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(rev 1.1) Russia's Medvedev's First Global~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-05-08 09:01

Russia's Medvedev's First Global Evil Act:

"Support China's Hu Jintao's Need For Stability In Evil"

24 May 2008
{HRI note 20080524-V1.1}

An introductory joke told in Russia:

At a restaurant, Putin and Medvedev order from the menu,
and Putin tells the waiter, "I will have steak."

The waiter asks 'And what would you order for vegetables?'
Putin orders: "The vegetable will also have steak."


Certainly, Hu Jintao will also have 'ordered steak' for his guest, for
Russia's present head of state, Medvedev, while visiting Hu Jintao.
(see introductory joke, above)



Not at all joking, now, but about a future of Cold War against Freedom
that THE CRIMINAL MINDS - Hu Jintao and Putin - ARE BREWING with the
help of their "friends in evil:"

(Criminal Minds have no friends, only "allies" who
support evil)

We could now have had a future of peace on earth - were it not for
the sociopaths Putin and Hu Jintao - I wrote earlier while explaining
to you their "Balance of Power" and their "People are all Equal".'


Now, instead of quoting what I write, THE journalists

- rather than by reading Cicero or Platobeing, they
must have been brought up with Winnie The Pooh -

rather print the lies of Hu Jintao or of Putin or now of
Putin's 'vegetable' (see joke, above) Medvedev,

or of Bin Laden, and of other Criminal Minds,
for that matter,

and they, THE journalists, do so, without ever
mentioning the actual intentions of these very
severely Criminal Minds or of the servants of these.



The same applies to THE journalists printing
now again the lies of the Burmese ('Myanmar')
dictators and those very repulsive lies from
the Secretary General of the United Nations

the one who visited the five million
people disaster area, THREE WEEKS AFTER
the disaster took place,

"because the Criminals did not
allow it," so he claims to cover
up his own Insanity, because

Mr. Ban Ki-Moon could not think
of any way to help a few million

despite an endless supply
of opportunities and demands
to do so, he did NOT,

TO help people - obviously, very

instead he ACTIVELY SUPPORTS all
the intentions and lies to PREVENT
millions of people from being

from being helped by those
who are very intensely
trying to deliver global



And THE journalists, especially those headed by the
Associated Press' (AP's) chief, Tom Curley,

are doing a fantastic job of keeping the society that
Insane, to print the lies uttered by Criminal or Cowardly
Heads of State,

quoting lies verbatim, without stating the
intentions behind those lies, they are simply
quoting INTENTIONAL, destructive lies,

quoting these "in order to do 'sane' reporting,"

so they claim, like true Criminal Minds do
claim it too,

while it is merely and very intensely DESTRUCTIVE


the Criminals maintain a "Balance of Evil and Good",

and about how these even use the United Nations
Organization for that, (*) and

the AP's Edith Lederer is there
to assist them in relaying to you
the INTENTIONAL LIES, from Putin's
Ambassador, from Hu Jintao's Ambassador,
etc. etc., to the United Nations,

relaying lies and the hidden intentions
with it,

because "it is not sane, to talk about good
and evil,"

(especially not about the evil and the
good - should he have any - of the AP's
Tom Curley so one is inclined to assume)

BUT they provide endless "excuses" in their "Freedom
of Journalism,"

for "why they can not write the truth,"

why they are compelled to use the hard-won and
hard-fought-for freedom given to them, given to them
by those who were tortured and died for it,

for your having some freedom now; but that you
use now

NOT in order to free, but to destroy the society,

by refusing to call evil evil, and lies lies,

using all kind of fancy names instead, like
'reclusive,' and 'hard-line' and 'hawkish,' 'ethnic'
and 'violence' and 'anti-American,' etc. etc.:

'Who killed 50 people today?'
- "Violence did;" "Violence started
again in the region;"

'Why were they killed?'
- "They were Ethnic minorities;"

utterly Insane reporting because
it does not lead to a solution
or remedy of the matter, and so
it is

in direct opposition to their lofty and very
journalistic company charters.

