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Rushdie: 'We're all living under a fatwa n~
Fra : Michael Laudahn eOpp~

Dato : 21-06-07 17:04

Fundet på uk.politics.misc:

"Pakistan is one assassination away from having Islamic fanatics in
charge of a functioning nuclear weapon, which they may not mind


""One of the great untold stories of al-Qa'ida is that they are all
these men who fuck little boys. They all have these disciples who
they're ostensibly training in the way of the warrior, but they're
also enjoying. ""

Rushdie has looked down the barrel of Islamism, smelt its cordite,
and survived. So he is perpetually being asked - how do we lift the
collective fatwa on our transport systems, our nightclubs, our cities?
How do we scrape meaning from his misery?
"When people ask me how the West should adapt to Muslim sensitivities,
I always say - the question is the wrong way round.
The West should go on being itself.
There is nothing wrong with the things that for hundreds of years have
been acceptable - satire, irreverence, ridicule, even quite rude
commentary - why the hell not?

"But you see it every day, this surrender," he says. He runs through a
list of the theatres and galleries that have censored themselves in
the face of religious fundamentalist protests. He mentions that the
entire British media - from the BBC down - placed itself in purdah
during the Mohammed cartoons episode. "What I fear most is that, when
we look back in 25 years' time at this moment, what we will have seen
is the surrender of the West, without a shot being fired. They'll say
that in the name of tolerance and acceptance, we tied our own hands
and slit our own throats. One of the things that have made me live my
entire life in these countries is because I love the way people live

"He fears that many people are wilfully misunderstanding the new
Islamist virus that has spread through this new world. "People have
been so knocked off balance by what's going on that their normally
well-functioning moral sense seems to have lost its footing." After 18
years in the Islamist cross-hairs, Rushdie wants - needs - people to
understand that this new Islamic fundamentalism is not simply the lump
sum of all the bad things the West has done to Muslims, reflected back
at us."

At the time of the fatwa, Rushdie was widely known as a fierce and
fearsome critic of US foreign policy, a man who condemned Israel's
"monstrous" occupation of Palestinian lands, a man who damned Margaret
Thatcher as " Mrs Torture" and warned that "British society has never
been cleansed of the filth of imperialism". He risked his life
traipsing through the jungles of Nicaragua to expose Ronald Reagan's
illegal funding of a horde of neo-fascist guerrillas trying to topple
the country's elected government.

It made no difference. He had questioned the Official Story of Islam,
trying to open it up to the mixed, metaphorical dream-worlds of the
modern metropolis - and for that, he had to be butchered. "It's one
thing to criticise the way in which the American government is
behaving, or the British government, and I have a lot of criticisms of
that - in fact, nothing but criticisms," he says now. "But it's
another thing to fail to see that an enemy actually exists and is
extremely serious about what he wishes to do.

"If tomorrow the Israel/Palestine issue was resolved to the total
happiness of all parties, it would not diminish the amount of
terrorism coming out of al-Qa'ida by one jot. It's not what they're
after," he adds, his foot tapping against mine as he leans forward.
"Yes, it's a recruiting tool, rhetorically. Many people see there's an
injustice there, and it helps them to get people into the gang, but
it's not what they want. What they want is to change the nature of
human life on earth into the image of the Taliban.
If you want the whole earth to look like Taliban Afghanistan, then
you're on the same side as them.
If you don't want that, you're not.
They do not represent the quest for human justice. That, I think, is
one of the great mistakes of the left."

He senses soft racism in the refusal to see Islamic fundamentalists
for what they are. When looking at the Christian fundamentalists of
the United States, most people see an autonomous movement of
superstitious madmen. But when they look at their Islamic equivalents,
they assume they cannot mean what they say.

It horrifies Rushdie that so many people in his natural political home
- the left - don't get it. They seem to imagine that when people call
for a novelist to be beheaded for blasphemy, they are really calling
for a return to the 1967 borders, or an independent Kashmir, or an end
to the occupation of Iraq.
But... but I remember after 9/11 that a lot of people did finally get
it, and I remember thinking - it's a shame that 3,000 people had to
die for something pretty obvious to get through people's heads."

No third-world immigration to the western world! Many danes think the same,
see e g

http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .

Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

Trunte (21-06-2007)
Fra : Trunte

Dato : 21-06-07 17:51


"Michael Laudahn eOpposition" <ch8050zh@yahoo.com.mx> skrev i en meddelelse
> Fundet på uk.politics.misc:
> "Pakistan is one assassination away from having Islamic fanatics in
> charge of a functioning nuclear weapon, which they may not mind
> using".
> http://news.independent.co.uk/people/profiles/article1868548.ece
> ""One of the great untold stories of al-Qa'ida is that they are all
> these men who fuck little boys. They all have these disciples who
> they're ostensibly training in the way of the warrior, but they're
> also enjoying. ""
> Rushdie has looked down the barrel of Islamism, smelt its cordite,
> and survived. So he is perpetually being asked - how do we lift the
> collective fatwa on our transport systems, our nightclubs, our cities?
> How do we scrape meaning from his misery?
> "When people ask me how the West should adapt to Muslim sensitivities,
> I always say - the question is the wrong way round.
> The West should go on being itself.
> There is nothing wrong with the things that for hundreds of years have
> been acceptable - satire, irreverence, ridicule, even quite rude
> commentary - why the hell not?
> "But you see it every day, this surrender," he says. He runs through a
> list of the theatres and galleries that have censored themselves in
> the face of religious fundamentalist protests. He mentions that the
> entire British media - from the BBC down - placed itself in purdah
> during the Mohammed cartoons episode. "What I fear most is that, when
> we look back in 25 years' time at this moment, what we will have seen
> is the surrender of the West, without a shot being fired. They'll say
> that in the name of tolerance and acceptance, we tied our own hands
> and slit our own throats. One of the things that have made me live my
> entire life in these countries is because I love the way people live
> here."
> "He fears that many people are wilfully misunderstanding the new
> Islamist virus that has spread through this new world. "People have
> been so knocked off balance by what's going on that their normally
> well-functioning moral sense seems to have lost its footing." After 18
> years in the Islamist cross-hairs, Rushdie wants - needs - people to
> understand that this new Islamic fundamentalism is not simply the lump
> sum of all the bad things the West has done to Muslims, reflected back
> at us."
> At the time of the fatwa, Rushdie was widely known as a fierce and
> fearsome critic of US foreign policy, a man who condemned Israel's
> "monstrous" occupation of Palestinian lands, a man who damned Margaret
> Thatcher as " Mrs Torture" and warned that "British society has never
> been cleansed of the filth of imperialism". He risked his life
> traipsing through the jungles of Nicaragua to expose Ronald Reagan's
> illegal funding of a horde of neo-fascist guerrillas trying to topple
> the country's elected government.
> It made no difference. He had questioned the Official Story of Islam,
> trying to open it up to the mixed, metaphorical dream-worlds of the
> modern metropolis - and for that, he had to be butchered. "It's one
> thing to criticise the way in which the American government is
> behaving, or the British government, and I have a lot of criticisms of
> that - in fact, nothing but criticisms," he says now. "But it's
> another thing to fail to see that an enemy actually exists and is
> extremely serious about what he wishes to do.
> "If tomorrow the Israel/Palestine issue was resolved to the total
> happiness of all parties, it would not diminish the amount of
> terrorism coming out of al-Qa'ida by one jot. It's not what they're
> after," he adds, his foot tapping against mine as he leans forward.
> "Yes, it's a recruiting tool, rhetorically. Many people see there's an
> injustice there, and it helps them to get people into the gang, but
> it's not what they want. What they want is to change the nature of
> human life on earth into the image of the Taliban.
> If you want the whole earth to look like Taliban Afghanistan, then
> you're on the same side as them.
> If you don't want that, you're not.
> They do not represent the quest for human justice. That, I think, is
> one of the great mistakes of the left."
> He senses soft racism in the refusal to see Islamic fundamentalists
> for what they are. When looking at the Christian fundamentalists of
> the United States, most people see an autonomous movement of
> superstitious madmen. But when they look at their Islamic equivalents,
> they assume they cannot mean what they say.
> It horrifies Rushdie that so many people in his natural political home
> - the left - don't get it. They seem to imagine that when people call
> for a novelist to be beheaded for blasphemy, they are really calling
> for a return to the 1967 borders, or an independent Kashmir, or an end
> to the occupation of Iraq.
> But... but I remember after 9/11 that a lot of people did finally get
> it, and I remember thinking - it's a shame that 3,000 people had to
> die for something pretty obvious to get through people's heads."
> --
> No third-world immigration to the western world! Many danes think the
> same,
> see e g
> http://www.dendanskeforening.dk/index.asp?id=27 .
> Don't surrender, keep on fighting !!!

Knud Larsen (22-06-2007)
Fra : Knud Larsen

Dato : 22-06-07 08:56

Trunte wrote:

> ZZ....

