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(rev 3.3) Definition of Perception - Prote~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 23-06-08 23:20

Definition of Perception - Protecting against the Criminal Mind -
Fine Particle Physics on the main Poisonous Life Energy Particles

8 June 2008
{HRI 20080608-V3.3}
{FPP 20080608-V3.3}

(Version 3.3
on 23 June 2008)

(describes the soul's
relation to the brain
and sense organs)

(view Summary
by skipping

(suitable for foreign
language students)


You are perceiving, of course - however small a
part of life it may be - and, you do so even though
you do not at all know, what perception is.

And you perceive - a very small part of life,
and most of it wrongly at that - even while
you indeed "know" WRONGLY (you have been
taught WRONGLY in) almost all, about "how
perception works."

So this is most likely the first time that you are
taught what perception actually is: how you do it -
and how anyone does perceive.



Perception is the connection of your soul to things close by or far
away, by means of clear, connecting Life Energy Particles.

By creating the INTENTION TO PERCEIVE, you create such Life Energy
Particles. (see also iFPP *(5))

And you direct, at the same time, these Particles to the person, to
the soul (behind the eyes, of) whom you want to perceive, or, to the
area where you want to perceive.

Thus a connection is established which is perception: Then you see,
sense, feel, etc., who and what is there.


It is not an ability that has to evolve, but IT IS your normal
ability, that has, however, been distorted, blocked, and lost

SOLELY because Criminal Minds wanted and do want TO PREVENT YOUR

- which is also why these eradicated the definition of
perception itself -

and so I give it back to you, and you might want to give it to others

Normally you perceive, by connecting your soul VERY INTRICATELY,
with Life Energy Particles, to your body (after birth and till
death, of course),

in particular to your brain, and so, anything done to your brain,
or someone poking around with electrodes in your brain, is most
likely to affect your perception or also to block your perception

- blocking which you know as a 'black-out,' for instance
when the brain sustains a shock or damage or malfunction

and also by the corresponding drugs affecting
your brain, in which case the blackout or lack of
perception or sensing, is called anesthesia
(anaesthesia) -

and of course you connect with Life Energy Particles to your
body's sense organs,

to the optic nerves for instance, so that you perceive
(only) the photons that are captured by your eyes, and

to the aural nerves to only hear air vibrations that have
been processed by your ears,

which you then translate back into sight and sounds that
actually mean something - otherwise these are just patches
of light, and noises, captured by your sense organs.

{expansion of){definition}


As I described in another HRI, I once again point
out to you now also:

Intense and continuous perception, as defined here,
basically and instantly pushes away, removes or
counters Harmful, Poisoned Life Energy Particles.



So I explain - to your benefit - how your perception is blocked,
destroyed, or distorted.


To that end, I describe the basic Life-destroying Energy PARTICLES
(the smallest particles, as you will learn in Fine Particle Physics
- and these ones are poisoning, Poisoned Life Energy Particles)

these are inflicted (these are for instance "inexplicable"
feelings of) Pain, Unconsciousness, Ugliness, and Drugging
Euphoria, and

which ANY Criminal Mind - and indeed also a ghoul - does create and
does inflict on your soul and into your body, and into the soul and
body of anyone else too, of course.


This - what you feel every day - is denied by you because of
your "education" and because of your intense cowardice in this

and because these feelings - of course, in order to take any
real and truly harmful effect on you or on your body - must be
"regarded, felt or described" and "understood" in such a way, as
NOT to be recognized for what they are,

AS BEING SIMPLY PARTICLES, Poisoned Life Energy Particles,

which I also described for you in Fine Particle
Physics, *(2)

describing the poisonous feelings inflicted ON YOU, and that you
can and should of course remove, and that you should

protect yourself and your children from BY KNOWING THEIR NATURE BY

Once again I point out to you, that (it is) intense and
continuous perception, as defined above, (that) basically and
instantly pushes away, removes or counters (the infliction of,
and any already inflicted) Harmful, Poisoned Life Energy.


It is actually the desire and wish from the
(politically) Environmental, the 'Green' and
'Climate' oriented people,

to protect themselves and others from that
murk (from the mentioned Poisonous Life

which Criminal Minds create and project,
at 'Environmentalists' as well as at anyone
else, and at "the environment."


