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Very Superior Knowledge - the Human Rights~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 06-08-10 11:50

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Very Superior Knowledge - the Human Rights Issues and you -
Observations and Conclusions

28 July 2010
{HRI 20100728-V1.0}

(Version 1.0
up to 6 Aug 2010)


I am always amazed, about the enormous effort and expenses
made by you,

to incapacitate (make stupid, unaware, block the
natural, social abilities of) even your own children

to such an extent,

that they can NEITHER defend themselves, NOR defend you,

from what Life is very much known to have in store for
for them, for you, and for anyone.


As I said, I would personally not like to be born to any
such parents and in such a community,

considering, that your lack of knowledge WHILE PRETENDING

plus the "need to exert or enforce" that FALSE
"knowledge" - and the actions resulting from it -
onto children "for their own good,"

poses a considerable, if not mortal danger to (the well-
being of) any, very caring, loving and highly capable
child. *

I am working hard to diminish that danger - as, also I,
like everyone else, will be reborn.



____________primary observation:


The knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues is very far above all,

and thus, in Truth, Beauty and Love for you.

Far, far senior to any social, medical and economics science,

and that includes the many and various "exact sciences"
underlying these,

in short, it is far, far senior to all universities,

and to all 'Nobel Prize Winners' (who form, very generally
speaking, the smallest common denominator of all the
'university-level' thinking and research, and the lack


The knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues, is far, far senior,
in understanding of Life and people.

It is far, far senior to all spiritual "sciences"

and to all other systems for providing (that give you)
"certainty" about the spiritual (which is indeed the main)
part of Life,

through belief in prophets or in ancient texts.

Far, far senior to all prophets who claim to be "mono-
theistic" but who DO commit the gravest Blasphemy:

Their claiming, that

what THEY think, say or hear, write or dictate, or
command, judge or prohibit,

is "not" THEY themselves - or some other soul,
whom they listen to, as the case may be - but,

"it is God talking, thinking, judging or dictating,"

and THEREFORE "self-evidently true," and
"loving, beautiful, all-knowing, infallible,
inevitable, and imperative (commanding),"


and even "prophetizing" "what you past is,"
AND "what your future is..."

influenced as they in fact are, by very warped, alien-
planted "philosophies,"

especially about "why you are living on Earth."

They can not even DEFINE God, nor do they want to...

but I do, and did indeed define it in the Human
Rights Issues - as you know and can feel it, as it
is defined deep in your soul.


The knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues is far, far senior to

- and IF they WERE masters, they would like to hear this,
that there IS senior knowledge, to grasp, for them,

much like I myself always will continue to study Life
and people -

all holinesses, brahmans, buddhas, spiritual masters, gurus and
their gurus, and their sacred ancient texts and their monaste-
ries, sanghas, etc.,

(and the knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues, is
also far, far senior to)

any psychics, mediums or healers, and yogis; and

anyone channeling "God, Jesus Christ, etc.," or channeling his
'Higher Self' (himself or herself); and

(and the knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues, is
also far, far senior to)

any channeled (or even visiting) aliens or "higher spirits,"
regardless of how "advanced or evolved" these are,

who "know all," and "all correctly," and who "hold nothing
back and never lie,"

about Earth, about its past and future, and about other
civilizations, etc. and about The Universe itself, and
who "never lie about themselves, nor about their motives
for Earth;"

(and the knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues, is
also far, far senior to)

any science-fiction writers, conspiracy writers, drug-users and
any New-Age gurus, and Old-World Shamans, etc.,

influenced as they are by very warped and mostly alien-planted
"philosophies about Life,"

especially about "living on Earth" TOGETHER WITH Criminal Minds.



Down to Earth, indeed:

The knowledge given in the Human Rights Issues is far, far senior to
any spiritual sciences and sciences of healing, of politics and of
economics based thereon, on Earth.

You are motivated by obtaining sensations, (by Connecting or letting
yourself be Connected to Life Energies) WITHOUT even wanting to know,
what or who it is with what intentions, that you are connecting to.

That is of course disastrous, in general. But all religions, religious
and other philosophies, and all spiritual "sciences," and social and
medical "science" etc., as listed above - all are trying to address

with "solutions," customs, and "goals for Life," that are

- due to the intentions of Criminal Minds -

based on a LACK of Knowledge and on FALSE, very false
"Understanding" or "Certainty."

That then, is remedied by the Human Rights Issues, with the help of
Fine Particle Physics. *(a)




____________secundary observation:


If you can not defend me, then you can not defend yourself, nor

I create Energy for connecting to and holding onto [truth], apparently
on a level much higher than all others.

This is of course attacked by all Criminals, as well as by a
multitude, who want - for various, inconceivably Insane and Stupid
"reasons" - to have all Evil hidden, "in order to be more happy."

Thus the (my) Energy to connect to and hold truth... is constantly and
very heavily attacked.