Du burde læse det lange interview med Rushdie på The Independent, det var
virkelig godt, - og det ER jo rigtig at vi alle lever under en fatwa. Det er
derfor det tager to timer i lufthavenen, og derfor vi skynder os væk fra
Nørreport station.

Ingen troede på Rushdie før WTC, man mente at disse islamister kun var ude
efter ham og nogle få andre, og så betød det jo ikke noget, men så fik vi
WTC, London, Bali og Madrid, og så vågnede *nogle* af de mange som ikke
kunne se noget problem ved islamismens fremstormen.

Sigvald (21-06-2007)
Fra : Sigvald

Dato : 21-06-07 21:12

On 21 Jun, 18:51, "Trunte" <seie...@stofanet.dk> wrote:
> ZZ....

Denne arrogante måten å avfeie Salman Rushidies bekymringer omkring
islams fremmarsj på stinker det psykopati (basert på Edvin Viks
klassiske psykopatdefinisjoner) av.


Ingolf-X (22-06-2007)
Fra : Ingolf-X

Dato : 22-06-07 11:13

Sigvald wrote:
> On 21 Jun, 18:51, "Trunte" <seie...@stofanet.dk> wrote:
>> ZZ....
> Denne arrogante måten å avfeie Salman Rushidies bekymringer omkring
> islams fremmarsj på stinker det psykopati (basert på Edvin Viks
> klassiske psykopatdefinisjoner) av.

*FAEN I HELVETE* *!* Nå har det vært stille fra deg en måned, men så øser
det inn med sinnsykt vrøvl (som vanlig). Og kunklusjonene da dere...alle som
[...] bør stemme FrP til høsten, FrP som er et parti i fritt fall og som
faller på meningsmålingene hver bidige dag. Man trenger Frp. Man trenger et
bitte lite Frp, som kan danne hylekoret, og som selvsagt HAR løsningene på
ALLE dagens politiske og andre problemer. Dusteparti
Så 'topper du hele driten' ved å gjøre følgende:
On 20 Jun, 10:57, "Anders Nilsen" <andersnilsen_1...@hotmail.com>

> Det vil smelle i Tel Aviv. Det vil smelle i London. Det vil smelle i Roma
> (Vatikanstaten). Det vil smelle i Madrid. Det vil smelle i Washington. Det
> vil smelle i København. Det vil smelle over alt hvor palestinerens fiender
> befinner seg til verden omsider innser at Israel må nukes bort fra kartet
> for å skape fred i Midt-Østen.

Dette kommer fra en ekte kommunazist dere. Han kan knappest ha andre
forbilder enn Hitler, Stalin og Mao. Utover dette tilfredsstiller han
også Edvin Viks klassiske psykopatkriterier og Chris Joys
skrullingdefinisjoner til fulle.

Nok en gang ser man altså hvilke forskrudde folk du har som ballast for dine
meninger. Edvin Vik, en gal mann som ikke poster her mer. Chrisjoy, som
mener og tror bestemt at han er glupere enn de fleste og dermed gir hver
enkelt leser av det han skriver, kallenavn som 'idiot', 'skrullingen' 'den
hjernedøde' osv.

Hold deg til Donald du Sigvald. Det var bare SÅ mye bedre her uten dine
meningsløse skriverier.


Dag Fjellby (22-06-2007)
Fra : Dag Fjellby

Dato : 22-06-07 11:29

Ingolf-X wrote:
> Sigvald wrote:
>> On 21 Jun, 18:51, "Trunte" <seie...@stofanet.dk> wrote:
>>> ZZ....
>> Denne arrogante måten å avfeie Salman Rushidies bekymringer omkring
>> islams fremmarsj på stinker det psykopati (basert på Edvin Viks
>> klassiske psykopatdefinisjoner) av.
> *FAEN I HELVETE* *!* Nå har det vært stille fra deg en måned, men så
> øser det inn med sinnsykt vrøvl (som vanlig). Og kunklusjonene da
> dere...alle som [...] bør stemme FrP til høsten, FrP som er et parti
> i fritt fall og som faller på meningsmålingene hver bidige dag. Man
> trenger Frp. Man trenger et bitte lite Frp, som kan danne hylekoret,
> og som selvsagt HAR løsningene på ALLE dagens politiske og andre
> problemer. Dusteparti Så 'topper du hele driten' ved å gjøre følgende:

Ingolf. Slutt å *mate trollene*. Overse eller tie ihjel slike som Sigvald og
hans lille fanclub. Det er mye bedre enn å «fyre opp under» - som /kun/ gir
mer nærling til enda mer nedskrevet vås.

Dag Fjellby

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