minds want you to
BELIEVE, in their "religion of science."

Some go so far, as to claim the existence of
"Parallel Universes...,"

and whatever other lies - all to try and
distract and confuse you or others.

Well, what else do you expect of Criminal Minds? *(a)




So I had to give you the correct Definitions of all these concepts
again, in the Human Rights Issues

- and I have done so BY LOOKING, with great Love and Care,

and with my vast Intelligence and Beauty, I have been looking AT



CRIMINAL MINDS however - being Criminal Minds - want you to
'NOT define' Evil, nor Insane, nor Sane, *(10)(11)(12)

and they INTENTIONALLY define these things falsely, or even
IN REVERSE, calling it "education,"

thereby giving you the illusion, that "you know."


In fact, these "scientists" are UTTERLY MALICIOUS, and
constitute a VIOLENTLY HARMFUL MENACE to Public Health
and to National Security,

which includes of course their menace to your and
to my health, and to your and to my Security,

if they are (are left) in any position of authority.


They DENY, that YOU exist (they deny the simple fact,
that you ARE the soul, who produces Life Energy),


they EVEN deny your and your body's Life Energy, to exist,

they thus OPPOSE your Life Energy:

And with that, they oppose your Aliveness (your Joy
of Life Energy), and your body's Aliveness (Health)


They DENY all, that your are; and they deny the nature of your
Aliveness and the nature of your body's Aliveness,

and how your body functions and repairs itself:

Your body being a Life Energy Organism acting upon
and interacting with molecules.

Incredible, isn't it.


By their DENIAL of the simplest of realities about
the Life Energy Organism called your body,

they MAKE you become sick 'at the drop of a hat:'
sick from a virus or from bacteria,

and by their DENIAL of the simple reality of you
being a soul, and of all your actions and perception
being done with Life Energy,

by DENYING that, they MAKE you become Insane or
even psychotic, at anything important that is
occurring to you, but

that has been FALSELY "explained" to you,

by the "science" of the members of the Health
Care industry. *(3)


For example, as regards your or someone else's
headaches occurring:

disruptive, Pain-poisoned Life Energy,

Harmful Energy is inflicted by Criminal
Minds or because of Criminal Minds,
now, or is residual

from past inflictions, and their earlier
inflictions of Painful Energies into
your head,

are TRIGGERED - which you can read about
in the accounts of sufferers.

But what do you find in medical "science,"
about headaches? That is really too malicious,
and is hiding the whole matter.

You can not even imagine, that SUCH
a level of medical Evil exists: *(17)

To keep everybody suffering the intense
Pains of headaches, so as then to sell
their - very poisonous - drugs,

so that you will never even get the IDEA
to look at the cause, at Criminal Minds
and at the Harmfully Altered Life Energy
that makes you feel PAIN and that may
disrupt actual body structure, as in
"having a stroke,"

if the Energy is NOT recognized
and understood and thereby
quickly neutralized: *(16)(DCM)

Headache GONE, "stroke" prevented.

You can imagine, why you should be DISGUSTED
with medical "science," and how harmful it is
to you and to your children, *(17)(SHC)

while celebrities continue to promote medical
"charities" and institutions,

"for medical research," that is mostly consist-
ing of a tremendous waste of money and of the
donors' good intentions,

and is often adding big, and entirely
unnecessary suffering to animals, "for the
sake of science." *(17)(18) (DESMS)


And thereby they MAKE you unable to defend yourself
against any loss of Perception, and against any loss of
your Thinking and Recall abilities,

and unable to defend yourself against any typical, partial
loss of control over your body's motion, or over the
various functions of your body,

so that they now can - and indeed - they now must
"sell you treatment." 'Hypocratically' indeed.



They (the medical "science") can neither define Perception, nor
can they define Thinking or Memory,

and, in order to preserve their income and their social
"status" of "being indispensable and ethical, doing the
best they can and using all that is known in order to
heal you,"

THEY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, let alone DEFINE such vital things.


I do however define all of those - most vital - things, in the
Human Rights Issues, and in Fine Particle Physics,

by simply looking at your soul - guided by my strong Love and
Care for you as I am, and which is equalled by none.