On the other hand, these Environmental,
'Green' and 'Climate' oriented people
mostly are intense and convinced cowards

who precisely do NOT want to face any
Criminal Minds,

which is why they invariably
hate president George
'Washington' Bush, with the
very passion that they would
otherwise have loved him
with, had THEY been Sane
*(3), quod non,

much less would they demand of
others to face the actual source
of any evil, and so,

'Late Night' TV comedian
David Letterman hates the
war in Iraq, because

they mostly - by misdirection - PREVENT
people from facing Criminal Minds who
are the cause of all the misery, THAT

and that they can only seemingly
"escape" by immersing themselves,
and their associates (and you),

with a lot of lofty and
divine fairy tales that
they need to hide and
"justify" what in fact is
merely their cowardice,
to escape

into Unconsciousness Energies

- the artificial Black Void or
Nirvana of Unconsciousness
Energies -

and you do indeed notice, that
many of them actually want to
stop life or aliveness ALSO in

they want to reduce any part
or activity of your life,
"for the greater good of

and some are taking gurus who help
them 'to become dead forever,'

or - blindly - 'to live in the
moment only,' *(1)

with 'Tolle & Oprah' *(4) whose
purposes join, for making others
PRETEND to be "aware."



All this is denied and negated by those who do inflict these

(inexplicable feelings or instances) of Pain,
of Unconsciousness, of Ugliness, and of
Drugging Euphoria,

denying these to be what they are: INFLICTED
Energy Particles,

much like someone who, while throwing bricks at you,

So "he can't have thrown bricks at you," can he?

Radioactivity "does not exist," so "you can't
be sick from THAT," either, can you?

Instead, "you have a 'Brovsky disorder,' named
after someone 'who discovered a similarity
of symptoms in people living near Chernobyl'."


You have been made so exceedingly, so nauseatingly
and so FORCEFULLY stupid BY Criminal Minds, that it
is, of course, hard to tell you, that the Earth is
not flat nowadays.

This happened only a few hundred years ago,
there was a Big Bang, making a Brief History
of Time,

and this is actually part of the
formation process of planets,

suddenly the disk of Earth warped in a
space-time continuum vortex, to have its
edges meet

in curved space, which is the natural
space of the Universe, its edges meeting

due to the 'One-Stonian' attraction of edges

- these being rock-formations made
primarily of silicates, or stones
as you know these by their common
name -

into a cosmic event known as multi-dimensional

- involving both the dimensions two and

as can be described mathematically by
differential equations of similar or
higher dimension,

when these are posited in
Non-Euclidian space, of course.

This happened all in a time space of nano-
seconds, and so, nobody noticed the actual
event - until much later,

scientists did find certain anomalies which
indicated to them

- the anomalies being unequivocally
confirmed by double blind studies,
and by public polls, did prove -

that the Earth in fact HAD changed from being
a flat disc;

the main evidence presented was, that
the Earth appeared now to be an orb,
the shape of a ball-shape, a sphere.

Thus it came to pass, that, as the Earth's disc
world turned, it changed into a ball, an orb,

which made it also easier for it to circle in
an orbit around the sun (rather than the sun
orbiting around it) and

this aided in keeping its climate stable.


Finished joking - NOT joking, now:


(I edit, below, what I wrote earlier already (on 29 May 2008).)

What are the MAIN FOUR of the Energies/feelings that the demon or
ghoul l. ron hubbard hits into you and into your body?



You better know these by heart

AND in your sleep as well, because these feelings (Life Energy
PARTICLES) he hits ALSO before and during your sleep into you
and into your body.


1. Euphoria feelings

"All is fine," "There is nothing wrong," etc.,
"Do not feel the Hate nor the Unconsciousness or unawareness, nor
the Ugliness, that IS inflicted on you, or into your body."


2. Ugliness feelings

The feelings hit any part of your body, outside and inside,

and he tries to push these - often with tremendous force - into
your soul, so that you can not feel yourself, your own feelings,

Sneezing when he attacks your soul (behind your nose) and when
he penetrates your Energies, is a reaction of your body to try
and get rid of the inflicted Ugliness Energy PARTICLES.

The sneezing itself however, also disrupts the barriers
that hold your own (Beauty, Perception, Love, Joy of Life,
Memory of Truth, Connection to Others, etc. etc.) Energies

BEING pulled away by Criminal Minds.

