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(rev 2.2) Actual Purpose of Russia's (KGB,~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 16-03-09 07:03

Actual Purpose of Russia's (KGB, now) FSB

5 July 2008
{HRI 20080705-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 16 Mar 2009)


They recently published a whole magazine to MAKE the sociopath
Putin into an "idol" of "the Russians," complete with sex-appeal
and all:

A "strong, 'desirable' sociopath and sexual vampire." (*)

Truth, however, is absolute - also in Russia, and for that
matter, even in China. *(1)


They do NOT expose the horrendous crimes of any Russian "leaders"
on the population of Russia.

Indeed, the sociopath Putin wants the most violent enemy
of the Russian people, Stalin, admired, in order that he,
Putin himself, is not recognized as a sociopath.

In China, Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin do the same
thing, and worse:

Demanding public admiration for, and hiding of the
most atrocious Criminal of China, Mao Zedong...

In Cuba and Venezuela, Putin wants to be "friends"
with these, they do it by worshiping the violent
criminal "Che" Guevara:

Truth however, is absolute, and it will always
remain absolute.



As with the KGB, and since 1917 with its predecessors, the evil still
lingers on and is alive in Moscow's Kremlin,

unexposed, not remedied.

That violates the Definition of Justice: *(2)

Justice is establishing and making known, the correct,
true viewpoint about the actions and intentions of

of what they did (or still do), and out of what intention
they acted (or still act). *(2)

That is indeed recognized by Casparov and other thinking, caring



The PURPOSE and activity of the KGB (now FSB) is:


or from another viewpoint:

To destroy the ability of the Russian population to defend
itself (against very severely Criminal Minds - against
individuals of its KGB, now FSB - enjoying and strongly
having the intention, to destroy Russia).

And as the faithful and intelligent reader knows,


which any historian can tell you is THE SAME
TRICK all others used who got in charge of
and destroyed THEIR OWN country "in order to
defend it..."



Russia's Secret Service is AGAINST RUSSIA, and AGAINST
Russia's interests,

maybe you have the Intelligence Level to understand
that, and penetrate the Energies of their lies:

Suppose you make a list, of what IS in the interest of the
Russian people and nation, like

cooperation with other nations, being part of the NATO,
being part of Europe, cooperating in global security,

and opposing Hu Jintao, and opposing criminality and
dictatorship in other countries.


BUT Russia's Secret Service is, and Putin is, AGAINST RUSSIA,

(blowing up Russian citizens is not quite proof of
being "Pro Russia," is it, now... so indeed)

the PURPOSE and activity of the KGB (now FSB) is:

to establish and maintain sufficient insanity in the
Russian population, in order to have it governed by
a bunch of sociopaths (by its very severely criminal

This can easily be remedied BY STATING IT PUBLICLY. So you
better get your 'very lazy mind' working (rise for a moment
above the barrage of Insanity ENERGY, that you are constantly
bombarded with).

I would think, you then TRANSLATE THIS Human Rights Issue into
Russian, and publish it or get it published or posted or blogged
anywhere, as widely as you can.

I should not be the only one who cares about you - you can too.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34

(*) 'Magazine hails Vladimir Putin as a "virile vampire" '
London, June 20, ANI

"A magazine completely dedicated to Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin's virility and reputation as a "vampire" has hugely
boosted the leader's image as Russia's leading sex symbol.

The celebrity gossip magazine 'Secrets of the Stars' had
released a special edition eulogising the ex-KGB officer, which was
sold out in no time in Moscow.

The cover, carrying a picture of Putin looking unnaturally
youthful accompanied by the headline "My heart is on my sleeve", alone
seemed sufficiently tantalising to appeal to most patriotic Russians.

Add to that a free poster of the topless prime minister fishing
and sub-headlines promising revelations of his wild youth including a
visit to a stripclub in Hamburg, romances with women and a guide on
"how to become Putin", and the magazine looked set to break
circulation records for a single issue.

Most intriguingly of all, the cover promised a story about
Putin's wife titled: "Ludmila Putin: My husband is a Vampire".

"We have created a monument to Putin for the common people," the
Telegraph quoted magazine's chief editor, Roman Popov, as saying.

