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GloboJøden på SOL Debatt
Fra : Trond Halvorsen

Dato : 07-08-07 01:49

"god dag"-jøden gir seg ikke:

pass deg
Skrevet av god dag 2.august.2007, kl 17:00

advar din familie og venner mot etniske angrep!

GloboJøden planlegger å skrive noen jødenyheter og later som han er
antisemitt for å dekke over det:

pass deg
Skrevet av Globoiden 2.august.2007, kl 22:55

selv, din halvhjerne. Pass deg så ikke den andre halvdelen også


Så kommer nyhetene:

Lovens lange tarm
Skrevet av 'Globoiden', 2.august.2007, kl.23:33


Nå anmelder de seg selv. Hva skal man si... Har det klikka helt for
dem nå? Kan ikke være heteslag i alle fall, så surt og trist som det
har vært i hovedstaden i sommer.

Hvem skal forresten arrestere dem dersom de blir dømt? Blir det s.k.
citizens arrest, eller?


Skrevet av 'Silverstein', 2.august.2007, kl.23:46

SÅR: Advokat Øyvind Solberg viser hvordan ryggen hans så ut etter noen
timer med Oslo-politiet.

Jeg har vært i litt kontakt med politiet jeg, az. Man blir ikke hengt
opp og piska...

En ny tråd 50 minutter senere:

--White Nights--
Skrevet av 'Globoiden', 3.august.2007, kl.00:36


Når kommer politikerne på banen? Faen, bordet, mener jeg.


Skrullete greier
Skrevet av Silverstein 3.august.2007, kl 03:46

"Kokain rett i dass"
"Tester fra kloakken viser at det sniffes 8.000 brukerdoser daglig i
"Nordmenn har for mye penger, sier oslopolitiet."

Løsningen er å stjele alle pengene til nordmennene.

Hvorfor driver du og legger fram disse skrullete nyhetene fra
Jødeavisen hele tiden?

Skrevet av Globoiden 3.august.2007, kl 10:09

selv om menneskeheten generelt representerer et irritasjonsmoment for
meg, så kan man jo alltids ta seg tid til å more seg litt over all


menneskeheten generelt
Skrevet av Jew Exterminator 3.august.2007, kl 10:29

"menneskeheten generelt"

Så, det var ikke typisk jødebløffer, nei. Liksom...

5 minutter senere har GloboJøden funnet en avsporing og starter en
tråd hvor han virker helt forferdet over dagens situasjon:

Å nei!!!!
Skrevet av Globoiden 3.august.2007, kl 10:34

Kjell Inge Røkke gir i det stille Leif Arne Langøy 36 millioner i
året! Stakkars Reinås, han får bare 5!!!

Jeg foreslår en innsamlingsaksjon slik at norske ledere kan få det de
fortjener. 30 millioner i året bør være et minimum, de må jo ha til
smør på flesket. Vi snakker om menn som tross alt har valgt bort
familien sin, og tilbringer mesteparten av livet sitt med å skape
verdier for samfunnet og sine eiere. Det er jo synd i slike



SOL Spør: - Å nei, å nei!! Er det helt sant?!?
Skrevet av SOL-redaksjonen (M) 3.august.2007, kl 11:34

Skal det være sånn?
Er det noe vi burde ha gjort anderledes?
Hva skal vi gjøre nå?
Hvor skal vi gå?
Hei og hå!


university of texas scientology cia trash....zionist sheep like Alex
Jones are being exposed

E11Effer only trust reputable zionist's wikipedia

The only people that want you to believe Jew is a race are: Racists!
Real Jews (the religious practitioners) are racist. Inbreeding cults
are not a race.

Many catholics are taught that they are born catholic. -Leave that
kind of thinking to them.

9/11 Final Truth:
I have already told you here several times, that Zionists are
scapegoats for Jews. Those of you who still use the word can be
identified as Jews.

Madthumbs, you're a part of the Suzette/Eric/Daryl act.

>From http://www.planetquo.com:

Suzette bite me! Eat shit and die!! Or fuck off !! Jesus shoud have
been a victim of abortion!!! Are you getting my message??


You can swear at me, that;'s all right. But it is not all right that
you are blaspheming Our Lord. The Talmudic Jews would be very proud of
you! Madthumbs was right about one thing. You are anti-Christian.

I think it's clear where you stand. This has been noted. When you and
Eric say investigate all truthtellers, you are not applying this some
standard to yourselves.