INSTEAD of calling lies and intentions
to dominate and treacherous acts and
extortion, for what they are:

They claim "they can not know what is good or
evil," they are - by Tom Curley etc. - NOT

'Beauty and Ugliness, Good and Evil,
"are just a matter of consideration,"
as the demons whisper in their ears,'

they claim "they can not report the intentions
of Putin or of Medvedev or of Hu Jintao or
of Chavez or of (the almost late) Castro."

(see 'Introduction to Journalism Course')


I wrote earlier:

We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao:

Balance of Power - "Power of Evil to be kept equal to Power of Good"

7 February 2007
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1-V1.1}

(quoted and edited *
on 22 Feb 2008)


The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being

and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it,
they oppose any legal security and security of expression and
security of possession for others, *(5)

and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and
stops their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack"
law and freedom being established globally by the
Democratic and free states of Earth,

countries that Putin describes with the utmost
Insanity, in his public speeches and in his
political and secret acts, as

"being enemies that threaten Russia."

In actual fact, he, Putin, is then talking
about HIMSELF - as the Russian opposition
parties are well aware.


Of course, destroying global peace

- which, as I explained elsewhere, Putin and Hu Jintao do very
actively destroy, both openly and secretly (via their
'proxies' North Korea, Sudan, Iran, Mayanmar, Syria, etc.) -

destroying global peace

is not economical at all,

except maybe seemingly so, for a short while and to a few people
who are shown only the short term "benefits." *(1a)


And of course a thief or a dictator does not want any
security at all for people, certainly not globally.


The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only
aimed at driving people insane and at thus helping
other Sociopaths to stay in power.

This is also the only aim of his (in 2007) intended
"diplomatic" visits to the Middle East:

To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal,
to make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.



When they can not achieve that, they demand
a 'balance of power' - the next best
"defense position" of a Criminal Mind:

"People have to have the right to be
evil, and need places to freely be
evil, unchecked,"

or "sovereign" and "protected by
international law," *(5)


which is, how THEY would like, or
even demand, that others should

"understand" the "rights they are
allowed to insist on" as derived
from "sovereignty," and from
"international law,"

which is not and never has
been the purpose of those
concept and laws: It is NOT

to create and maintain a regime of evil,
and that even,

NOT merely to terrorize a part of
a TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
criminals like to accomplish it,


so that any Criminal can choose the side of
evil, and flee there from the wrath of those
the Criminal harmed

(to flee from prosecution, for instance,
for murder committed against a very
valuable and courageous person - let's
say, murder perpetrated by pouring
Polonium in the tea of the victim, and
the murderer seeking protection from a
Criminal government, even being offered
a seat in that country's parliament)

and to have a base, from which to inflict harm
- "on others:"



Suddenly, people who happen 'not to live
in the same country,' are supposed to
be "others."

And "it is OK to harm 'others'," because

ah... well, ah, you see, ah...

"because they are 'others'," and "you
have to choose SOMEONE TO HARM, isn't
it, so, primarily you choose 'OTHERS',"

rather than those of 'your own'
group - at least openly, (whom)

to murder, or to steal from, and to lie


"It is also much safer," within a country
of evil, when you brand the others,
like Israel, "to be enemies,"

I don't see the Israelis having
ever been evil to the Iranians,

but on the other side, there are
violent Criminals, who, with
Khomeini, have been allowed to
found a country of evil, called
'the Islamic State of Iran,' and

so they have to shout (some Arab
custom it seems, it is, to shout)
that "Israel" is "evil" and "must
be wiped out,"


indeed, for the Criminals to have
some more 'breathing space,' or

'Lebensraum' as they said in their
previous life time, in which they
were openly allowed and encouraged

to feel contempt for and to lie
about, and

to freely destroy any Jewish
person, and be 'abiding by law,'
in doing so.


Such is the nature also of
Putin and Hu Jintao, the
subjects of the present *
Human Rights Issue

(and what they say - together
with their 'adviser,' Henry
Kissinger, what they say -

'There has to be a balance
between powers' - "the bad
cops and the good cops must
be equally strong and be
equally well equipped"

- and 'that is only fair,'
because "life is a game" -

and (so they like you to
see their utter Insanity and
their malice)

obliterated by either side."


