"Poul Johannsen" skrev
> Jeg har SP2 Installeret. Selv windows cd er med SP2
> Jeg har lige repareret windows installation ved at vælger at reparerer
> installation.
> Orker ikke geninstallation, hvor jeg formaterer og skal aktiverer xp igen.
> Jeg kan manual installerer opdateringer, som jeg finder på microsoft uden
> problemer men 80 opdateringer er mange at finder. pyhaaaaa.
Bekræft, at dato og klokkeslæt er angivet korrekt
Jeg havde et lignende problem på 2 forskellige PC'er som anvendte Windows
Jeg løste problemet ved at anvende:
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.0
MBSA 2.0 offers extended security configuration checks beyond the other
Microsoft updating technologies.
Furthermore, MBSA 2.0 is designed to be used in conjunction with Microsoft
Update (MU), Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) and the SMS Inventory
Tool for Microsoft Updates (ITMU) in order to audit and verify the update
state of a target machine.
MBSA 2.0 offers complete consistency with the other tools since it also
utilizes the common Windows Update Agent (WUA) infrastructure.
Using this tool, I could determine which updates was missing on the PC's.
I had to download manually _some_ security updates, and then the automatic
windows update worked again (the update icon)
Thorkild Dalsgaard