Go fuck yourself and all that think like you! Do not write me any more
you asshole!!!!!!

you saw that also? crazy

And you are the person that defines what a Jew is?
Suzette is a religion controlled racist if not a straight up
disinformation agent. I'm against racism and all nutjobs associated
with these people who whitewash religion's role, human nature's
copying of like people (media's control), and the corruption brought
about by power.

9/11 Final Truth:
Suzette is a Jew. Suzette, Daryl, Eric Hufschmid and Mike Piper are
friends. They're acting. They're pretending to have a fight, just like
Fetzer and Jones are pretending.

You're on the stage too. You're a Jew.

Jew = liar

- "Zionitst are scapegoats for Jews"
- "And you are the person that defines what a Jew is?"

I've already showed you that Piper and Hufschmid are actors who blame
Zionists. They're Jews. Eric Hufschmid confirmed that even clearer
when he in despair bragged about how smart he thought Jews were.

Those who knew that 9/11 was a Jew Job when it happened, those who
know that Jews are behind all the wars, those who know that media is
owned by Jews, those who know about all the Jewish hoaxes and pretend
not to know, are the Jews I'm talking about. If you find anyone who
says he's a Jew not knowing about any of this, he must have been trick-
converted by a Jew.

Email from a desperate Jew:

Trond...its me again...just give me a fucking chance...

Its me the one you called a jew and told me to fuck off...

I told you i have great material i want to share it with someone that
has video editing skills but the more i look at ALL this "truth
teller" websites the more i smell rat...you are the ONLY ONE i

Im so desperate to try to find someone i trust that IM BEGGING you to
give me a chance to expose my point...

And dont call me "jew" and other names or get so vicious...even if i
gad bad intentions what would i do?? Kill you over the internet???

The only way he can get his point out is by telling it to me. He must
think I control the media...

if you werent so focused on everyone else and sought the truth from
Jesus alone, you wouldnt be so confused as to who is a Jew and who is

9/11 Final Truth:
It's stupid going around thinking so much about dead people and
ghosts. Jesus was lying Jew. He didn't walk on water, you stupid

The witness accounts are about as worthless as those who saw a plane
hit the Pentagon.

Only a son of Satan would speak such blasphemies against the Son of

The Sons of the synagogue of Satan.

9/11 Final Truth:
"son of Satan"

I told my dad that you said he was an evil ghost. He said that if you
say that again he's gonna strike you by lightning...

My MySpace account was finally deleted - for the 6th time...

Not that there is much point in replying to you, but for record's
sake, "Rupert Murdoch" owns myspace. Tom is for lack of a better word,
a "lure". A poster boy to make everyone feel at home. In other words
probably owned by a wealthy "undercover" Jewish person that is going
to use all of the latest snooping devices to keep your name on a

Posted by Candi on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 3:14 AM

I see the person I responded with the above post to this has been, not
surprisingly, deleted. Only problem is now the reference to "Jewish"
in my post will not be seen as a sarcasm directed at the deleted
persons anti-Semitic dribble. With exception to that, all else is

Posted by Candi on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 3:57 PM


Trond Halvorsen

Usenet Rulez (07-08-2007)
Fra : Usenet Rulez

Dato : 07-08-07 17:44

Trond Halvorsen <trondhalvorsen@hotmail.com> skrev i
news:1186447755.435536.34770@d55g2000hsg.googlegroups.com i swnet.politik
den ti 07 aug 2007 02:49:15a