"There has to be a balance between good and
evil" - is, what they mean very literally

but, they can, of course, not say that
exactly as they mean it.

What they mean, is:

"If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
dominate global organizations, then:"

"The United Nations Organization must be
a balanced representation of all
countries" - MEANING,

"It must represent a balance between good
and evil, and must be composed of and
must be controlled by good and by evil

"as long as we can not manage to
have it - the United Nations
Organization - FULLY dominated by
evil individuals (by dictators)."


For your convenience, I will again give the definition of Democracy.

Democracy basically means

seeing what people - all people, from local to global - need,

and, what they need of course as a main thing, is, to be asked
what life they want to live together, what they want to do

and that means, even if asked locally, like for a town
or for a country, still, what people there want for ALL
people, from local to global;

so it is asking, what people do like to spend their efforts and
money on, and how they like to do so, and making it possible for
them to do so,

again, it means, asking ALL people,

with solely the exception of severely Criminal Minds, who
are cared for and not of course as they wish, but they can
be asked how they wish to be restrained, and of course

these have no right whatsoever, *(2a) to vote or otherwise
to determine the activities of others.

{definition of Democracy} **


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


(*) Quoted and edited from:

'We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not
For The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - 'Balance of Power' and
'People are all Equal' '
{HRI 20070207-V3.7}
(7 February 2007 - Version 3.7 on 21 Feb 2008)
{HRI 20070207-V3.7-t} (Version 3.7-t on 21 Feb 2008)


(**) See under (5)

(1a) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

(2a) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
{HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
(8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)

(5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
{HRI 20060429-V3.4.1} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
(29 April 2006 - Version 3.4.1 on 19 Feb 2008)

Additional Footnote to {HRI note 20080524}:

(6) 'Else YOU would have written: 'What is the difference between
a good Scientologist and a good Nazi?'
(24 May 2008 - Version 1.2)


' "Balance of Power" IS a Criminally Insane "reporting" term'
{HRI 20060111}
(11 January 2006)

'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)



Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

De Joker © (25-05-2008)
Fra : De Joker ©

Dato : 25-05-08 10:49

Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:
> Russia's Medvedev's First Global Evil Act:
> "Support China's Hu Jintao's Need For Stability In Evil"

Stability is always good for the economy, isn't it, Koos? And we have
an enormous global Evil reserve! I think it is an excellent choice..


Plato Been (25-05-2008)
Fra : Plato Been

Dato : 25-05-08 12:00

Sociopaths must filter out from their own view, all writing by
Koos Nolst Trenite,

argued in this way:

'Demonic creatures etc. have NO PERMISSION to talk to me'
{Note 20071207}
(7 December 2008 - Version 2.0 on 23 Apr 2008)


Koos Nolst Trenite is arguably the most Intelligent, the most
Beautiful and the most Caring philosopher known, and on top
of that the most Truthful and most trusted philosopher known
on Earth and beyond.

On Sun, 25 May 2008 10:01:16 +0200, Koos Nolst Trenite wrote:

