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Holocaust-benægtelse ikke mere nødvendig
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 07-04-09 22:06

Siger lederen af en publikation, som har haft som mål at skade jøder gennem
benægtelsen af Holocaust:

"The new anti-semitism" is the name given to the more pathological forms of
anti-Zionism often found in the Middle East, in Europe and alas on North
American university campuses. Obsessive hatred of Israel serves the same
purpose as the more explicit hatred of Jews that went out of style with the
end of World War II.

As a result, one of the world's leading Holocaust deniers now concedes that
there is no more reason to deny historical fact: Lies about Israel have now
led people to hate Jews so much that it's no longer necessary to lie about
the Holocaust. Lawrence Auster tells the story:

n an article posted this past January at the website of the Institute for
Historical Review, Mark Weber, the director of that organization and for
decades the editor of its journal and the leading Holocaust denial
publication, The Journal of Historical Review, announced his abandonment of
Holocaust revisionism. The real motive of the Holocaust denial enterprise,
he writes, has always been to weaken and delegitimize the "Jewish-Zionist
power." ...

[But] Holocaust denial is no longer necessary in carrying out the war
against the Jews, because, Weber says, anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism have
been increasing worldwide. ... As a result, a direct attack can now be made
on the Jews themselves, rather than the indirect attack through Holocaust

perhag (07-04-2009)
Fra : perhag

Dato : 07-04-09 16:22

On 7 Apr., 23:05, "Knud Larsen" <mafishmaskela-snabela-yahoo.invalid>
> Siger lederen af en publikation, som har haft som m l at skade j der gennem
> ben gtelsen af Holocaust:
> n an article posted this past January at the website of the Institute for
> Historical Review, Mark Weber, the director of that organization and for
> decades the editor of its journal and the leading Holocaust denial
> publication, The Journal of Historical Review, announced his abandonment of
> Holocaust revisionism. The real motive of the Holocaust denial enterprise,
> he writes, has always been to weaken and delegitimize the "Jewish-Zionist
> power." ...

Selve Webers artikel er her http://ihr.org/weber_revisionism_jan09.html

Det virker snarere som om Mark Weber mener at der i offentligheden er
mere interesse omkring jødelobbyens magtposition end tekniske detaljer
om KZ-lejre. Da IHR skal løbe økonomisk rundt, lader det til at han
fremover mere vil skrive bøger om jøderne generelt end om holocaust.
Der nævnes en nedgang i salget af bøger om gaskammerspørgsmålet, og
det kan ikke undre, da alle detaljer velsagtens kan findes gratis
bl.a. på IHRs egen hjemmeside.

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