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XP på Asus X51RL bærbar
Fra : Ole R

Dato : 22-07-08 20:23

Hey all.

Jeg har en Asus X51RL maskine, født med Vista. Jeg skulle formattere den,
og ville ha' XP ind. Det ville den så ikke. Nu er jeg ikke lige helt
sikker på hvad fejlmeldingen, om nogen, var.
Jeg har også Ubuntu på maskinen, og ville prøve om jeg kunne lægge XP ind
via VirtualBox, men jeg fik en fejlmelding på at der var fejl, der
manglede et komponent.

Er der nogen gylden vej til at få XP ind i stedet for Vista, for det er
da lige til at lukke op, ja så kender i resten....


JBJ (24-07-2008)
Fra : JBJ

Dato : 24-07-08 12:39

"Ole R" <ole.ryo@HUND!gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> Hey all.
> Jeg har en Asus X51RL maskine, født med Vista. Jeg skulle formattere den,
> og ville ha' XP ind. Det ville den så ikke. Nu er jeg ikke lige helt
> sikker på hvad fejlmeldingen, om nogen, var.
> Jeg har også Ubuntu på maskinen, og ville prøve om jeg kunne lægge XP ind
> via VirtualBox, men jeg fik en fejlmelding på at der var fejl, der
> manglede et komponent.
> Er der nogen gylden vej til at få XP ind i stedet for Vista, for det er
> da lige til at lukke op, ja så kender i resten....
> /Ole

Der skulle vel ikke tilfældigvis være S-ATA hdd i den model?

Isåfald skal du have fat i S-ATA drivere før XP vil lade sig installere, da
den ellers ikke ka se hdd. Det kan gøres ved at lave en slipstream XP cd.

Jeg lavede for noget siden denne guide til Toshiba's forum, men den skulle
virke med alle bærbare der har S-ATA hdd.



How to install XP on S-ATA HDD

NOTE: you will need a license for XP Pro SP2(it should work with Sp1 and
Home, but runs better on Pro SP2)!

First download and install nLite. http://www.nliteos.com/download.html
(Requires .NET Framework 2.0, you can download the .NET Framework from here:

Now download and extract the slipstream drivers
http://files.soulpass.com/acer/slipstream_drivers.zip to a folder like

Insert your WinXP install disk, cancel out of the autorun if it pops up.

Start up nLite, click next on the splash screen. Tell it where your CD is.
It will ask you to tell it where to cache the files at. You can just use a
folder like C:\XP-temp\ for that.

On the Presets screen, click Next again. Now click on the Drivers button, as
well as the "Bootable ISO" button, then click "Next"

On the Drivers screen, click Insert, then Multiple Driver Folder. Point
nLite to the location where you extracted the slipstream drivers, such as
C:\Drivers-temp\ and then click OK.

On the Select multiple drivers to integrate window you'll need to highlight
the path at the top (such as C:\Drivers-temp\) by clicking on it once, then
click OK.

On the Driver Integration Options window under Textmode integration options
highlight the whole list by clicking once on the top item, then
shift-clicking once on the bottom item. With that list still highlighted,
click OK at the bottom.

Back on the Drivers screen, click Next. The Apply Changes: dialog should pop
up, asking if you really want to start the process. Click Yes.

After the processing completes, you'll need to click "Next", at which point
youâ'll be taken to the final screen.

On the "Bootable ISO" screen, change the "Mode" drop down menu from "Create
Image" to "Direct Burn". Eject your WinXP disk, and insert a blank disk into
your burner. For safety's sake, put a check mark next to "Verify".

Finally, click Burn.

Congratulations, you now have a proper install disk for your laptop with
S-ATA hdd(actually you can use it on any pc/laptop with S-ATA hdd).

Now you'll need to boot your laptop from that disk. In order to be able to
boot from the CD, we'll first need to make a couple of quick changes in the
notebooks BIOS. In the BIOS you need to make sure that the first boot device
is the DVD-RW drive.

NOTE: Make sure to back up all your data before proceding, since the next
step will erase everything.

Reboot the laptop with your new XP cd inserted, after it gets started,
windows installer will ask you where you'd like to install Windows XP to:
follow the prompts to delete all the current partitions, then follow the
prompts to create a new partition, and install Windows XP to that. You can
chose the "Quick Format" to speed things up.

Follow the rest of the prompts to windows in the usual fashion.

This solution was originally made for Acer notebook but I have just filled
in where it regards to other notebooks.

You will need the drivers for your systeme ready when XP finish installing,
so make sure to download them before starting on all this, and make a CD so
you can use them again. Most Intel chipsets has driver for XP on Intels

JBJ (25-07-2008)
Fra : JBJ

Dato : 25-07-08 09:36

"JBJ" <SPØRG@MIG.dk> skrev i meddelelsen
> "Ole R" <ole.ryo@HUND!gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:488633a9$0$56796$edfadb0f@dtext02.news.tele.dk...
>> Hey all.
>> Jeg har en Asus X51RL maskine, født med Vista. Jeg skulle formattere den,
>> og ville ha' XP ind. Det ville den så ikke. Nu er jeg ikke lige helt
>> sikker på hvad fejlmeldingen, om nogen, var.
>> Jeg har også Ubuntu på maskinen, og ville prøve om jeg kunne lægge XP ind
>> via VirtualBox, men jeg fik en fejlmelding på at der var fejl, der
>> manglede et komponent.
>> Er der nogen gylden vej til at få XP ind i stedet for Vista, for det er
>> da lige til at lukke op, ja så kender i resten....
>> /Ole

Lad lige høre fra dig om det hjalp:)




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