> Russia's Medvedev's First Global Evil Act:
> "Support China's Hu Jintao's Need For Stability In Evil"
> 24 May 2008
> {HRI note 20080524-V1.1}
> An introductory joke told in Russia:
> At a restaurant, Putin and Medvedev order from the menu, and
> Putin tells the waiter, "I will have steak."
> The waiter asks 'And what would you order for vegetables?'
> Putin orders: "The vegetable will also have steak."
> '
> Certainly, Hu Jintao will also have 'ordered steak' for his guest, for
> Russia's present head of state, Medvedev, while visiting Hu Jintao. (see
> introductory joke, above)
> '
> '
> Not at all joking, now, but about a future of Cold War against Freedom
> that THE CRIMINAL MINDS - Hu Jintao and Putin - ARE BREWING with the help
> of their "friends in evil:"
> (Criminal Minds have no friends, only "allies" who
> support evil)
> We could now have had a future of peace on earth - were it not for the
> sociopaths Putin and Hu Jintao - I wrote earlier while explaining to you
> their "Balance of Power" and their "People are all Equal".'
> '
> Now, instead of quoting what I write, THE journalists
> - rather than by reading Cicero or Platobeing, they
> must have been brought up with Winnie The Pooh -
> rather print the lies of Hu Jintao or of Putin or now of
> Putin's 'vegetable' (see joke, above) Medvedev,
> or of Bin Laden, and of other Criminal Minds, for
> that matter,
> and they, THE journalists, do so, without ever
> mentioning the actual intentions of these very severely
> Criminal Minds or of the servants of these.
> '
> '
> The same applies to THE journalists printing now
> again the lies of the Burmese ('Myanmar')
> dictators and those very repulsive lies from the
> Secretary General of the United Nations
> Organization,
> the one who visited the five million
> people disaster area, THREE WEEKS AFTER the
> disaster took place,
> "because the Criminals did not
> allow it," so he claims to cover
> up his own Insanity, because
> Mr. Ban Ki-Moon could not think
> of any way to help a few million
> people,
> despite an endless supply
> of opportunities and demands
> to do so, he did NOT,
> TO help people - obviously, very
> obviously,
> instead he ACTIVELY SUPPORTS all
> the intentions and lies to PREVENT
> millions of people from being
> helped
> from being helped by those
> who are very intensely
> trying to deliver global
> help.
> '
> '
> And THE journalists, especially those headed by the Associated
> Press' (AP's) chief, Tom Curley,
> are doing a fantastic job of keeping the society that Insane,
> to print the lies uttered by Criminal or Cowardly Heads of
> State,
> quoting lies verbatim, without stating the intentions
> behind those lies, they are simply quoting INTENTIONAL,
> destructive lies,
> quoting these "in order to do 'sane' reporting,"
> so they claim, like true Criminal Minds do claim
> it too,
> while it is merely and very intensely DESTRUCTIVE reporting.
> '
> Criminals maintain a "Balance of Evil and Good",
> and about how these even use the United Nations
> Organization for that, (*) and
> the AP's Edith Lederer is there
> to assist them in relaying to you
> the INTENTIONAL LIES, from Putin's
> Ambassador, from Hu Jintao's Ambassador,
> etc. etc., to the United Nations,
> relaying lies and the hidden intentions with
> it,
> because "it is not sane, to talk about good and
> evil,"
> (especially not about the evil and the
> good - should he have any - of the AP's Tom
> Curley so one is inclined to assume)
> BUT they provide endless "excuses" in their "Freedom of
> Journalism,"
> for "why they can not write the truth,"
> why they are compelled to use the hard-won and
> hard-fought-for freedom given to them, given to them by
> those who were tortured and died for it,
> for your having some freedom now; but that you use
> now
> NOT in order to free, but to destroy the society,
> by refusing to call evil evil, and lies lies,
> using all kind of fancy names instead, like 'reclusive,'
> and 'hard-line' and 'hawkish,' 'ethnic' and 'violence'
> and 'anti-American,' etc. etc.:
> 'Who killed 50 people today?'
> - "Violence did;" "Violence started
> again in the region;"
> 'Why were they killed?'
> - "They were Ethnic minorities;"
> utterly Insane reporting because
> it does not lead to a solution
> or remedy of the matter, and so
> it is
> in direct opposition to their lofty and very
> journalistic company charters.
> INSTEAD of calling lies and intentions to
> dominate and treacherous acts and
> extortion, for what they are:
> They claim "they can not know what is good or
> evil," they are - by Tom Curley etc. - NOT ALLOWED
> 'Beauty and Ugliness, Good and Evil,
> "are just a matter of consideration," as the
> demons whisper in their ears,' *(6)
> they claim "they can not report the intentions of
> Putin or of Medvedev or of Hu Jintao or of Chavez
