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Islam er en moderne religion
Fra : Mohammad Islam

Dato : 21-04-08 22:16

Islam er en religion der går ind for at beskytte Miljøet.

According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the major
factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man interferes
intentionally or unintentionally in the earth's ecosystems by impairing its
perfect order and precise sequence. But it seems that man has cut off his
nose to spite his face and he now is the victim. Grave dangers are
manifested in pollution of the air, water, soil, outer space and others, as
well as the irrational exploitation of the environment's resources, and
inconsistent distribution of human settlements. All these factors have lead
to different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to the earth's
natural balance.

S. A. Thomsen (21-04-2008)
Fra : S. A. Thomsen

Dato : 21-04-08 23:36

On Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:15:52 +0200, "Mohammad Islam" <kalki@gmail.com>

>Islam er en religion der går ind for at beskytte Miljøet.

Ja, islam vil i det lange løb udslette menneskeheden (ved hjælp af
myrderier og generel indavl), hvilket givetvis er en fordel for

>According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the major
>factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe.


<snip psykose>

Ivannof (22-04-2008)
Fra : Ivannof

Dato : 22-04-08 08:06

"Mohammad Islam" <kalki@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> Islam er en religion der går ind for at beskytte Miljøet.
> http://www.whyislam.org/877/
> According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the major
> factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man interferes
> intentionally or unintentionally in the earth's ecosystems by impairing
> its perfect order and precise sequence. But it seems that man has cut off
> his nose to spite his face and he now is the victim. Grave dangers are
> manifested in pollution of the air, water, soil, outer space and others,
> as well as the irrational exploitation of the environment's resources, and
> inconsistent distribution of human settlements. All these factors have
> lead to different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to
> the earth's natural balance.
Hvad GØR islam for at beskytte miljø? Det gøres jo ikke ved korancitater

Hilsen Ivan

Ukendt (22-04-2008)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 22-04-08 08:17

Ivannof wrote:
> "Mohammad Islam" <kalki@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> news:fuj0ac$a45$1@aioe.org...
>> Islam er en religion der går ind for at beskytte Miljøet.
>> http://www.whyislam.org/877/
>> According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the
>> major factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man
>> interferes intentionally or unintentionally in the earth's
>> ecosystems by impairing its perfect order and precise sequence. But
>> it seems that man has cut off his nose to spite his face and he now
>> is the victim. Grave dangers are manifested in pollution of the air,
>> water, soil, outer space and others, as well as the irrational
>> exploitation of the environment's resources, and inconsistent
>> distribution of human settlements. All these factors have lead to
>> different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to the
>> earth's natural balance.
> Hvad GØR islam for at beskytte miljø? Det gøres jo ikke ved
> korancitater alene!

Man forbyder kvinder at køre bil

hanzen (22-04-2008)
Fra : hanzen

Dato : 22-04-08 11:01

"Knud Larsen" <mafishmaskela-snabela-yahoo.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
>> Hvad GØR islam for at beskytte miljø? Det gøres jo ikke ved
>> korancitater alene!
> Man forbyder kvinder at køre bil
Og pakker dem ind i villatelte så man ikke kan se dem.

@ (22-04-2008)
Fra : @

Dato : 22-04-08 21:04

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:00:46 +0200, "hanzen" <hanzen@mailmeej.dk>

>"Knud Larsen" <mafishmaskela-snabela-yahoo.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
>>> Hvad GØR islam for at beskytte miljø? Det gøres jo ikke ved
>>> korancitater alene!
>> Man forbyder kvinder at køre bil
>Og pakker dem ind i villatelte så man ikke kan se dem.

det med at pakke kvinderne ind var noget araberne i forne tider gjorde
for at skjule for resten af verden at i Arabien er kamelerne kønnere
end kvinderne

Det handler ikke for fem øre om den i øvrigt hidsige tone i udlændingedebatten i Danmark
Det handler om, at vi aldrig må acceptere, at hensynet til politiske, kulturelle og
religiøse dogmer lægger begrænsninger på ytringsfriheden. Giver vi køb på det,
giver vi samtidig køb på at være et åbent og demokratisk samfund.

N_B_DK (23-04-2008)
Fra : N_B_DK

Dato : 23-04-08 11:12

"@" <1@invalid.net> wrote in message

> det med at pakke kvinderne ind var noget araberne i forne tider gjorde
> for at skjule for resten af verden at i Arabien er kamelerne kønnere
> end kvinderne

Det er noget sludder, den eneste grund til de skal pakkes ind, er da deres
syge mentalitet mht at tage hvad der passer dem, så jeg er faktisk ret
overbevidst om det nærmere er en slags beskyttelse.

KVM consol købes (1024X768 eller højere)

@ (22-04-2008)
Fra : @

Dato : 22-04-08 20:58

On Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:05:44 +0200, "Ivannof" <ivannof@hotmail.com>

>"Mohammad Islam" <kalki@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
>> Islam er en religion der går ind for at beskytte Miljøet.
>> http://www.whyislam.org/877/
>> According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the major
>> factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man interferes
>> intentionally or unintentionally in the earth's ecosystems by impairing
>> its perfect order and precise sequence. But it seems that man has cut off
>> his nose to spite his face and he now is the victim. Grave dangers are
>> manifested in pollution of the air, water, soil, outer space and others,
>> as well as the irrational exploitation of the environment's resources, and
>> inconsistent distribution of human settlements. All these factors have
>> lead to different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to
>> the earth's natural balance.
>Hvad GØR islam for at beskytte miljø? Det gøres jo ikke ved korancitater

en hel del af dem kunne jo sætte handling bag ordene ved at stoppe

men så skulle de selvfølgelig til at arbejde for føden, hvilket ville
medføre sultedøden for mange af dem da de ikke kender begrebet arbejde

Det handler ikke for fem øre om den i øvrigt hidsige tone i udlændingedebatten i Danmark
Det handler om, at vi aldrig må acceptere, at hensynet til politiske, kulturelle og
religiøse dogmer lægger begrænsninger på ytringsfriheden. Giver vi køb på det,
giver vi samtidig køb på at være et åbent og demokratisk samfund.

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