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(rev 2.2) Essence of Buddhism: Betrayal, U~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 11-04-08 02:46

Koos Nolst Trenite on the Essence of Buddhism

9 November 2007
{HRI 20071109-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 11 Apr 2008)

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by skipping


Thank you for a very interesting statement,* and
I am glad I can take some time to answer it very briefly.


Buddhism is not going to tell you what Buddhism is,

much like Christianity is not going to tell you, what
Christianity is,

and the same applies to Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism, to mention


So you can, to your advantage, ask a convinced Buddhist
who has thoroughly studied Christianity, what he sees,
looking at Christianity,

and you can ask a convinced Christian who has studied
Buddhism in depth, to tell you what he or she sees,
looking at Buddhism,

for instance.


That is a comment on your state of 'being a convinced Buddhist.'

Those questions of yours "to me," that I quote here, bear
no answering,

as these questions are too far below any even basic
knowledge of what I have written, *(1)(2)(3)

and they try to suggest, maliciously, that I
have not written anything - or worse things
"about me."

> Do you believe that the body does not decay and die?
> Do you think Grasping, Aversion, Hatred, or Delusion
> are good things?
> Do you think Mindfulness, Generosity, Kindness,
> Compassion or Equanimity are bad?



Buddhism has absorbed and mixed with all kind of very much OPPOSITE
bodies of knowledge and skills,

such as the original religion of Tibet, called Bon Po, and the
Chinese and Japanese martial arts, and Confucianism and Shinto,
and also Christianity,

thereby absorbing those parts, of very basic and correct
knowledge of the nature of or for the conduct of life,

that are contained in and that can be easily found in
these other religions or philosophies, and

that indeed are totally opposed to the original Buddhism of
Gautama in India.



All those mixtures under the 'brand name' of Buddhism

- while these give much better camouflage of the source and
essence of Buddhism,

and some, like the 'Greater Vehicle' of Buddhism, are feeding
back to major aspects of Hinduism - these

are however no less deadly, in the end, than formal or 'Gautamic'
Buddhism itself,

which - original Buddhism - is the fastest 'route to eternal
death' currently "delivered" on Earth,

as the practice of mummification *(4) has - luckily enough
for you - been discontinued and destroyed on Earth.




The essence itself, of Buddhism, is a reduction of awareness, and a
denial of the connection of life, of you, of your soul, to the
Source of Life Energy of The Creation *(3)(4)

(which is not a sun, of course - Akhenaton did not mean the
physical sun, but he meant the Source of Life Energy of The
Creation.) *(4)(8)



The essence of Buddhism is indeed a denial of the existence and nature
of The Creation itself, as well,

and Buddhism replaces it with a Black Void, the Black Energy
of unawareness or Unconsciousness, the blocking of perception-
connection, the blocking of feeling-understanding-by-connecting,

blocking which, is caused by Black Energy (broken Energy
Particles, that DO connect to your awareness, to your
soul, BUT without letting anything through)

which gives the visual impression, or (also) the
feeling and sense of "nothing and no-one existing,"

or 'Nirvana,' 'Nibbana,' etc., as "an actuality,"

not unlike the proverbial ostrich who puts
and keeps his head in a hole in the sand,

in a Black Void, WITHIN which then again
any Illusions or even "Love" can be

indeed void of any reality as to who is
who - the actual character and actual
intentions of others -

where anti-social Ugliness - or Rap
"music" of 'Jay-Z' - can be pretended
to be "Beauty."


As you can easily see, that is a
perceptional Energy 'cocoon,' *(7)

"where Criminal Minds 'do not
exist' or even are 'the heroes,'
the gurus, the artists, etc.:"

After all, you rather experience
their 'mask' of "Loving you" and
of their "Being Beautiful,"

...IN STEAD OF the actuality,
their Extreme but hidden Ugliness,
and their most violent but hidden
Hate and contempt for you and for
anyone. *(9)



You may see or find further, that Buddhism does deny the

of Beauty Energy (of brilliantly shining, white diamond-
like Particles), and

of Life Creating Energy (intensely brilliant light-blue or
indigo) and

of Love Energy (intense green), and of Golden Strength
Energy, etc.. *(a)