"We wanted to show him as a pragmatic man who likes a good joke
and who is strong and beautiful," Popov added.

The magazine also carries numerous photos of the Prime Minister
in heroic poses, kayaking, swimming with dolphins and arm wrestling,
under the headline: "Sometimes He's Just So Cool".

"There's not a single woman who would not dream of embracing and
kissing Vladimir Vladimirovich and hearing his declaration of love,"
the article opinioned [gave as its opinion]." --- ANI

(**) See attachment - from a Criminal Mind who promotes Putin, and
Evil in general.

(1) 'Refusing to Respect, that China's sociopath Hu Jintao is Evil
only, fully Evil, and nothing but Evil to China'
{HRI 20080707-V3.9}
(7 July 2008 - Version 3.9 on 13 Mar 2009)

(2) 'Definition of Justice' (DOJ)
{HRI 20070817-V2.1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 9 July 2008)

Issue Note:

A "respondent"(**) via cozmik.net, is thanked for reminding
me to tell you this, with the above result.


I wrote earlier on the subject:

Future Peace on Earth Blocked by the Sociopaths, Putin and Hu Jintao -
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1} - (Quote One)

(also titled)

We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - (Quote One)

- 'Balance of Power' and 'People are all Equal'

7 February 2007
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1}

(Version 3.7
on 21 Feb 2008)

(suitable for foreign
language students)

(Quote from
{HRI 20070207-V3.7})

Definition of Peace:

'Sufficient identification of Criminal Minds, and sufficient
constraint of Criminal impulses.' *(1)


Putin is at present (7 February 2007) the most destructive politician
on Earth, in that he is actively preventing and actively destroying
Global Peace, with Hu Jintao a close second.

(On 9 Jan 2008, it is Hu Jintao who is first in evil to Earth,
and Putin a close second, in evil to Earth). *(2)(3)


They achieve this primarily by supporting, and trading with, and by
(thus) keeping very severe Criminals in positions of power

- preferably by keeping very severe Sociopaths in positions as
heads of state.


They deceive the global community by PRETENDING, that that is
"understandable," because of "their economic reasons."

Of course, destroying global peace - which they do very actively
destroy - is not economical at all,

except maybe seemingly so for a short moment and to a few people
who are shown only the short term "benefits."


Of course a thief or a dictator does not want any security
at all for people, certainly not globally.



The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being

and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it,
any legal security and security of expression and security of
possession for others, *(5)

and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
law and freedom being established globally by

the Democratic and free states of Earth.

(continued with the whole text, in)

'Future Peace on Earth Blocked by the Sociopaths,
Putin and Hu Jintao' - (Quote One)
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1} (quote of 13 Mar 2008)
(7 February 2007 - Version 3.7 on 21 Feb 2008)



Copyright 2008, 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com


On Jul 4, 11:56 pm, veeb@cozmik.net (Veeblefetzer_Mk-II) wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 14:51:37 +0200, Koos Nolst Trenite
> <AmbassadorForMankind@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Russia's Putin: "Now we shoot back" (was the start of World War II,
> > NOW by Putin in South-Ossetia, Georgia (at the Black sea) )
> >20080704-V1.0.1
> >The Black Sea country of Georgia's province of South Ossetia, its
> >breakaway [Russian-financed and -armed] government, 'ordered a full
> >mobilisation in response,' a spokesman said.
> >My conclusion: You are inconceivably insane, already for refusing
> >to face the VERY CLEARLY VISIBLE, and VERY WELL KNOWN, lies and
> >malicious intentions and personality of Putin.
> [other extensive weirdness snipped]
> Putin is a Russian potentate. That means he's quite willing
> to resolve political issues by force.
> Russia had been in the doldrums since the disintegration of
> communism. It was poor and disorganized. No longer. Russia
> now has money, especially new oil money, and has been busy
> rebuilding its infrastructure and military.
> Don't expect Russia to remain passive any longer. Runaway
> provinces will be met with the iron fist. World opinion on
> their handling of such affairs will be totally disregarded.
> Russia once again has the raw power to do almost anything
> it wants and it *will* use that power.
> Expect South Ossetia to be a demonstration, and a grim
> warning, that Russia is BACK.
> [says the Russian sociopath veeb@cozmik.net]

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