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Arkitektur er for sjov at overlade til ark~
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 01-06-07 02:39

Arkitektur er for sjov at overlade til arkitekter

En vision om downtown boligmangel minimering

New York er skøn med korte afstande mellem mennesker fordi den tredje
dimension er nyttiggjort da skyskrabere opfandtes. Det bør dog ikke kopieres
i Tivoli og Christianshavn, men der kan bygges opad på samtlige tage da alt
er overforsigtigt overdimensioneret - så solbadning og grillparty bør kunne
ske på alle tage.

Over karnap-småtage på facaden af mit hus har jeg demonstreret en billig,
problemfri gør det selv løsning. Sådant kan og bør kopieres overalt, hvor
lejere er trætte af at vandre langt til nærmeste park når de vil have sol på
maven. Altaner er oftest for små og har kun sol i få timer.

Japan-Kina er god inspiration, fx deres flexible bambus-konstruktioner og
overnatning i "bagageboxe" ved Tokyo metrostationer, hvor den travle
forretningsmand, der ikke kan nå at rejse til sit hjem nu og da køber senge-
og elektronik-brug for en nat , i en "bred ligkiste" hvor han netop ikke kan
stå op.

Lidt højere studenterhybler og andre egoist-boliger kan opføres i de mange
ubrugte kultur-sale fx kirker, DR-koncerthus osv. Det svarer til at de
tidligste biografer ofte var højloftede som Palads og nu er blevet billigt
ombygget til talrige små biografer ved at ny gulve og skillevægge har opdelt

Opdeling af et kirkerum i snese af kollegieværelser behøver ikke nedbryde
kirken - skulle ægte behov for kirkesal opstå kan man fjerne de tynde
wireophængte gulve og skillevægge..

Moderne bygningselementer gør det billigt at forsyne disse mange ny
enmandsboliger med VVS og el installationer og trapper og korridorer.

Vanetænkning om separat keramisk badeværelse bør evt brydes - man kan
problemfrit have toilet og vask og brusekabine/karbad i hjørnet af sin
opholds-sove-kontor-stue. Opdelingens båsetænkning er dum.

Storbyer er ofte stolte af deres parker, der oprettedes da bil og metro ikke
var udbredt. Hvis der er timebetalt adgang til tagterasser på alle tage og
tilsvarende små haver hist og her, så kan måske også parker erstattes af
beboelseshuse og boligmanglen i bycentrum blive nær nul.

Den her skitserede kompakte by vil spares masser af opvarmnings og transport
energi - men bekvem adgang til midtbyens sociale liv er vigtigste argument,
mener jeg.

Mine egne eksperimenter er drevet af ytringsfriheds-kunstværks-behov og at
kommunen tvang mig til at investere mange titusinder i dyr brudsikker
polycarbonat-plexiglas ved at installere rudesmadrende autonome nær mit hus,
og nu skal det dyre plast så genbruges som halvtag og udestue, der bærer
politiske slogans.

Snart spænder jeg plastnet under de gennemsigtige 2 sals halvtage og
ophænger ikke kun politiske tekster men også isolerende lette vægge i nettet
(flamingoskum og gammelt tøj er genbrugt til vægge, der bliver flexible og
kan modstå storm. Why not? Liv i spejdertelt er skønt liv og tidens teknik
gør dette endnu bedre.)

At mure skal være solide er værn mod tyveri og krig, men ikke aktuelt ved
mine overbygninger og med elektroniske alarm og net-armering kan alle tunge
vægge erstattes af lette, i dag.

Arkitekt-snyltere dyrker tom prestige og upraktisk fordyrelse og har
statsvenner så private måske tvinges til at købe DR-koncerthuset til gengæld
for skattelettelser. Arkitekter som dem vil ikke kunne lide mine ideer, som
er glistrupske dvs samfundsgavnlige.


så er her en knap så god førsteudgave

Visions: More excellent living space downtown

New York is wonderful, as high houses mean short distances(short travelling
time), but Copenhagen is not benefited by a skyscraper in Tivoli.

Still, the mayor is right that growing upwards is needed - make roof
teracces on top of the houses everywhere, and on my low house I have
exemplified how this may be done extremely inexpensively

Tradition demand overcautiusness and too heavy constructions, and learning
from Japanese and Chinese flexible bamboo constructions is a good idea -
also in making concerthalls, theatres and churches into much needed downtown
living space, there people prefer their flat screen and don't visit the
large and tall culture-halls very often.

A good inspiration is the baggagebox-like "sleeping coffins" for one night
sleeping that are rented by busy officepeople in Tokyo, when they cannot
reach their suburban home certain nights.

These mini-hotels are not tall enough for standing up, they are only for for
sleeping and the use of electronics and has one room pr person - and nobody
gets sick from not having a window, of course.

The government owns our churches, and these would benefit greatly from being
shot down in more than half the cases, the remaining churches thus being
more full and active on Sundays.

This recipee also is fit for other underutilized cultural halls, of which
Danish cities have many.

The transformation into hundred one-person boxes in stead of one tall hall
may be done in a reversible way, making it possible to re-establish the old
beauty, should tastes change in the future.

The rooms should just exactly make it possible to stand up for 90% , and in
fact we sit and lie much more than we walk and stand, when at home and when
not being a playfull family with children or having parties. Downtown should
not copy the suburbian garden areas but supplement them.

Where the hall is 3 flat high, as was some of the movie cinemas fifty years
ago (Palads + )

you put strong hooks in the ceiling from where vertical wires support 2
strong suspended thin new floors, and then you have almost 3000 m2 useful
living space in stead of 1000 m2 prestigious hall. Noise is prohibited, e.g.
high music without earphones.

Less than 1% og the space needs being used on stairs and slim walking
tunnels for acces and a bit for electricity and plumbing installations.

Sink and toilet don't need a special room - why not have them in your
combined office and sleeping room.This is for people whose awake hours are
spent socially downtown or in front of a electronic screen, when at home or

I believe we would have such towns if the market freedom was better - and we
would have less parks. When nature is needed , car og metro brings you there
quickly - walking is out and walking created the parks that presently create
too long distances between people. They were a pompous and bad decision ,
but they probably need being maintained now.

Small gardens and green balconies may be squeezed in - if the terraces on
ALL roofs do not cover the needs for outdoor living. Not all people need to
own such space - it may be shared and payed by hour use. Remember that 150
years ago the tecknology did not make horizontal flat roofs tight

Walking along your slim "access tunnel"(corridor) you may suddenly see a
beautiful part of the cathedral that used to be there, and if that concerns
you, you press the screen and you see the original church from all angles,
which you hardly do today.

Savings on heat and transport will be tremendous - not that environment and
energy problems are likely to be serious, but if they were -why are
solutions like mine not discussed?

Visions create improvement and better life. Who want to experiment should be
offered freedom for such benefiting the neighbours in the long run.

I do so by creating a artwork of political freedom of speech,

My roof terrace carrying slogans on thin plast net, is however planned to
carry light walls of styropor and textiles and thin flexible plast sheets,
thus adding living space to my upper apartment.

Recirculation is recommended and should be approved in a case as mine. Only
if risk of heavy things falling down , municipal control should threaten
with fines.

Using old cloths and foam as flexible walls that might resist the
winterstorms is not a dangerous experiment..

Heavy walls were needed when war and burglers - today unbreakable metalnets
and electronic alarm could make all walls light-weight e.g. fireresistant
foam. with high insulation-value

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