Again: The 'Black Void' of Buddhism - hiding Life - does consist
of Black, broken Life Energy Particles,

often covered with opaque White, Euphoric, twisted
Life Energy Particles,

to make you NOT FEEL the unawareness as such, but

giving 'Nirvana,'

the combination of these Broken and Twisted
perceptional Life Energy Particles,

the feeling of Euphoria,

(to the Buddhist, I say: the specific Energies
with the feelings, perceptions, ideas and
intentions or desires, that make one want

'to not desire and to not perceive and to not
understand,' meaning, in actual fact - being
tricked and forced -

'to want to WRONGLY "desire" and to WRONGLY
"perceive" and to WRONGLY "understand")

consisting of such Anti-Life Energies, *(4)

and these are produced by individuals of very ill intent, by
Criminal Minds, by individuals of a Demonic nature, or of an
anti-social nature, by sociopaths and such. *(6)



All Criminal Minds do project in particular this Black,
perception-blocking Energy:

They deliberately project this at and around and
above (you and other) normal and caring people,

with the effect resulting, that you and other
victims are literally cut off from

being connected to life, to all of life, which
means, being cut off from

'you being and feeling normal and complete, as you
normally are or would be:'

It blocks you from 'feeling yourself' and from 'being
comfortable with yourself in relation to others and in
relation to life.'

That means:

You can FEEL who you are, your OWN feelings, and you
can FEEL who others are, and THEIR OWN feelings,

when you are NOT in a Black Void, but

when you are connected to the Life Energy of the
Source Life Energy of The Creation. *(4)


But Criminal Minds have everything in reverse,
THEY feel "comfortable" and "being themselves"
when they are CUT OFF and NOT FEELING THE
Source Energy of The Creation,

THEY feel "comfortable" in the dark, in the
Dark Void,

and when everyone is in the Dark Void, so that
'New Age...'

Because, when you ARE connected to the Life Energy
of the Source of The Creation, *(4)

when you are NOT in a 'Black Void,'

THEN you CAN feel and appreciate,

not only who you are, and what your own true
feelings are, but

ALSO who others are and THEIR actual feelings and



Criminal Minds - for instance the well-known and currently
very active Criminal Minds, Putin, Hu Jintao, and Chavez
and his "friend" Castro - these, by projecting Black
Energies at others,

block the connection of people to the Life Energy of
the Source of The Creation, they cut the connection
off, and they

further make you and others Invisible to other people,
invisible as regards who you really are,

so that normal people CAN NOT FEEL YOU anymore, they can
not feel your own Energies anymore, because you are
surrounded by the inflicted, Black Energies, and then

you "don't exist anymore for people, as you are,"

- and so 'everybody is born equal.'

It ALSO, of course, makes Criminal Minds
Invisible, as to who these individuals,
these criminal, Black souls

- in our example, Putin and Hu
Jintao, and Chavez - who they

really are.


Supporting the myth that "you have died"

(you died - obviously and by definition -
in your previous life time,

hence the myth, that "therefore you do
not exist anymore") and

this Black Energy is indeed a 'handy' tool for
Criminal Minds, to make you - your soul, that
is, and also themselves, THEIR Black soul -
Invisible to (unrecognized by) others.

They themselves also do not want to have
THEIR soul recognized - being Criminals,
you know, and that since many, many,
countless life times: Their soul does
not change or "evolve," they have been
damaged with the purpose and means to
make them irreparable for ever.



