Michaelbs skrev:
> Det er som om Vista eller hvad nu det er, overruler
> skærmprofilen og læser noget andet ind.
Vistas farvestyring er markant anderledes end f.eks. WinXP.
Læs evt:
som ikke direkte giver et svar på dit problem, men der bliver
nævnt nogle uhyggelige ting, som man bør være opmærksom på,
hvis man har tænkt sig at arbejde professionelt med Vista hvad
farvestyring angår.
| - WCS, like Windows XP, still does not load calibration curves
| from monitor profiles. This one deserves a little background...
| After you calibrate and profile your display, the profiling
| software saves the graphics card's calibration curves inside
| the monitor profile so they can be reloaded on reboot. The Mac
| OS has reloaded these curves automatically since OS 8 but on
| Windows, a third-party utility is required. This is open to
| conflicts as two different software packages might fight over
| loading curves (LUT wars). Also, selecting different display
| profiles in the displays control panel does not load each
| profile's calibration curves... cumbersome at best. This is an
| odd oversight as it is a simple function and one that really
| should be performed by the OS.
Du er sikker på, at Adobe Gamma ikke ligger og spøger også eller
måske driveren til dit grafikkort, som sikkert også kan stilles
til at foretage en farvekorrektion under opstart?
| - A more serious problem, and this one is a show-stopper in my
| eyes, is the authorization bug. As you use Vista, you are
| occasionally interrupted by the OS as it confirms you have the
| admin-level privileges required or confirms certain actions. As
| a user-interface effect, Vista dims the screen slightly while
| offering the user a password dialog. Unfortunately, this dimming
| of the display clobbers the calibration curves in the graphics
| card and they are not replaced. So you startup Vista, your 3rd
| party utility loads your display calibration correctly but then
| 5 minutes into your session Vista requests some authentication
| and your calibration is gone... so you restart Vista, reloading
| the calibration and start out again.... It will be difficult to
| have confidence in a system's state of calibration.
Endnu en god grund til at slå UAC fra ;)