Again: My ability to create and hold the Energy for connecting to

( = for you to be actively aware of or conscious of)

what has happened, who caused it intending what ( = the truth),

that ability of mine lies obviously, and arguably, on a much higher
level, than all others

- than ALL others, including ALL those listed earlier here. *(b)


So you can compare my ability, to a roof.

And if you do not maintain and repair the roof of your house, then the
house gets damaged, starts to rot, and might even collapse, or get
blown away. It certainly becomes less comfortable and less safe to
live in.

Now if you have the sense of Care, of Responsibility, of being
Connected to Life, and Intelligence,

"well above that of a pig's tail,"

then you might actually grasp this:

It is highly damaging TO YOURSELF, and to the society, to let MY
ability be diminished, blocked or even destroyed - as it has been
so many times. *

It is on the other hand very much in your interest, and in that of the
society, to STUDY HOW to repair, to maintain and to improve that

which you can study for free in the Human Rights Issues.

Also that shows me to be very much different, very much more caring,
very much more responsible and very much more able than all the
others listed earlier here:

As opposed to them, I DO look at my own condition, and I want
you to look at my condition,

and I wrote that already in HRI 'The Promised Definition
Of Friendship.'



____________primary conclusion:


Not to proliferate all of the most vital, the most important, the most
powerful and the most truthful data, but to censor it ...DEFINES
Criminal Mind*.

My data are by very far the most vital, the most important, the most
powerful and the most truthful data, on Earth and beyond.

Their value can be measured in multiples of Gross National Products.




____________secondary conclusion:


That you do not even get the very normal idea to specifically assist
me in this,

[add list of the many projects, that I am working on]

- you are (have been made and allow yourself to be kept by
others) THAT STARK STARING MAD, destructively so,

that you do not even distribute, nor translate

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t} -

that shows something to be very, very seriously wrong with you;

not to mention, that you do not, as is most expected, connect to
your intense desire to so assist Life, for the Beauty* and Joy,*
that that desire, if you connect to and thus feel and experience
it (the Beauty and Joy), that that desire contains and radiates.


Your INVERSION about protecting Life, your PRETENDING "to protect
Life," can be understood

as you having been and generally being THAT persistently and
THAT severely Deceived* and Hypnotized* to that effect,

by Criminal Minds*

- with the result Intended* by them, that you lack THAT
inconceivably in Sanity* and in Intelligence*

- and, with the result, that you have been and continue to be,
THAT falsely "educated about life."

....That, indeed, has to be understood by you, to be remedied by the
Human Rights Issues.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(a) Thereby, it was also possible to return the correct definition
of God, to you, and thus to end the Blasphemy introduced by
various prophets - as some very severely sullied (made dirty)
the natural connection to God, that normal people have - indeed
naturally, by their very nature, also without any religion or
prophet or guru telling them "how to" - they just are connected
because that is their nature anyway.

(b) I also do not use THEIR lie, and I do not have to use their LIE,
that, what I say is true, "because God says so."

Not surprisingly, all of them refuse to even DEFINE Truth,
let alone, that they look at, and DEFINE, Awareness and

But I do look at and define those things, which in itself
already puts the Human Rights Issues far above anything
THEY wrote or said,

and as the case may be, far above anything they said
or wrote - while claiming it to be "holy," or "the
word and will and command of God," or "Cosmic Law"
or "coming from the Heavenly Hierarchy,"

with their malice TO TOP ALL MALICE, that
"suffering is needed to learn, evolve, and
purify the soul,"

and so, you can imagine, what THEY want

so they already contradict themselves
ALSO in that very basic matter,

enforcing their Deception,

in effect, with its two mutually
exclusive "truths,"

('you must not suffer' AND
'you must suffer') *(c)

it is very fundamental Hypnotism,

with their LIE, that "what they say is true, because
God says so, or has written, dictated or commanded

and hiding, with THAT MALICIOUS LIE, that it is
nothing but their own words plus the hidden truth,
of who they were listening to, or the hidden truth
of how they otherwise pretended to be "the source of

- those listed above, here, earlier.

(c) The truth is, that you must look at and understand and (so, that
you can) defend yourself and others AGAINST Evil and suffering,

but THEY - and that is all of them - do NEITHER want you
to really look at Evil, NOR do they want you to really
understand it,

- and that is indeed how you can recognize any of

they neither want you to really look at Evil NOR
do they want you to really understand Evil
individuals, let alone Life itself - *
[HRI Wisdom of Solomon (to be issued)]

with the effect, that you can not at all defend yourself,
nor others,

(and the greatest threat to a Criminal Mind is, of
course, that you and others ARE able to defend
themselves against Criminal Minds)

WHILE they are hypocritically demanding, that "you must
protect yourself and others from Evil, from Sins."

THEY do not even want to DEFINE Evil - but I have defined it,
in the Human Rights Issues. *


(*) (to be added as suggested by the text)


'Definition of Perception and Feeling Increase' (DPFI)
{HRI 20091203-V3.1} {FPP 20091203-V3.1}
(3 December 2009 - Version 3.1 on 21 Dec 2009)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)

(further to be added as indicated)



Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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