You will FEEL the disconnecting or Black Energy
such individuals, such Criminal souls, inflict onto

- unless it is camouflaged by the White Energy
(Drug Energy) of Euphoria, in which case
you won't even feel it,

you will become an idiot in certain
things or towards certain people,
without even knowing it, then, *(10)

but else, you will likely feel the Black
Energy -

especially if you DO want to remain aware

and thus, of course, you would instantly
OPPOSE the infliction or onset of any
Unawareness Energy that is shot at you, so

you will most likely feel it,

as a dull pressure, for instance,

that blocks you from FEELING your ideals and
goals - and thus prevents you from achieving
these - and

it blocks you from connecting to life and to
those people in particular, that you SHOULD
connect to,

who can and will help you in achieving
your ideals and goals;



it includes thus the Energetic blocking of
your otherwise likely and natural or normal
connection to people who,

via your connection and exchange
with them,

would provide income to you and you to

because connection to people is an entirely
spiritual, Life Energetic process,

and such Black Energy does break that
connection, and also (being in effect
Unconsciousness Energy)

it causes you to suddenly become Unaware
and to remain Unaware, of certain things
and people, and of certain situations in
your environment,

and - Life Energy Particles being
connected to your brain, quite
intensely - these Harmful or
ALTERED Life Energies then ALSO
tend to cause malformations in
the brain,

a cumulative effect, that
is manifesting with age,
of course, or with other
factors in not removing
those HARMFUL Energies
again from your body,



thus, Black Energy inflicted on, in or around you,
is acting AGAINST your normal awareness, of

what you would otherwise perceive or sense,
and understand, of

what and whom it is vital for you to know DOES
exist and also to feel or sense or understand
the intentions of,

especially when these intentions of others
either strongly align with yourself,

or on the other hand, when these strongly
oppose you (and oppose life).



In other words, there are Poisoned,
Harmful, Altered Life Energy Particles,

that ARE inflicted on you (and on
anyone), and that

to a small or to a large degree,

depending on your condition, your
ability and your desire to feel,
to sense and to see, what is
actually happening to you,

Harmful Energies that ARE being
and HAVE BEEN inflicted on you,

that intend to MAKE you unable correctly
to estimate and understand, and properly
to react, to people and things and


They, Criminal Minds, that is, do block your
spiritually feeling,

your sensing and thus your perceiving people
and things around you

correctly, in a loving and caring way

which may of course lead to rational
disagreement and to rational anger, if

and to violent action as well if needed,
of course, to stop and to prevent the
actions of Criminal Minds and of
Destructive Cowards,

as these intend to BLOCK

- and as you read in the news, they do this
CONSTANTLY, while creating Black Energies,

as coming from Iran's Ahmadinejad, as coming
from Russia's Putin, from China's Hu Jintao,
and from Venezuela's Chavez -

continuously (aided, often unwillingly,
by the journalists *(12)) they try to BLOCK

that you do correctly understand the people and the
situations you are involved in:


They intend, that "you should not feel or understand or
act rationally towards them, and towards Life."




Further, Criminal Minds try to destroy, and to pull away,
and to make invisible to others,

your own, natural, pure and whole Energy, your own Energy
that connects with the intention to love and to understand
and to care

and that results in the normal and vital attention
you get from others to bring about the exchange
with others, that makes life possible and joyful.



I repeat:

The essence of Buddhism is NOT ONLY a denial of the
existence and the nature of The Creation,

Buddhism strives to REPLACE IT with a Black Void,

the Black Energy of Unconsciousness, that is
blocking perception-connection,

and when that is partly or fully accomplished,
a condition results, which is entirely unnatural
and can not be maintained for long,

experienced as and indeed called 'Nirvana,' 'Extinction,'
'Nothing there to feel, know or understand.'



The essence of Buddhism, then, is cowardice, eternal death, betrayal
and destruction of life and of awareness and of abilities and of

You can easily find out, that in fact, past lives are
not at all examined, nor verified in Buddhism (nor in

(even when someone does remember something, there is
neither effort, nor practice, to verify and uncover

and thus all their "data" about past lives and about
future life and future lives, and about in-between-lives,

and maliciously false.