From the above basic knowledge of the Definition of
Perception - as that Definition is related to repairing
and restoring it, Perception,

you can then understand WHEN, and also HOW your Perception is being

(your seeing, sensing, feeling,

and your connecting to memory, which is your perception
of Energies that hold the past in them, to be viewed)

is being diverted or is being blocked by Criminal Minds.

Memory is merely a specialized kind of Perception.


And THEN you can sanely, rationally and constructively face the
effects of an attack on your Perception, by Criminal Minds with
their Harmfully Altered Life Energy Particles,

(which is an attack on your Health and on your Joy Of Life, too).




You can then devise methods of repairing and of restoring your
Perception - your sensing and feeling things and situations and
people, with some accuracy -

and you may even choose or find new methods, for repairing or for
restoring it others, and

for protecting the perception abilities and the ability to remember,
of others,

as I have broken through your 'perceptional cage or cave,' *(19)

because you know now again, what Perception is.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet


'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30



(a) They also (and thus you, when listening to them, also) are
mixed up about 'Religious Freedom,'

since long, because you refuse to face Criminal
Minds who wreaked havoc, in religious ideas and
practices and religious "Laws."

They and you have either left the concept of 'Religious
Freedom' undefined,

or have it - 'Religious Freedom' - defined IN REVERSE,

as the opposite, of what normal people wanted and
want and demand to be and feel to be 'Religious
Freedom.' *(13)



(1) ' 'Sum Corpus' Syndrome - The Highly Destructive and Fiercely
Contagious Mental Illness, of Forcing Others to Believe, that
"They Are a Body Only" '
{HRI note 20100905-V1.1}
(5 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 8 Sept 2010)

'Chemical Concept Of Life - 'The Big Bang In Your Primordial
Soup' '
{HRI note 20091115-I-V3.2.2-u_all}
(15 November 2009 - Version 3.2.2 on 30 Nov 2009)
... /group/alt.christnet.christianlife/msg/26d2ace77de056dc

(2) 'Evil Creatures Fight for Evil BELIEFS, versus the Rational
Truth' (ECFEB)
{HRI 20080918-V1.5.1}
(8 Sept 2008 - Version 1.5.1 on 15 Mar 2009)
... /group/alt.politics.economics/msg/9dcf45b8b09b581c

(3) '(Associated Press) Journalists must not assume United Nations
staff privileges' (encl. 'Definition of Peace' V3.3)
{iJC note 20090201-V1.1}
(1 February 2009 - Version 1.1 on 2 Feb 2009)

(4) 'Also in Physics and Astronomy, Criminal Minds WILL NOT STOP WHEN
their fake intentions, false theories and autistic "research,"
{HRI note 20091209}
(9 December 2009)

(5) ''Law of the Conservation of Stupidity' in modern nuclear physics'
{FPP comment 20091206)
(6 December 2009)

(6) 'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)
'Famous Nuclear Scientist Debunked'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A-T}

(7) 'Does anyone (still) believe the British Royal Society's
most famous sociopath, Stephen Hawking?'
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1}
(4 December 2009 - Version 1.0.1 on 5 Dec 2009)
... /group/alt.christnet.christianlife/msg/1afed9a72635c529

(8) 'Definitions of 'Aikido' and 'Karate' ...with Life Energy
"enabled" '
{HRI note 20091204}
(4 December 2009)

(9) 'Die Bamberg Notiz - (A Notice to Bamberg)'
{HRI note 20090819-D-V2.1}
(19 August 2009 - Version 2.1 on 31 Aug 2009)

(10) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 also on 11 Aug 2009)

(11) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.4}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.4 on 1 July 2008)

(12) 'Definition Of Sanity' DOS
{HRI 20040410-V2.0.1}
(10 April 2004 - Version 2.0.1 on 12 May 2007)

(13) 'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.3}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2009)

(14) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(15) ' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
(21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)

(16) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)
'(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

(17) 'Saving nine-tenth of National Health Care Budget, and 99 percent
of Health Care Research Budgets' (SHC)
{HRI 20100913}
(13 September 2010)

(18) 'The 'Dead End Street' of Medical "Science" -
A Bottomless Money Drain: The Licensed Medical Trade - Medical
Research, Charities, Foundations, Universities And Hospitals
CONTEMPT Of Your Suffering And Of Mankind' (DESMS)
{HRI 20021

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