They IN PARTICULAR like to pull away your Perception
Energy Particles, so that you can indeed not see or
sense them, and what they do or did.

Thus they throw intense Ugliness Energy at you also in
order to provoke that reaction from your body, and so
that you lose your control over holding on to your own
Energies, onto the most vital parts of your life.

The infliction of Ugliness Energies does also result in other
body reactions, like itching, revulsion, nausea, etc..


3. Unconsciousness feelings

'Feeling' (resulting in knockouts, sleep, yawns) - partial or full
unawareness of things and of memories and of how people are, etc..

It results, of course, in blocked perception

- Perception is the connection of your soul to things close by or
far away, by means of clear, connecting Life Energy Particles
(see iFPP *(5)).

Normally you perceive, by connecting your soul very intricately,
with Life Energy Particles, to your body (after birth and till
death, of course),

in particular to your brain, and so anything done to your brain,
or someone poking around with electrodes in your brain, is most
likely to affect your perception or also to block your perception

blocking which you know as a 'black-out,' for instance
when the brain sustains a shock or damage or malfunction

- and also by the corresponding drugs affecting your
brain, in which case it is called anesthesia.



4. Pain-Hate feelings

Of course most easily noticed by you on your body, 'inexplicable
pains,' migraines, etc., in any part of your body, really - in skin
or limbs or organs or teeth or joint, whichever the Criminal Mind
desires to affect and possibly cripple, and thinks he might succeed
in crippling or at least might block or damage,

and it may result in permanent damage inflicted onto your body, if
these Energies are not removed in time, by you.

(A 'Life Energy Fluctuation meter' at hand, preferably a portable
one, like of wristwatch size and design, to determine WHO does
or did project the Poisonous Energies, can be life saving, and
was, many times.)





You better know THESE POISONED LIFE ENERGIES by heart,

AND know these in your sleep as well - demons, and in particular
the demon or ghoul l. ron hubbard - are serial killers and
without any conscience whatsoever,

they are just waiting for any instant in which you are
slightly weakened, when some affliction occurs, in your
body or your soul,

or in which they manage to slightly weaken you, by
their constant stream of lies and hate PARTICLES, at
you and at anyone,

the most idiotic ideas and feelings that they
emanate and project, thus also

creating the moment, rather than waiting for an
instance in which you feel weaker, *(6)(7)

to pounce on the Energies of your soul or of your body.


The potential murderers and other "critics" of
'Scientology,' will try to torpedo all this
- as any child can see - very, very vital

That is, those who themselves, like
l. ron hubbard, are demons too, and
their supporters.


I simply remind you, and I formulate, I put in words, what you know
already and feel to exist.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'

1 Kings 4:30

I wrote earlier:

The Strange Motivation of Mary McConnell for 'defending Koos' against
some potential murderers

28 May 2008
{HRI note 20080528-V3.2}

(Version 3.2
on 4 June 2008)

(definition of Honesty, of Being Honest)
(definition of Inciting to Hate)
(detecting Black PR)
(cult experts)
(true crime)


which you can read here:

'The Strange Motivation of Mary McConnell for 'defending Koos'
against some potential murderers'
{HRI note 20080528-V3.2}
(28 May 2008 - Version 3.2 on 4 June 2008)


(1) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(2) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(3) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(4) 'Tolle & Oprah' (Eckhart Tolle, and Oprah Winfrey, locked in a
permanent duet now, sharing their "wisdom" of being less and
less aware.)

(5) 'Introduction To Fine Particle Physics'

(6) 'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.1.2}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.1.2 on 31 Dec 2007)

(7) 'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2 on 6 Aug 2007)


' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds - Part Twenty:(Conclusion)
"Others destroying people, is 'none of your business' " '
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1-pi20-V1.0.1}
(28 February 2008 - Version 1.0.1 on 28 Feb 2008)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' (Definition)'
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3}
(10 June 2005 - Version 3.2.3 on 17 May 2007)

'Defining 'Destructive Coward' - Part Seventeen: 'Understand
Cowards, for handling them - not Beethoven' '
{HRI 20050610-V3.2.3-pi17-V2.2.1}
(11 December 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 13 Dec 2007)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths,
who vehemently oppose any true knowledge of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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