The purpose of Buddhism is, to deny and thus to accommodate (the
unopposed and undetected) existence of Demonic and Criminal Minds, of

those whose joy it is to destroy life as thoroughly and as lastingly
as possible, and thus

to wipe out any awareness (any memory) of the actual past (of what
actually has occurred), and any awareness (any perception or correct
understanding) of the actual future (of what actually or most likely
will occur). *(11)




The assumed and revered source of Buddhism, Gautama "The Buddha," is
an entirely mendacious, entirely destructive or demonic individual,

whose reported teachings are consisting of

- even when put in only a small amount of context, these are
showing up as -

lies ONLY, about himself, about "his awareness," about "his
intentions," about "his abilities," and about "his knowledge of



That he, Gautama, or rather the personality he pretended to be, has
attracted a lot of good people, who nevertheless believed his lies,

- is a phenomenon that can easily be explained by and be
understood in Fine Particle Physics - and

"someone who claims to be THAT 'good,' 'can not possibly
be entirely evil and deceptive',"

is a minor yet easily grasped factor - of very many
factors - in that phenomenon which

accounts for all the good things that became contained in Buddhism,
as also the superficial student can easily observe.




So, to answer your statement: I have NOT ONLY fully encompassed the
source material of Buddhism, but I have ALSO gone very far beyond,
to actually understand it,

and - rather than by being IN and remaining immersed IN its very
devious Energies as you are desiring others to remain -

I have worked my way through those Energies (those ideas, feelings,
emotions, pains, forces, euphorias, unconsciousnesses) to become
free enough of these, *(1)

so that I can look AT it from a free viewpoint as connected to all
of life.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Solomon's wisdom was greater
than the wisdom of
all the men of the East,
and greater
than all the wisdom of Egypt.'


(a) Some psychics can't make up their mind, as to whether Life
Energies are Particles or Vibrations, so these PARTICLES
are called by them "Vibrations," they talk about "Higher,
or Lower, Vibrations," by which they mean, the quality

- the content, the intention, the capacity and the color,

if you have NOT been made blind, then you can
actually SEE the Particles, their colors, their
shapes, their motion *(5)

with which I mean to say, that YOU HAVE BEEN MADE BLIND
by Criminal Minds, and are continuously so made and kept

by the constant hitting of Harmful Energies

- including Black or Unawareness-producing Energy

by Al Gore, for instance, with his pretending
to "expose uncomfortable truth," he is

HIDING the most uncomfortable truth, of

Criminal Minds hitting various Harmful Energies AT
you, at your soul and into your body, *(6)

to block your perception, so that you will not see
the nature or the content or the intention (the Energy)

of these PARTICLES.


Already in high-school physics

(in which you learn Small Particle Physics, which
includes optics or the study of light)

that confusion is introduced and then maintained,

BECAUSE they do not study Fine Particle Physics

of the smallest particles, which are Life Energy

that Michelson and Morley "proved" "not to exist"
in their Small Particle Physics (atoms, photons and
electrons, etc.)

- you might as well "prove," with the Criminal
Minds Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking,
that "Life does not exist," in their Small
Particle Physics, where

"Non-existence" of the basic nature and
particles of life, was "proven" and their
"non-existence" will forever continue to be
"proven" BY CRIMINAL MINDS, at CERN *(4) for
instance - and in this case

by means of some rotating mirrors that bounce back
and reflect Small Particles - photons - but OF
COURSE NOT FINE Particles, not Life Energy Particles
because these do not at all conform to the SMALL
Particle laws of gravity, of mass or of inertia.


Some people who can't see very well - such as police detectives,
who thus have to uses psychics - call these Particles "visions,"
or "another dimension," or "inexplicable,"

but they are just Particles - Life Energy Particles, they are.

These can connect, and they contain things (images, feelings,
etc.) and they can do things, and they can solidify into objects
of course. *(8)


(*) See Attachment.

(1) 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism'
{HRI 20060816-V5.0}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.0 on 1 Nov 2006)

(2) '(Part Six) Too Far ABOVE The Journalists - People ARE not
"Anti-American" ' (Buddhism, The Buddha, Milarepa)
{HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}
(6 January 2007 - part issue 6 on 13 Sept 2007 - Version 2.1
on 14 Sept 2007)
Also issued as:
'Koos Nolst Trenite - On Siddhartha Gautama, or Gotama,
"the Buddha," in {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1.1}'
'Koos Nolst Trenite - On Siddhartha Gautama, or Gotama,
"the Buddha," in {HRI 20070106-V3.0-pi6-V2.1}'