> or of (the almost late) Castro."
> (see 'Introduction to Journalism Course')
> '
> _______________
> I wrote earlier:
> We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not For
> The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao:
> Balance of Power - "Power of Evil to be kept equal to Power of Good"
> 7 February 2007
> {HRI 20070207-V3.7-q1-V1.1}
> (quoted and edited *
> on 22 Feb 2008)
> '
> The only thing THEY want, is to be freely as Criminal and for other
> Sociopaths to be freely as Criminal as they want to be, without being
> stopped,
> and this is why they oppose any actual Democracy and, with it, they
> oppose any legal security and security of expression and security of
> possession for others, *(5)
> and they attack MOST VIOLENTLY anyone who exposes and stops
> their Crimes - like Putin does right now "attack" law and
> freedom being established globally by the Democratic and free
> states of Earth,
> countries that Putin describes with the utmost Insanity,
> in his public speeches and in his political and secret
> acts, as
> "being enemies that threaten Russia."
> In actual fact, he, Putin, is then talking
> about HIMSELF - as the Russian opposition
> parties are well aware.
> '
> Of course, destroying global peace
> - which, as I explained elsewhere, Putin and Hu Jintao do very
> actively destroy, both openly and secretly (via their
> 'proxies' North Korea, Sudan, Iran, Mayanmar, Syria, etc.) -
> destroying global peace
> is not economical at all,
> except maybe seemingly so, for a short while and to a few people who
> are shown only the short term "benefits." *(1a)
> '
> And of course a thief or a dictator does not want any security
> at all for people, certainly not globally.
> '
> The current (meaning, the 10 February 2007) public
> Sociopathic "rant" of Putin, is entirely and only aimed
> at driving people insane and at thus helping other
> Sociopaths to stay in power.
> This is also the only aim of his (in 2007) intended
> "diplomatic" visits to the Middle East:
> To drive people insane - to MAKE people Criminal, to
> make people NOT OPPOSE Crime.
> '
> '
> When they can not achieve that, they demand a
> 'balance of power' - the next best
> "defense position" of a Criminal Mind:
> "People have to have the right to be
> evil, and need places to freely be
> evil, unchecked,"
> or "sovereign" and "protected by
> international law," *(5)
> '
> which is, how THEY would like, or
> even demand, that others should
> "understand" the "rights they are
> allowed to insist on" as derived
> from "sovereignty," and from
> "international law,"
> which is not and never has
> been the purpose of those
> concept and laws: It is NOT
> to create and maintain a regime of evil, and
> that even,
> NOT merely to terrorize a part of
> a TOWN or of a PROVINCE, as common
> criminals like to accomplish it,
> but
> so that any Criminal can choose the side of evil,
> and flee there from the wrath of those the
> Criminal harmed
> (to flee from prosecution, for instance,
> for murder committed against a very
> valuable and courageous person - let's say,
> murder perpetrated by pouring
> Polonium in the tea of the victim, and the
> murderer seeking protection from a Criminal
> government, even being offered a seat in
> that country's parliament)
> and to have a base, from which to inflict harm -
> "on others:"
> '
> '
> Suddenly, people who happen 'not to live in
> the same country,' are supposed to be
> "others."
> And "it is OK to harm 'others'," because
> ah... well, ah, you see, ah...
> "because they are 'others'," and "you
> have to choose SOMEONE TO HARM, isn't it,
> so, primarily you choose 'OTHERS',"
> rather than those of 'your own'
> group - at least openly, (whom)
> to murder, or to steal from, and to lie
> about.
> '
> "It is also much safer," within a country
> of evil, when you brand the others,
> like Israel, "to be enemies,"
> I don't see the Israelis having
> ever been evil to the Iranians,
> but on the other side, there are
> violent Criminals, who, with
> Khomeini, have been allowed to
> found a country of evil, called
> 'the Islamic State of Iran,' and
> so they have to shout (some Arab
> custom it seems, it is, to shout)
> that "Israel" is "evil" and "must
> be wiped out,"
> '
> indeed, for the Criminals to have
> some more 'breathing space,' or
> 'Lebensraum' as they said in their
> previous life time, in which they
> were openly allowed and encouraged
> to feel contempt for and to lie
> about, and
> to freely destroy any Jewish
> person, and be 'abiding by law,'
> in doing so.
> '
> Such is the nature also of
> Putin and Hu Jintao, the
> subjects of the present *
> Human Rights Issue
> (and what they say - together
> with their 'adviser,' Henry
> Kissinger, what they say -
> is):
> 'There has to be a balance