> "god dag"-jøden gir seg ikke:
> pass deg
> Skrevet av god dag 2.august.2007, kl 17:00
> advar din familie og venner mot etniske angrep!
> -------------------------------------------------
> GloboJøden planlegger å skrive noen jødenyheter og later som han er
> antisemitt for å dekke over det:
> pass deg
> Skrevet av Globoiden 2.august.2007, kl 22:55
> selv, din halvhjerne. Pass deg så ikke den andre halvdelen også
> forsvinner.
> Globo.
> http://debatt.sol.no/show.fcgi?category=3500000000000013&conference=304
> osting=20500000002208325
> -------------------------------------------------
> Så kommer nyhetene:
> Lovens lange tarm
> Skrevet av 'Globoiden', 2.august.2007, kl.23:33
> http://www.nettavisen.no/innenriks/article1264388.ece
> Nå anmelder de seg selv. Hva skal man si... Har det klikka helt for
> dem nå? Kan ikke være heteslag i alle fall, så surt og trist som det
> har vært i hovedstaden i sommer.
> Hvem skal forresten arrestere dem dersom de blir dømt? Blir det s.k.
> citizens arrest, eller?
> Globo
> http://debatt.sol.no/show.fcgi?category=3500000000000013&conference=304
> osting=20500000002208374
> -------------------------------------------------
> Øøøh
> Skrevet av 'Silverstein', 2.august.2007, kl.23:46
> SÅR: Advokat Øyvind Solberg viser hvordan ryggen hans så ut etter noen
> timer med Oslo-politiet.
> http://pub.tv2.no/multimedia/na/archive/00477/_YVIND_SOLBERG_477295a.jpg
> Jeg har vært i litt kontakt med politiet jeg, az. Man blir ikke hengt
> opp og piska...
> -------------------------------------------------
> En ny tråd 50 minutter senere:
> --White Nights--
> Skrevet av 'Globoiden', 3.august.2007, kl.00:36
> http://www.nettavisen.no/innenriks/article1073728.ece
> Når kommer politikerne på banen? Faen, bordet, mener jeg.
> Globo
> http://debatt.sol.no/show.fcgi?category=3500000000000013&conference=304
> osting=20500000002208484
> -------------------------------------------------
> Skrullete greier
> Skrevet av Silverstein 3.august.2007, kl 03:46
> "Kokain rett i dass"
> "Tester fra kloakken viser at det sniffes 8.000 brukerdoser daglig i
> Oslo."
> "Nordmenn har for mye penger, sier oslopolitiet."
> Løsningen er å stjele alle pengene til nordmennene.
> Hvorfor driver du og legger fram disse skrullete nyhetene fra
> Jødeavisen hele tiden?
> -------------------------------------------------
> Fordi...
> Skrevet av Globoiden 3.august.2007, kl 10:09
> selv om menneskeheten generelt representerer et irritasjonsmoment for
> meg, så kan man jo alltids ta seg tid til å more seg litt over all
> idiotien.
> Globo
> -------------------------------------------------
> menneskeheten generelt
> Skrevet av Jew Exterminator 3.august.2007, kl 10:29
> "menneskeheten generelt"
> Så, det var ikke typisk jødebløffer, nei. Liksom...
> -------------------------------------------------
> 5 minutter senere har GloboJøden funnet en avsporing og starter en
> tråd hvor han virker helt forferdet over dagens situasjon:
> Å nei!!!!
> Skrevet av Globoiden 3.august.2007, kl 10:34
> Kjell Inge Røkke gir i det stille Leif Arne Langøy 36 millioner i
> året! Stakkars Reinås, han får bare 5!!!
> Jeg foreslår en innsamlingsaksjon slik at norske ledere kan få det de
> fortjener. 30 millioner i året bør være et minimum, de må jo ha til
> smør på flesket. Vi snakker om menn som tross alt har valgt bort
> familien sin, og tilbringer mesteparten av livet sitt med å skape
> verdier for samfunnet og sine eiere. Det er jo synd i slike
> mennesker!
> http://e24.no/boers-og-finans/article1919016.ece
> Globo
> http://debatt.sol.no/show.fcgi?category=3500000000000013&conference=304
> osting=20500000002208689
> -------------------------------------------------
> SOL Spør: - Å nei, å nei!! Er det helt sant?!?
> Skrevet av SOL-redaksjonen (M) 3.august.2007, kl 11:34
> Skal det være sånn?
> Er det noe vi burde ha gjort anderledes?
> Hva skal vi gjøre nå?
> Hvor skal vi gå?
> Tra-la-la-bom!
> Hei og hå!
> SOL-redaksjonen
> -------------------------------------------------
> BinkyClowner:
> university of texas scientology cia trash....zionist sheep like Alex
> Jones are being exposed
> ---
> bpocatch:
> E11Effer only trust reputable zionist's wikipedia
> ---
> Madthumbs:
> The only people that want you to believe Jew is a race are: Racists!
> Real Jews (the religious practitioners) are racist. Inbreeding cults
> are not a race.
> Many catholics are taught that they are born catholic. -Leave that
> kind of thinking to them.
> ---
> 9/11 Final Truth:
> I have already told you here several times, that Zionists are
> scapegoats for Jews. Those of you who still use the word can be
> identified as Jews.
> Madthumbs, you're a part of the Suzette/Eric/Daryl act.
>>From http://www.planetquo.com:
> Daryl:
> Suzette bite me! Eat shit and die!! Or fuck off !! Jesus shoud have