(3) 'What is Monotheism, Unconfusing Christianity, Islam and Judaism'
{HRI 20070914-V2.2.1}
(14 Sept 2007 - Version 2.2.1 on 7 Oct 2007)
{HRI 20070914-V2.2}

(4) 'Defining God correctly - 'Heaven' and 'The Last Supper,'
Charlemagne and Leonardo da Vinci - Europe'
{HRI 20080406-V2.0} [or upcoming, later version]
(6 April 2008 - Version 2.0 on 7 Apr 2008)

(5) Leadbeater, Charles, at Yale University Faculty of Chemistry's

(6) 'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)

(7) See Textnote (a) of
'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity'
{HRI 20040619-V4.1}
(19 June 2004 - Version 4.1 on 16 May 2007)

(8) See 'Introduction to Fine Particle Physics' ('iFPP'), elsewhere.

(9) 'Genuine Art - Producing It, Recognizing It' (GA-PITRIT)
{HRI 20021220}
(20 Dec 2002)

(10) 'Definition Of Insane - Relation To Humor' (DOI)
{HRI 20030205-V2.3.3}
(5 Feb 2003 - Version 2.3.3 on 13 May 2007)

(11) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)

(12) 'Introduction To Journalism Course' (Nov 2007) (700KB unzipped)
(1 December 2007)


'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
{HRI 20070520-V3.2}
(20 May 2007 - Version 3.2 on 17 Feb 2008)

'Criminal Minds prevent you from knowing The Nature of War'
- Quote from {HRI 20051027-V1.6} 'The Nature Of War'
(7 April 2006 quote of 7 November 2005 version)

'The Nature of War'
{HRI 20051027-V1.8.1}
(27 Oct 2005 - Version 1.8.1 on 4 May 2007)

'Intro to 'A Masterpiece of Knowledge and Understanding
- As by King Solomon Himself - Surpasses Everyone Else's By Far'
- {HRI 20051120-V5.2-intro-v1.2} to 'Consequences Of Not Facing
A Criminal Mind As Head Of State'
(23 Aug 2006 - Introduction version 1.2 on 25 Aug 2006)


'Koos Nolst Trenite far SENIOR to Buddhism or Hindu knowledge' -
with quotes from 'Explaining the Scale of Sanity' {HRI 20040619}
(11 October 2007 - quoted)

'Christians and Muslims and Jews, who DENY past lives, drive
people into Buddhism and Hinduism and its various modern cults'
{HRI 20061105-V2.2}
(5 November 2006 - Version 2.2 on 9 Nov 2006)

'Why Buddhists and Hindus Hate God'
{HRI 20071021-V2.0}
(Advanced Fine Particle Physics {FPP 20071021-V2.0})
(encl. 'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism
and New-Age Cults' {HRI 20050514-V3.1})
(21 October 2007 - Version 2.0 on 21 Oct 2007)

'The "Become Perfect"-Mind-Control of Hinduism, Buddhism and
New-Age Cults'
{HRI 20050514-V3.1}
(14 May 2005 - Version 3.1 on 14 June 2005)

'Purpose For Studying Hinduism And Buddhism'
{HRI 20030608}
(8 June 2003)



Copyright 2007,2008 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it.
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific 'agenda,' but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com




On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 14:16:01 -0600, Lenn Gray wrote,
in alt.binaries.paranormal:

> Date: 8 Nov 2007 14:16:01 -0600
> From: lenngray <lenngray@lenngray@yahoo.com>
> Lines: 12
> Message-ID: <47336e28$0$261$bb4e3ad8@newscene.com>
> Newsgroups: alt.binaries.paranormal
> Subject: Koos, I'm curious ...
> Which doctrines of Buddhism do you disapprove of?
> Do you believe that the body does not decay and die?
> Do you think Grasping, Aversion, Hatred, or Delusion
> are good things?
> Do you think Mindfulness, Generosity, Kindness,
> Compassion or Equanimity are bad?
> I'd say you have _not_ touched the actual source
> material nor the essence of Buddhism.

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