> between powers' - "the bad
> cops and the good cops must
> be equally strong and be
> equally well equipped"
> - and 'that is only fair,'
> because "life is a game" -
> and (so they like you to
> see their utter Insanity and
> their malice)
> PROTECT THE WEAK from being
> obliterated by either side."
> '
> "There has to be a balance between good and
> evil" - is, what they mean very literally
> but, they can, of course, not say that
> exactly as they mean it.
> What they mean, is:
> "If we do NOT, at this time, manage to
> dominate global organizations, then:"
> "The United Nations Organization must be
> a balanced representation of all
> countries" - MEANING,
> "It must represent a balance between good
> and evil, and must be composed of and must
> be controlled by good and by evil people,"
> "as long as we can not manage to
> have it - the United Nations
> Organization - FULLY dominated by
> evil individuals (by dictators)."
> '
> For your convenience, I will again give the definition of Democracy.
> Democracy basically means
> seeing what people - all people, from local to global - need,
> and, what they need of course as a main thing, is, to be asked what
> life they want to live together, what they want to do together;
> and that means, even if asked locally, like for a town or for
> a country, still, what people there want for ALL people, from
> local to global;
> so it is asking, what people do like to spend their efforts and
> money on, and how they like to do so, and making it possible for
> them to do so,
> again, it means, asking ALL people,
> with solely the exception of severely Criminal Minds, who are
> cared for and not of course as they wish, but they can be
> asked how they wish to be restrained, and of course
> these have no right whatsoever, *(2a) to vote or otherwise to
> determine the activities of others.
> {definition of Democracy} **
> '
> Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
> human rights philosopher and poet
> 'Men of all nations came
> to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
> sent by all the kings of the world,
> who had heard of his wisdom.'
> 1 Kings 4:34
> _________
> Footnotes:
> (*) Quoted and edited from:
> 'We Could Now Have Had A Future Of Peace On Earth - Were It Not
> For The Sociopaths Putin And Hu Jintao - 'Balance of Power' and
> 'People are all Equal' '
> {HRI 20070207-V3.7}
> (7 February 2007 - Version 3.7 on 21 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/soc.culture.china/msg/1a4d7ac9a9f14036
> http://groups.google.com/group/human-rights-issues/msg/274fd668a98e5f53
> {HRI 20070207-V3.7-t} (Version 3.7-t on 21 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/us.military.army/msg/a2e60873eedaa3af
> '
> (**) See under (5)
> (1a) 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
> (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.martial-arts/msg/b13e925be4fa484b
> (2a) 'The Rights of Criminal Minds' (RCM)
> {HRI 20040108-V1.2.1}
> (8 January 2004 - Version 1.2.1 on 9 Aug 2007)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/93359b640af83e20
> (5) 'China NOT A VALID MEMBER of the United Nations Organization (UN,
> UNO, ONU)'
> {HRI 20060429-V3.4.1} - it quotes from {HRI 20060427-V1.1}
> (29 April 2006 - Version 3.4.1 on 19 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.military/msg/77bd6502b44bbcd7 '
> _________________________________________ Additional Footnote to {HRI note
> 20080524}:
> (6) 'Else YOU would have written: 'What is the difference between
> a good Scientologist and a good Nazi?'
> (24 May 2008 - Version 1.2)
> http://groups.google.com/group/be.politics/msg/b5b22690e020e3ad '
> __________
> References:
> ' "Balance of Power" IS a Criminally Insane "reporting" term'
> {HRI 20060111}
> (11 January 2006)
> http://groups.google.com/group/alt.journalism/msg/66e128ad164dad2a
> 'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
> {HRI 20070520-V3.2}
> (20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)
> http://groups.google.com/group/rec.martial-arts/msg/b13e925be4fa484b '
> ____________
> Verification:
> http://www.angelfire.com/space/platoworld
Copyright 2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
> This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
> anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it) who
> passes it on unaltered, and with this message included, to others who
> might be able to learn from it.
> None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
> or religious or scientific agenda, but only to educate, and to encourage
> people to judge un-dominated and for themselves, about any organizations
> or individuals.
> Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
> PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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