> been a victim of abortion!!! Are you getting my message??
> Suzette:
> Daryl,
> You can swear at me, that;'s all right. But it is not all right that
> you are blaspheming Our Lord. The Talmudic Jews would be very proud of
> you! Madthumbs was right about one thing. You are anti-Christian.
> I think it's clear where you stand. This has been noted. When you and
> Eric say investigate all truthtellers, you are not applying this some
> standard to yourselves.
> Daryl:
> Go fuck yourself and all that think like you! Do not write me any more
> you asshole!!!!!!
> ---
> bpocatch:
> you saw that also? crazy
> ---
> Madthumbs:
> And you are the person that defines what a Jew is?
> [...]
> Suzette is a religion controlled racist if not a straight up
> disinformation agent. I'm against racism and all nutjobs associated
> with these people who whitewash religion's role, human nature's
> copying of like people (media's control), and the corruption brought
> about by power.
> ---
> 9/11 Final Truth:
> Suzette is a Jew. Suzette, Daryl, Eric Hufschmid and Mike Piper are
> friends. They're acting. They're pretending to have a fight, just like
> Fetzer and Jones are pretending.
> You're on the stage too. You're a Jew.
> Jew = liar
> - "Zionitst are scapegoats for Jews"
> - "And you are the person that defines what a Jew is?"
> I've already showed you that Piper and Hufschmid are actors who blame
> Zionists. They're Jews. Eric Hufschmid confirmed that even clearer
> when he in despair bragged about how smart he thought Jews were.
> Those who knew that 9/11 was a Jew Job when it happened, those who
> know that Jews are behind all the wars, those who know that media is
> owned by Jews, those who know about all the Jewish hoaxes and pretend
> not to know, are the Jews I'm talking about. If you find anyone who
> says he's a Jew not knowing about any of this, he must have been trick-
> converted by a Jew.
> Email from a desperate Jew:
> --
> Trond...its me again...just give me a fucking chance...
> Its me the one you called a jew and told me to fuck off...
> I told you i have great material i want to share it with someone that
> has video editing skills but the more i look at ALL this "truth
> teller" websites the more i smell rat...you are the ONLY ONE i
> trust...
> Im so desperate to try to find someone i trust that IM BEGGING you to
> give me a chance to expose my point...
> And dont call me "jew" and other names or get so vicious...even if i
> gad bad intentions what would i do?? Kill you over the internet???
> --
> The only way he can get his point out is by telling it to me. He must
> think I control the media...
> --------------------
> BinkyClowner:
> if you werent so focused on everyone else and sought the truth from
> Jesus alone, you wouldnt be so confused as to who is a Jew and who is
> not.
> --------------------
> 9/11 Final Truth:
> It's stupid going around thinking so much about dead people and
> ghosts. Jesus was lying Jew. He didn't walk on water, you stupid
> idiot.
> The witness accounts are about as worthless as those who saw a plane
> hit the Pentagon.
> --------------------
> BinkyClowner:
> Only a son of Satan would speak such blasphemies against the Son of
> God.
> The Sons of the synagogue of Satan.
> --------------------
> 9/11 Final Truth:
> "son of Satan"
> I told my dad that you said he was an evil ghost. He said that if you
> say that again he's gonna strike you by lightning...
> My MySpace account was finally deleted - for the 6th time...
> --
> Not that there is much point in replying to you, but for record's
> sake, "Rupert Murdoch" owns myspace. Tom is for lack of a better word,
> a "lure". A poster boy to make everyone feel at home. In other words
> probably owned by a wealthy "undercover" Jewish person that is going
> to use all of the latest snooping devices to keep your name on a
> list.
> Posted by Candi on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 3:14 AM
> I see the person I responded with the above post to this has been, not
> surprisingly, deleted. Only problem is now the reference to "Jewish"
> in my post will not be seen as a sarcasm directed at the deleted
> persons anti-Semitic dribble. With exception to that, all else is
> true.
> Posted by Candi on Saturday, August 04, 2007 at 3:57 PM
> -------------------------------------------------
> bpocatch:
> Sweet!
> http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=ll_chat&Number=
> 699&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=21&part=all&vc=1&t=-1
> --
> Trond Halvorsen

och vad fan exakt har judar gjort danmark?

Usenet Perkele Rulez
perv perv perv perv


"As someone once said, "Getitng into a fight on-line is like being in the
Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard."


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